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Donkey Kong Country Returns |OT| Retro Studios Has Done It Again!


Tricky I Shadow said:
I really can’t even fathom how anyone here could think this game lacks presentation.

Well the level selection screen is basically NSMBW's (minus detail). That's a start.


(more a nerd than a geek)
I liked it... didn't have any problems with the "shake to roll", once I got used to it. I really don't see the problems so many are having with them...

Someone said that if you start a game with a low battery, Cranky gives you a balloon bonus. I'll have to test that.

(While the game can be hard, it doesn't seem nearly as impossible as so many are saying... although I have to think it would have been easier if I had tried using the banana juice before unlocking Mirror Mode. Based on the description, I assumed it gave you a timed period of invincibility -- I just tried it out of curiosity and discovered that what it ACTUALLY does is give you 12 hit points instead of 2.)

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
If we're going to get into discussions about DKC's "soul" then I'd have to offer that the Factory world seems to channel the most Rare-like vibe of the game in terms of art direction and music.

After having finished the game then gone back to begin finishing every K level, my own feelings on it have settled into this plus/minus list:

+ Best 2.5d graphics I've ever seen, from both a technical perspective and art direction. Some may think it's "cartoony" but it's FAR less saccharine than Nintendo's modern trends. While it's different from Rare, it's still very rich in most worlds. A huge plus goes to every single solitary stage having a unique layout of background scenery and geometry. Massive attention to detail.

+ Superb execution of every platformer trope in the book, tied together better than nearly any other game (nearly) by how the gimmicks are worked into the theme and structure of each level.

+ Entirely non-nerfed difficulty, not as hard as some people are claiming/complaining about (you're rusty, guys! This ain't GnG hard.)

+ Good balance of unlockables vs merely collectibles. The KONG letters are placed in much more interesting locations than the special coins in NSMBWii and require more skill to get.

+/- The controls are a special case, because on one hand, there's no reason not to support all four control schemes. On the other, I cannot honestly say I have a problem with shake-to-roll in nunchuk+wiimote format. The control hate is over-exaggerated by the waggle police.

+/- The music is also in an odd place because there's a lot of great tracks here. Complaints about "midi" music seem to overlook the fact that it's using Retro's standard synth music tech, and is even overseen by the same - Japanese, even - music staff as the Metroid Prime games. So I wasn't surprised by the style and quality. It does not have the european feeling of the SNES games. Some of the tracks sound lessened. Others, I liked more. Mainly, I think there should have been more original tracks instead of leaning so heavily on the SNES playlist.

- The bosses are the weakest part of the game. I felt the world 7 boss was the best in the game and most entertaining to fight. In general though, the prob is that Retro seems to have tried to copy the design concept behind the SNES games - but those games mostly had one-on-one fights against random animals, that were limited in scope and scale by the poor technology of the time. After a lot of the recent epic scope boss fights in modern 2d and 3d platformers, these feel trite. The 2nd world boss is also terrible and boring.

Boo on world 9 not being a proper world in the Golden Temple. After all the work to unlock it, and calling it "world 9" just one stage? NSMBWii at least had a full set of levels for its bonus world. The fact that DKCR has a good theme even, that of an ancient and mysterious temple with magical powers, set the stage for a final world of pure platforming insanity. Something to put the K levels to shame.

On the whole, I think the flaws the game has are not the sort that can blunt its primary strong attributes. It's just plain a shockingly good platformer - and I mean literally shocking, as the face goes slack in amazement way too often over the course of the game. It's flaws are very real, and in a platformer with "only good" core gameplay or stage design, would drag it down quite a lot.

Also, at the risk of offending the Rare faithful, I truly don't believe Rare could have made a game this good - at any point in their history. They never demonstrated anywhere near this ability with platform design and certainly not complexity. That places DKCR in a strange place. On one hand, some of the specific aesthetics (the "soul") of DKC are different because Retro just isn't Rare. On the other, in the nitty gritty hard details of its mechanical design as a game, it's on an elite level that only folks like EAD inhabit.
_Alkaline_ said:
Echoes had the most faithful representation of the Pirates. All three were considerably different though from the traditional Zebesian design.

I don't care how "faithul" they are. The space pirates just looked plain goofy until we got to Prime 3 which finally made them feel intimidating and eerily alien. It always bothered me that other Metroid games wanted me to believe a species of alien could somehow build intricate machinery with their lobster claw hands. :p

edit: Although the Prime 1 pirates had the awesome attribute of FIRE COMING OUT OF THEIR EYES.


Gram Negative Cocci said:
Pfft, so you're talking about ancillary stuff like menus. Well yeah, the Prime games had awesome menu screens, for sure.

It's all part of the presentation. The game lacks personality, resembling something more Dreamworksy.

Love it or hate it, DKC was cool-cheesy/cheesy-cool, 90s-style. The point is, it had a personality, one punctuated with great music and memorable sound design. It's something that was represented in the rest of the game. DKCR seems to call back to it, but not really want to call back to it, and it doesn't do anything of its own either.

I do love the animation and the levels are very pretty, but it's only halfway there.

Now, it's just the presentation, and the level design is what really counts, but like I said, good presentation can make a game seem better than it really is (see SMG).
Are you advocating superficiality, Mr. Anihawk?

edit: How the hell, did I miss your last sentence? Hurpadurp.

edit 2: I get the feeling that Retro was pressured to get this out for the holidays. From the Iwata Asks on DKCR there was this pervasive undercurrent of how they were refining the levels constantly. I believe that was their focus, making a fun game. So they might've skimped on the few things that really didn't matter.


Tricky I Shadow said:
I really can’t even fathom how anyone here could think this game lacks presentation. The amount of detail is simply off the charts here! For it's genre it's simply incredible and doesn't really get any better...it's Godly!

Yeah, it really is a beautiful game, Wii or otherwise. Just started it tonight, played through the first world/area and the first level of the Beach area, and I'm really enjoying it. Everything from the presentation, to the platforming reminds of what I love most in a great platformer. Hope there are more cart levels. I really loved that.


AniHawk said:
Metroid Prime had a lot more going for it than that. The sounds the aliens made when you killed them (even if they were just bugs), the effects on Samus's visor, the design of the environments, and the creature/art/character design was far superior to DKCR. And of course, there's the music, which is fantastic. I'm not a fan of Metroid Prime, or its boss fights or anything of that sort, but as far as presentation goes, it's outstanding. It's in a completely different league.



So I just reached the end of world 4 and at this point I'm getting aggravated more then I'm having fun. There is zero room for error on the vehicle levels and after losing 30 lives on one stage..I'm calling it a night.

I think this may be the hardest nintendo platformer released in a very long time.

I'm getting too old for this...


Kaijima said:
Also, at the risk of offending the Rare faithful, I truly don't believe Rare could have made a game this good - at any point in their history. They never demonstrated anywhere near this ability with platform design and certainly not complexity. That places DKCR in a strange place. On one hand, some of the specific aesthetics (the "soul") of DKC are different because Retro just isn't Rare. On the other, in the nitty gritty hard details of its mechanical design as a game, it's on an elite level that only folks like EAD inhabit.
Agreed. The level design is definitely better than anything Rare has ever done.

What I think Rare did do better, especially in DKC2, is ambience. It's not like Retro misfired. They deliberately designed the music, enemies, and environments to be lighter (overall) and more saccharine. Also, one thing that really hasn't been discussed (that I've seen) is how much more pulled out the camera is compared to the previous DKC games. This was a great choice in terms of gameplay, but something is necessarily lost. The player is further divorced from Donkey/Diddy whereas in Rare's games, the camera is much closer and so there's a greater feeling of intimacy and immersion. The play is focused on the characters whereas DKCR has a greater focus on the environment.

The music, colour palette, and enemy design is also moodier and more sinister in DKC2. I personally prefer that and hope that Retro Studios, if they make DKC2, makes it a lot darker overall. I think they'd prefer to as well, but it depends on the direction (if any) that Nintendo provides them.

Kaijima said:
The control hate is over-exaggerated by the waggle police.
Over-exaggerated? Or just exaggerated? :p

Either way... no. It'd be just as ridiculous for me to say that you're understating the waggle flaw because you're part of the waggle defense force. I've never had a problem with waggle. But I can also identify when it's perhaps superfluous. Or, alternatively, when another control scheme could have been harmlessly included.

But we just happen to disagree. If it works for you, fine. But for many of us it is not optimal and undermines the experience.

Ranger X

Man this game is HARD.
Not only I gave up reaching gold times, I also gave up on the second K level for now. Not time to die 50 times tonight.


AniHawk said:
Well the level selection screen is basically NSMBW's (minus detail). That's a start.

The level select screens are one of my favorite parts of this and NSMBW. I have grown tired of platformers with overwrought hub worlds that do nothing but serve to delay the time until I can start the next level.
I actually thought the first K level was one of the hardest.....not sure why they put that one first, it raised my difficulty expectations for the other ones too high, and they gave me comparitively less trouble (though the spikey one was quite challenging)


Wow. Just beat the
golden temple.
So awesome!

now a mirror mode too?
100% completing this game will be a herculean task. Has anyone done it already?


DavidDayton said:
(While the game can be hard, it doesn't seem nearly as impossible as so many are saying... although I have to think it would have been easier if I had tried using the banana juice before unlocking Mirror Mode. Based on the description, I assumed it gave you a timed period of invincibility -- I just tried it out of curiosity and discovered that what it ACTUALLY does is give you 12 hit points instead of 2.)

Are you serious? I beat the game, and
world 9
without using any items...but that just seems like a game breaker (for certain non-vehicle levels, at least)! I thought it was like a star in mario.


I'm trying to love this game but it's not happening. A lot of the small details turn me off such as the lack of water stages, the lack of other ride-able animals, the change in Donkey & Diddy partner mechanic, the Mario-ish bright, colorful and cartoony visual design, etc. It just doesn't feel like the classic games. It's own thing and that's okay but not what I'm looking for.

And fuck, those rocket barrel stages. The controls, or lack thereof, are terrible and there's no damn room for error.


Tricky I Shadow said:
I really can’t even fathom how anyone here could think this game lacks presentation. The amount of detail is simply off the charts here! For it's genre it's simply incredible and doesn't really get any better...it's Godly!

And of course it’s not going to match the detail of the Metroid Prime trilogy, what a silly comparison. It's a platformer! The genre has restrictions, and yet Retro Studios still managed to push the quality to a new level!

I don't think you understand what is meant by 'presentation'.

Yes, the graphics are technically quite brilliant and impeccable, but consider:

- the (in my opinion) lacklustre enemy and boss designs. Hilariously, my wife took one look at me fighting the World 7 Boss and asked me: 'what the hell is a boring looking chicken in a Robotnik suit doing in a Donkey Kong Country game? Where are the lizard dudes? They were much better. It's not Donkey Kong Country without those things.'

- the very generic 'Cliffs', 'Caves', 'Jungle' level descriptions and themes;

- the simplistic overworld;

- the very dull menus, replete with clunky, unattractive fonts; and

- the fact that the game is stuffed to the gills with laughable designs, such as the generic pink pig and 'Super Kong' and so on. Honestly, why not have Funky Kong or Cranky Kong perform the 'Super Kong' function? Why not have another of the Kong clan act as the checkpoint marker? Why abandon so much of the classic DKC style and iconography (see wifely comments above)?

The gameplay is sublime and the technology is impressive, but Retro's presentation is a little uninspiring, save for a few artistically gorgeous touches such as the silhouette levels, etc.


I suspect that the actual level environments (eg, the lush backgrounds) were designed by different people than whatever scrubs were responsible for the presentation otherwise.

Adam J.

I thought the bosses looked great, but I guess I can see where some of you nostalgic folks are coming from. It's really weird--you can tell that Retro was trying to get away from Rare's designs, but they may have gone a bit too far, considering it's still a DKC game (still the same core concept, music, etc...)


ShockingAlberto said:
I am continually baffled by people who rate the entire existence of Donkey Kong Country on how involved the kremlings are

I was just thinking the exact same thing.

That must have a lot to do with the fact that I didn't play the DKC games until I was older. I guess I can understand, in a sense. If there were no koopas or goombas in a mario platformer I might wager a complaint. Even then, I don't think I'd dislike a game, or not be able to play it...

90% of the complaints in this thread just seem so...forced? But I guess different things matter more to different people. I love the game. I suspect a lot of it is because I never was that into the older games. They were okay, I played through them...but this is another league, for me.

EDIT: Oh yeah, the bosses were kind of weak..but still fun, for the most part. The chicken boss was actually one of my favorite. It cracked me up at first, and I had fun figuring it out.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
I agree with people saying DKCR doesn't quite match the highs of presentation in DKC2, but people saying it has weak presentation full stop are mental. Crazy. Bonkers.


Adam J. said:
I thought the bosses looked great, but I guess I can see where some of you nostalgic folks are coming from. It's really weird--you can tell that Retro was trying to get away from Rare's designs, but they may have gone a bit too far, considering it's still a DKC game (still the same core concept, music, etc...)
It has nothing to do with nostalgia. The DKC bosses weren't great either. But many of the bosses are really underwhelming in DKCR. The world 8 boss is actually fantastic (dunno if people disagree)... why couldn't they develop a few more bosses on that scale?


Socreges said:
It has nothing to do with nostalgia. The DKC bosses weren't great either. But many of the bosses are really underwhelming in DKCR. The world 8 boss is actually fantastic (dunno if people disagree)... why couldn't they develop a few more bosses on that scale?

I liked the gameplay of the 8 boss...I just like a little more build up. It came off as just another random battle. I much prefer a situation where a known boss is sought for, well, at least some amount of time, before the climax of the level, or (in this case) game.


Nicktals said:
I liked the gameplay of the 8 boss...I just like a little more build up. It came off as just another random battle. I much prefer a situation where a known boss is sought for, well, at least some amount of time, before the climax of the level, or (in this case) game.

I can agree with that. It would be nice if you'd get glimpses of bosses before you have to fight them. After the octopus level in world 2, I was really hoping the octopus would be the world 2 boss, but then was disappointed with the (awful) actual boss.


Kyleripman said:
I cropped the boxart into a wallpaper for widescreen monitors. It's not as nice as, say, a high-res shot of Sunset Shores, but I liked it well enough to share:

nice. was looking for a wallpaper for my laptop and this'll do very nicely.
any more where that came from?


I think in DKCR3, it's going to be revealed that K. Rool was behind the tikis and whatever happens in DKCR2 the whole time.

Brashnir said:
I can agree with that. It would be nice if you'd get glimpses of bosses before you have to fight them. After the octopus level in world 2, I was really hoping the octopus would be the world 2 boss, but then was disappointed with the (awful) actual boss.

Yeah, I agree with that. The octopus definitely should have been the world 2 boss.

But when I was replaying the levels for jiggies and KONGs, I noticed that you actually do encounter the three boss pirate crabs a few times throughout the Beach world. They're the ones firing at you in the level's rocket barrel level, then in one part you land on one of them after launching out of a barrel, and they appear a handful of other times.


Brashnir said:
I can agree with that. It would be nice if you'd get glimpses of bosses before you have to fight them. After the octopus level in world 2, I was really hoping the octopus would be the world 2 boss, but then was disappointed with the (awful) actual boss.

Ugh, seriously. And later in the game there's a big statue of him. And I was just sure he was going to make a triumphant return...But no. I really respect how often some awesome stuff really only appears once. But the bosses...not the best. At least I didn't have too much trouble with any of them.


KevinCow said:
Yeah, I agree with that. The octopus definitely should have been the world 2 boss.

But when I was replaying the levels for jiggies and KONGs, I noticed that you actually do encounter the three boss pirate crabs a few times throughout the Beach world. They're the ones firing at you in the level's rocket barrel level, then in one part you land on one of them after launching out of a barrel, and they appear a handful of other times.

I do vaguely remember that, now that you mention it. Though they seemed more like comedy-relief mooks than bosses at the times you encounter them.


EatChildren said:
I agree with people saying DKCR doesn't quite match the highs of presentation in DKC2, but people saying it has weak presentation full stop are mental. Crazy. Bonkers.

Presentation? Before I start get in to this argument, what exactly does that mean?


ShockingAlberto said:
I am continually baffled by people who rate the entire existence of Donkey Kong Country on how involved the kremlings are
You can't deny that the enemy cast of the original DKC games shit's all over the enemies in this one.


I died 20 times on 4-4. So far the rocket maps has been the hardest for me. They're a bitch to steer :/

rhino4evr said:
So I just reached the end of world 4 and at this point I'm getting aggravated more then I'm having fun. There is zero room for error on the vehicle levels and after losing 30 lives on one stage..I'm calling it a night.

I think this may be the hardest nintendo platformer released in a very long time.

I'm getting too old for this...

Don't get mad bro. I died alot too there. Luckily world 5 is more fun.


Brashnir said:
I do vaguely remember that, now that you mention it. Though they seemed more like comedy-relief mooks than bosses at the times you encounter them.

Yeah, I had problems with that...I was always hoping for more "safe" spots, especially later in the game...I have a hell of a time focusing on anything other than the front layer, with DK...So I was always looking for safe spots to stop and just look at the background...So thing that would come and go in the background, like flying ships, I would only notice in a broad sense, and not get any of the details.

My girlfriend wants me to teach her how to play, and go through the game with her...so maybe I'll get more of a chance to check out background visuals.

hyduK said:
You can't deny that the enemy cast of the original DKC games shit's all over the enemies in this one.

I deny it.

but really only because I want you to make a compelling argument, with pictures and support...and not because I remember the enemies of DKC, outside of the crocodile walking things.


EatChildren said:
I agree with people saying DKCR doesn't quite match the highs of presentation in DKC2, but people saying it has weak presentation full stop are mental. Crazy. Bonkers.

But those menus, that overworld, the lacklustre enemies and bosses... it isn't terrible, but it's very, very insipid compared to the moody heights of the DKC trilogy.

ShockingAlberto said:
I am continually baffled by people who rate the entire existence of Donkey Kong Country on how involved the kremlings are

i don't think anyone is putting it that highly.

Just imagine if EAD decided to replace koopa troopas, goombas and pirahna plants with generic barnyard animals, and let me know how you would feel about the developer's lackdaisal use of the franchise's iconography.


ShockingAlberto said:
I am continually baffled by people who rate the entire existence of Donkey Kong Country on how involved the kremlings are

i don't think anyone is putting it that highly.

Just imagine if EAD decided to replace koopa troopas, goombas and pirahna plants with generic barnyard animals, and let me know how you would feel about the developer's lackdaisal use of the franchise's iconography.


Sidzed2 said:
i don't think anyone is putting it that highly.

Just imagine if EAD decided to replace koopa troopas, goombas and pirahna plants with generic barnyard animals, and let me know how you would feel about the developer's lackdaisal use of the franchise's iconography.

You really only care because it's been so long since the last DKC. I understand. But honestly, if the gameplay is intact, mario could hop on aborted fetuses for all i care.
I still prefer rolling with a button like in all the DKC's then using waggle to roll. Completely unnecessary (especially for a platformer that requires accurate jumping), and hope it's optional in the next game.
Maffis said:
I died 20 times on 4-4. So far the rocket maps has been the hardest for me. They're a bitch to steer :/


Ive only done the first one, but found it incredibly easy.

Must have been all those hours playing "fly the copter" online. Exact same play mechanic


hydragonwarrior said:
I still prefer rolling with a button like in all the DKC's then using waggle to roll. Completely unnecessary (especially for a platformer that requires accurate jumping), and hope it's optional in the next game.

Everyone does. Let's leave it at that.

Man God said:
DKC bosses were always terrible.

Kremlings were also boring save for K Rool.

Deal with it.

You say that like leaping frogs are less boring than leaping lizards. But yea, it really doesn't matter.

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
The presentation argument does seem a bit blinded by sheer nostalgia to me. I've /got/ DKC 1 - 3 right here to turn 'em on and play 'em. Badly modeled early 90's CGI environments, check. Map screens that are "moody" I guess because the contrast is so dark and everything has that trademark Rare "shiny metal Reboot CG" look, well, I guess you can interpret that as being "serious" and not "cartoony".

Someone needs to do a quick photoshop of the map screen in DKCR, turn the brightness way down, pixilate it, and see if it looks mature and moody like an SNES game again :p

Hate to say it though, but the enemies in the SNES trilogy never struck me as very memorable; Rare was never very good (any good) with designing characters. For my tastes, the Kremlings were pretty bad, though K.Rool was more decent than the minor characters or other bosses. Maybe their best design outside of Banjo.

Thing is, DKC to me was always more about DK himself versus the environments. The new game has super atmospheric environments that are also super alive, and are /definitely and for suuuuuure/ your true enemy.

So maybe that's why, to me, the new game seems entirely like Donkey Kong Country.
Kaijima said:
The presentation argument does seem a bit blinded by sheer nostalgia to me. I've /got/ DKC 1 - 3 right here to turn 'em on and play 'em. Badly modeled early 90's CGI environments, check. Map screens that are "moody" I guess because the contrast is so dark and everything has that trademark Rare "shiny metal Reboot CG" look, well, I guess you can interpret that as being "serious" and not "cartoony".

Someone needs to do a quick photoshop of the map screen in DKCR, turn the brightness way down, pixilate it, and see if it looks mature and moody like an SNES game again :p

Hate to say it though, but the enemies in the SNES trilogy never struck me as very memorable; Rare was never very good (any good) with designing characters. For my tastes, the Kremlings were pretty bad, though K.Rool was more decent than the minor characters or other bosses. Maybe their best design outside of Banjo.

Thing is, DKC to me was always more about DK himself versus the environments. The new game has super atmospheric environments that are also super alive, and are /definitely and for suuuuuure/ your true enemy.

So maybe that's why, to me, the new game seems entirely like Donkey Kong Country.

This man speaks the truth. Don't let nostalgia blind you. The old DK games are far from perfect.


Kaijima said:
The presentation argument does seem a bit blinded by sheer nostalgia to me. I've /got/ DKC 1 - 3 right here to turn 'em on and play 'em. Badly modeled early 90's CGI environments, check. Map screens that are "moody" I guess because the contrast is so dark and everything has that trademark Rare "shiny metal Reboot CG" look, well, I guess you can interpret that as being "serious" and not "cartoony".

Someone needs to do a quick photoshop of the map screen in DKCR, turn the brightness way down, pixilate it, and see if it looks mature and moody like an SNES game again :p

Hate to say it though, but the enemies in the SNES trilogy never struck me as very memorable; Rare was never very good (any good) with designing characters. For my tastes, the Kremlings were pretty bad, though K.Rool was more decent than the minor characters or other bosses. Maybe their best design outside of Banjo.

Thing is, DKC to me was always more about DK himself versus the environments. The new game has super atmospheric environments that are also super alive, and are /definitely and for suuuuuure/ your true enemy.

So maybe that's why, to me, the new game seems entirely like Donkey Kong Country.
What is this? You're apparently responding to my post, but.... not responding to my post. You left out several points that I made. You're effectively responding to no one...?

schennmu said:
This man speaks the truth. Don't let nostalgia blind you. The old DK games are far from perfect.
Who ever said they were? Is there anyone here even arguing that the DKC trilogy is superior?
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