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Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze |OT| There's always money in the banana stand

Is there more than one way to control the swimming? I actually think the controls for the swimming are really nice. I just analog stick to change direction, then whatever button it is to swim along. What's the other method?
You're supposed to avoid them altogether by running to the opposite side of the stage before they can hit you. I think it's supposed to be a "boss twist" on the ducking strategies you've been seeing so far.

Definitely agree that this boss was unevenly difficult (especially compared to W-4 and W-5).

I beat them on my first try! And I would swear that I was able to roll under their hammers at least once, though maybe I just got across just in time.

The owl was uneven difficulty.
I beat them on my first try! And I would swear that I was able to roll under their hammers at least once, though maybe I just got across just in time.

The owl was uneven difficulty.

I think I died against the baboons about 15 times? And once against the owl.

edit: as for swimming controls, initially I thought it was just "move" with the analog stick and "dash attack" with the roll button. I hadn't realized that there was also "stroke swim" with the jump button, which gives you a little more control over your agility/momentum. Looks like you figured that one out, though? It's seriously a matter of persistence, otherwise. Gotta hone your reflexes!


There are numerous things that I find cheaty in the game. Some examples:

- Being unable to duck under the swinging monkey boss (World 3) to evade the hammer. Yet, in other levels a duck under something of similar height doesn't hit you. When they are in ghost form or whatever it was, again you can't duck or even roll to escape. There are some weird inconsistencies with things like that.

Ok, so.... It's obvious that you can't duck under the baboon's hammer. He swings it like.. one inch above the ground. It's plainly visible that the big ape DK can't duck under that.

- Playing the underwater levels and being pushed towards the retracting teeth the instant they appear on screen and you immediately lose a heart. You can't avoid it because you don't know it's there.

The first encounter with the retracting teeth is in Deep Keep, right? Well the current that is pushing you stops well before you get to the teeth. And it's at a checkpoint where the player can stop and get air. There is plenty of time for the player to slow down and observe what is coming next, and the game practically encourages that, since it gives you a place to rest and get air. If the player is just blasting straight through and not paying attention, then yeah they might get caught off guard, but that's their fault, not the game's.

And then the second set of retracting spike teeth does have a current that pushes you into them, but at this point you've already seen one set of teeth, so you should be prepared for another set. And at this point the palyer should also know that current are dangerous and to approach them with caution. And even then, you can clearly see the teeth before you go down into the current.

- Underwater, some areas look like you can ride along them - like an edge or rock - but you get pushed out into an enemies path. But visually it looks like you should be able to get by.

I don't really know what you mean with this point. Visually it looks like there is enough space between the wall and the enemy that you should be able to slip by? Or do you mean something else. If you mean what I think you mean, all I can say is that I've never run into a situation like that.

- Mine cart sections where you just clip a crate made of wood and it takes a heart off

... This is a really bad example. If you clipped it, then you hit it. You know you aren't supposed to get hit. Getting hit takes a heart off. That's how games work.

- The time window on the windmill (maybe?) level where you're being pushed along at a very high rate, yet everything is falling apart under you with zero room for error, and this is a farily early level. Platforms vanish under you very very quickly and the section goes on forever.

This, I don't know which level you're talking about, but I'm guessing either the end of Wing Ding or that one volcano section of Mountain Mania. If it's Wing Ding, well that section gives you plenty of time to get through it. You can even linger for a little while and won't die.

If it's Mountain Mania, you have a little bit more of a point, but again, the game isn't throwing anything at you that it hasn't already prepared you for. It's tough, but it isn't unfair. You know what the platforms that fall look like, so you know that's what you're on. You know that a volcano is exploding behind you, so obviously you gotta go, go, go. The platforms don't fall any faster than they did before, which is generous enough to give you time to go as long as you don't linger. You just gotta be observant of what's coming in from the ride side of the screen and react properly. Much like a Minecart level. Again, yes it is difficult, but it's not unfair or cheap.


Hey I just noticed something while I was taking screenshots. Jump in the air then press the home button. Now before you press it again to go back to the game, keep your eye on DK's fur. Start the game and you see that the game remains still for a second, then you'll see that his fur seems to bounce just before the game begins again, almost as if the fur physics have to kick in before the game starts. Is it just my Wii U or does anyone else see this happen?

This is true. For a detailed look at this happening, when you beat a K level, press the home button as DK opens the present. I did this to post it to Miiverse, and backing out of the home menu left a 1 second pause where DKs fur fell into place. You can see it really clearly because the camera is up close to the present. It was pretty cool.


Is there more than one way to control the swimming? I actually think the controls for the swimming are really nice. I just analog stick to change direction, then whatever button it is to swim along. What's the other method?

I think swimming as or with dixi (on your back) is the easiest/most relaxing way. You can hold the swim button, so that she uses her hair as a propeller or press the roll button continuesly (only in combo with donkey), so that both start rotating/rolling forward.

Suddenly changing direction = quickly moving the stick into the other direction.

With diddy, holding the swim button speeds him up quickly and is pretty fun, too.

I think that's that. Don't think you can do much else.
Guys, I am playing DKCR in anticipation of DKC TF
ehem **cough .. no money.. **cough
and loving the game so far, I just finished 3-3 and I am finding the game just right on the difficulty. How does DKC TF compares on the first 2 worlds? How many stages are in each world as TF has 6 worlds?

I have been miserable waiting for this game, but DKCR has eased the pain somewhat. Hopefully tomorrow it will be mine.


There are numerous things that I find cheaty in the game. Some examples:

- Being unable to duck under the swinging monkey boss (World 3) to evade the hammer. Yet, in other levels a duck under something of similar height doesn't hit you. When they are in ghost form or whatever it was, again you can't duck or even roll to escape. There are some weird inconsistencies with things like that.

- Playing the underwater levels and being pushed towards the retracting teeth the instant they appear on screen and you immediately lose a heart. You can't avoid it because you don't know it's there.

- Underwater, some areas look like you can ride along them - like an edge or rock - but you get pushed out into an enemies path. But visually it looks like you should be able to get by.

- Mine cart sections where you just clip a crate made of wood and it takes a heart off

- The time window on the windmill (maybe?) level where you're being pushed along at a very high rate, yet everything is falling apart under you with zero room for error, and this is a farily early level. Platforms vanish under you very very quickly and the section goes on forever.

The odd one of these here and there is fine, but pretty much every screen in the game is filled with things that just want to fuck you over. I think it's a mistake making the game this difficult, it's benefitting very few yet will potentially put off an entire audience of players. I know a few people who wouldn't go near this game after playing the Wii version (which I completed). I dunno, maybe Nintendo worked out they'd sell the same amount of copies if they reduced the severity. If you look at their own games made in Japan for Wii U, Mario 3D World and Pikmin 3, they are much easier games to play. 3D World, like 3D Land has lots of challenging levels, but DKC: TF just feels hard for the sake of it to me.

Would a difficulty selection hurt? Would it an option of always have 3 hearts be an issue, or how about 5? The game just doesn't need to be this difficult, and I think that's almost all its got as a USP. It's fucking nails hard. Nintendo have even made a video about it.

1. It is very clear that the hammers are practically touching the ground. The boss even charges up the attack which is the game saying get out of the way.

2. You can see them behind the door before it opens. That is your hint to start swimming towards the current.

3. Were you swimming quickly or spinning? Just like on land you bounce when you hit a wall at full speed. I think that is what you mean, I personally always stuck close to the center of the screen so I don't have much experience in this area.

4. How is mistiming a jump the game being cheap?

5. I didn't find that section difficult. Even all of the people I've watched play that level for the first time on Youtube never died there.

Some games are made hard because the developers wanted to make the game hard. Complaining about this game being hard is like complaining about Kirby's Epic Yarn being easy.

It's a shame you don't like the game, but I don't want them to waste development time on an easy mode in future DK games.

Guys, I am playing DKCR in anticipation of DKC TF
ehem **cough .. no money.. **cough
and loving the game so far, I just finished 3-3 and I am finding the game just right on the difficulty. How does DKC TF compares on the first 2 worlds? How many stages are in each world as TF has 6 worlds?

I have been miserable waiting for this game, but DKCR has eased the pain somewhat. Hopefully tomorrow it will be mine.

I feel like TF blows DKCR out of the water. As for world length, counting boss fights, the first world has 8 levels, the second, third, fourth, and fifth have 10 levels, and the sixth world has 12 levels.
6-5 has got to be one of the most beautiful levels I've ever seen in a video game. And dat music. Subtle elements of the epic 6-1 track, but so soothing. Really rivals the first snow level in the original DKC.
Guys, I am playing DKCR in anticipation of DKC TF
ehem **cough .. no money.. **cough
and loving the game so far, I just finished 3-3 and I am finding the game just right on the difficulty. How does DKC TF compares on the first 2 worlds? How many stages are in each world as TF has 6 worlds?

I have been miserable waiting for this game, but DKCR has eased the pain somewhat. Hopefully tomorrow it will be mine.

The first two worlds are more impressive than DKCR's in my opinion. If you mean difficulty, the first two worlds are about the same. I think Returns is more difficult overall though. There are 8-12 levels on each island in TF, and 7-10 in each world of Returns.
DKCR has 72 levels and TF has 63, but the average one in TF is slightly longer, so it's a pretty even amount of content.


Funny that some people say this game is harder than DKCR. I kind of breezed through this game compared to DKCR -- but on the other hand I think that's more because of the insane amount of lives Retro throws at you from Worlds 1-3. And the amount of lives given to you is justified, certainly, but it also makes game overs way, way less common (I think I only game over'd once?) Granted, I also think this method better helps the player get back to where they were in the level and try again vs DKCR where dying too many times lead you to having to start right back at the beginning of the level and slog through challenges you've already completed (and that's hoping you don't die to them again for simple mistakes).

My memory is a little foggy on some things with respect to DKCR, but I recall getting suck on some levels a lot longer than TF. Maybe it was because I was just bad at DKCR and DKCTF I understood and tackled things differently, I don't know, but I feel like TF's levels (at least worlds 1-4) are a hell of a lot easier to get through than DKCR.

TF is actually pretty fair and Retro had taken the game design philosophy of demonstrating something to the player early on in the level that's relatively easy to pass through. Only then for that same situation to come up again in the same level but turned up to 11 or even just repeated a lot through the level as the general "theme" or gameplay mechanic of the level. Such as World 3-1 where it introduces to you rolling over grass will reveal secrets and make the objects change. You continue to do the rolling over grass stuff from then on in later levels in World 3.

Granted, that's not on the same level as some of the other things in certain levels. But the game teaches the player as they go, it doesn't treat you like you're incapable of understanding how something works. It respects your ability to figure it out so that when it gets to the hard part, you're ready for it, and it doesn't seem so hard (though it varies from level-to-level, I did die a lot in some levels but no more than maybe 5-10 times at least before I was able to do something correctly).

It feels so gratifying to finish levels in TF, especially if you complete them without much trouble. The way the game feels when you're successful is so good and that's why I'm glad there's really no difficulty setting to tempt you to set the difficulty lower. It's a series that's known for being hard so it should stay that way and TF's difficulty pacing felt just right to me compared to DKCR, which ramped up way more quickly (around when there were a series of mine cart levels iirc).


I am pleased to announce that I bought a Wii U as well as Tropical Freeze and they are in the mail!
Time trialing 3-A took me longer than beating 2-K I think. 3-3 took quite some time too. The gameplay feels so good that despite really needing to work at these levels I never get mad or frustrated.

Going to take me forever to 100% this game though.

The music has been playing in my head non-stop too. I really hope the soundtrack gets a physical release.
I am pleased to announce that I bought a Wii U as well as Tropical Freeze and they are in the mail!
Did the same about a week and a half ago. I've spent the most time on Tropical Freeze but it has been worth it. Started 3D World as well. I've got NSMBU waiting and plan on playing Pikmin 3 and W101 at the very least! Thats a lot of gaming goodness, and its all colorful to boot!

EDIT: GAF wasn't kidding about the battery life on the Pro controller. Haven't plugged it in in days but the battery bar hasn't budged.


at last, for christ's sake
the first TF meltdown, about time! *lol

jokes aside, game is nails hard, but easier than DKCR to me. Yes, these games are hardcore and require a good amount of skills, reflexes and speed. They're not relaxing, except for some levels; they're made to constantly keep ya on your toes. Unfair? No, I disagree with that. I find the levels and bosses staggeringly well executed, just look at the Time Trials, every enemy, barrel, rope has been carefully placed to be speedblitzed through...if that isn't good design I dont know what is. I've lost about 200 lives between 1-K, 2-K and 4-K, but it was always my fault for failing a jump, or forgetting that I had to do that roll, hardly the devs' fault. Maybe I felt a bit frustrated, but that only increased my will to finish that goddamned bastard piece of shit level. And what a satisfaction that was

I don't know mate, maybe game really isn't for you. I wish you had the same push to go forward and see the next marvel, but clearly you aren't having fun. Hopefully you'll give it another chance


Four puzzle pieces left and I'm done. Really wanted to find them all myself and not use Squawks, but I've been through the four levels multiple times and just can't find the one piece missing in each. Actually had seven missing last night, but couldn't sleep and ended up playing on the GamePad for a bit and finding three!

Guess it's time to capitulate.

Edit: Or maybe not! Finally found the one I was missing in Wing Ding. Three more pieces to go (one each in Shoal Atoll, Harvest Hazards and Reckless Ride, for the record).

Edit 2: Harvest Hazards done. Two left!

Edit 3: Reckless Ride done a minute later. I had a feeling the piece was where I found it, but didn't notice something until this attempt. Now I only have the one level I don't like left to do for the 100th time.
Ugh I can't find the last puzzle piece in 3-A and between normal plays and time trials I've played it over 50 times (if not considerably more).

I don't want to look it up but I just have no clue.
EDIT: Well I have a clue. There is this pillar near the end that looks like it can spin around but I can't figure out how to activate it.

edit2: http://i4.minus.com/jbnUPT8cjhIPnC.jpg There it is. Had to look it up. Got out of the habit of holding the grab button all the time. Never would have seen that vine hiding there.
This is true. For a detailed look at this happening, when you beat a K level, press the home button as DK opens the present. I did this to post it to Miiverse, and backing out of the home menu left a 1 second pause where DKs fur fell into place. You can see it really clearly because the camera is up close to the present. It was pretty cool.
I've had this happen other games for years when it comes to furry textures. Obscure example, but I always remember being weirded out when Rayman's afro would still be moving whenever I paused a game of Raving Rabbids.

I think it has something to do with how most games handle the physics for hair/fur-effects, and I'm guessing it's labor-intensive to 'pause' the simulation of them? Somebody who's way more experienced with this would probably know the exact reason.
Here is some general advice for people saying they get hurt/die with no warning: log where and how you died and go back and see if there was a cue you missed.

You'll probably find the things that give you "no warning" turned out to give you quite a bit of warning.


I shot people I like more for less.
I'd also agree with the people who say that DKCR is more difficult than Tropical Freeze.


Neo Member
log where and how you died and go back and see if there was a cue you missed.
I'm replaying DKCR at the moment and doing exactly this. The element of surprise is gone from playing through it previously, but I'm also better at noticing the little nitpicky frustrating things that still kind of bug me about the controls or camera or hitboxes or whatever.

It's nice to see how much I've improved since my first playthrough, though!


I'd also agree with the people who say that DKCR is more difficult than Tropical Freeze.

Yeah. Although you have note that because many elements from DKCR carry over you are already familiar with the core gameplay if you have played DKCR previously. Someone who didn't play DKCR before TF might have a different opinion if they played the games in the "wrong order".


Guys, I am playing DKCR in anticipation of DKC TF
ehem **cough .. no money.. **cough
and loving the game so far, I just finished 3-3 and I am finding the game just right on the difficulty. How does DKC TF compares on the first 2 worlds? How many stages are in each world as TF has 6 worlds?

I have been miserable waiting for this game, but DKCR has eased the pain somewhat. Hopefully tomorrow it will be mine.

First one is definitely harder. The challenge level itself spikes higher, and the distribution of extra lives is in shorter supply than in the sequel.

Don't worry though, TF will definitely give you a platforming workout, and I feel it's mostly better designed, in addition to being arguably feature/concept-richer.

And the music!


Did it! Managed to find all the puzzle pieces with no help. Loved the game overall, probably on par with DKCR for me, although it was definitely easier. Which isn't to say easy, of course. Can't wait to see what Retro does next - they're 5 for 5 with amazing games IMO.
Yeah. Although you have note that because many elements from DKCR carry over you are already familiar with the core gameplay if you have played DKCR previously. Someone who didn't play DKCR before TF might have a different opinion if they played the games in the "wrong order".
I've been wondering about this. I'd like to hear some impressions from players who have played Tropical Freeze first.


OK, in the level with the
giant snowball
, they're just showing off
how weighty they can make something feel.
Finally got the game today but haven't had much time to dive into it yet. Played a couple of levels and my first impression is... Wow is this game gorgeous! Screenshots and videos online don't do it justice, despite being 720p it just looks so clean.
Gameplay wise it's DK alright. Level design is wonderfully dynamic.


Question for you guys. How do you get the stage right above
I found the secret exit for that world and it opened one stage but not that one.

Get all the KONG letters in that world. The circles on the world map with tiles/bricks underneath them indicate a K level I think.
At World 3 boss and I don't think I can't be bothered to play it anymore. I just.. I fucking hate this game. I am not any getting enjoyment out of playing it whatsoever, its ridiculously hard, and not just hard, it's fucking mean and deliberately so. Every time I finish I level I am just glad I never have to see it again. The games difficulty is all over the place, half of World 3 is fine (although it's still annoying to play) but two levels on World 2 took over 50 lives to complete each. It's mean and cunty, that's what it is.

All the responses in here: It's not hard at all.

Fuck this game.
Holy shit dude you're worse than me!


There are numerous things that I find cheaty in the game. Some examples:

- Being unable to duck under the swinging monkey boss (World 3) to evade the hammer. Yet, in other levels a duck under something of similar height doesn't hit you. When they are in ghost form or whatever it was, again you can't duck or even roll to escape. There are some weird inconsistencies with things like that.

- Playing the underwater levels and being pushed towards the retracting teeth the instant they appear on screen and you immediately lose a heart. You can't avoid it because you don't know it's there.

- Underwater, some areas look like you can ride along them - like an edge or rock - but you get pushed out into an enemies path. But visually it looks like you should be able to get by.

- Mine cart sections where you just clip a crate made of wood and it takes a heart off

- The time window on the windmill (maybe?) level where you're being pushed along at a very high rate, yet everything is falling apart under you with zero room for error, and this is a farily early level. Platforms vanish under you very very quickly and the section goes on forever.

The odd one of these here and there is fine, but pretty much every screen in the game is filled with things that just want to fuck you over. I think it's a mistake making the game this difficult, it's benefitting very few yet will potentially put off an entire audience of players. I know a few people who wouldn't go near this game after playing the Wii version (which I completed). I dunno, maybe Nintendo worked out they'd sell the same amount of copies if they reduced the severity. If you look at their own games made in Japan for Wii U, Mario 3D World and Pikmin 3, they are much easier games to play. 3D World, like 3D Land has lots of challenging levels, but DKC: TF just feels hard for the sake of it to me.

Would a difficulty selection hurt? Would it an option of always have 3 hearts be an issue, or how about 5? The game just doesn't need to be this difficult, and I think that's almost all its got as a USP. It's fucking nails hard. Nintendo have even made a video about it.

Donkey Kong Country (has been even in the snes versions)has always been about trail and error... either you like this concept or you don't. (it means for bosses that you have to see all their moves to know how to anticipate... in the 3 different forms, this includes dying)

Bu I know how you feel because I also get frustrated..


I remember when I was a wee guy absolutely loathing the minecart levels in DKC2 but oh how I love them now, only just up to the third world but they've been my favourite bits so far.


I'd also agree with the people who say that DKCR is more difficult than Tropical Freeze.

Considering I gave up in the lava world of Returns and had to come back to it a while later and still haven't finished the golden temple, yet I beat the main worlds of TF the day after I got it, I'd agree. Maybe all these K levels that everyone's dying a lot on that I haven't unlocked yet are harder than Returns stuff though.

I think a key factor in Returns being harder is the fact there are more mine cart and rocket barrel levels (I think), and they're much more unforgiving since you can only take a single hit. Plus they're more about precise jumps.
Fantastic game, easily my favourite 2D platformer ever. 60+ hours and I still didn't finish the hard mode.

By the way, I did a bit of a research and guess what: Retro already made as many levels in two games as Rare in the original trilogy. Literally, the same number of levels (bosses included).




Yay, my copy just arrived today. So, to lpay it in spurts over the weeknd or save it for two weeks when my wife is away for a week and play though in one go? Ummmm
I remember when I was a wee guy absolutely loathing the minecart levels in DKC2 but oh how I love them now, only just up to the third world but they've been my favourite bits so far.
Those were some of my favorite levels in dkc2 lmao. I loved the theme for the carnival rollercoaster stage
Donkey Kong Country (has been even in the snes versions)has always been about trail and error... either you like this concept or you don't. (it means for bosses that you have to see all their moves to know how to anticipate... in the 3 different forms, this includes dying)

Bu I know how you feel because I also get frustrated..
Strangely enough I feel Tropical Freeze is a lot less trial and error than DKCR was. There is a lot happening and it can be overwhelming but not unfair or unpredictable (I think this is why players are admiring the level design in TF so much).

I'm enjoying Tropical Freeze so much I went back to DKCR which I had mixed feelings about to see if anything had changed but I still have a number of issue with the game. Trial and error is one. For example. Barrels with arrows on them = eject on player command. Problem is in some sections the barrels one shoot in one direction and at other times they tick between 2 or three different directions.


Three single direction barrels followed by two multi-directional ones for the same obstacle. I wouldn't blame anyone for dying here. It isn't logical or predictable that the last two barrels are going to change the pattern put up by the previous 3. THAT is trial and error.

I don't think I've come up to a spot in Tropical Freeze where you can accidentally kill yourself with barrels and Multi-directional barrels are always set up in a way that makes it clear there are multiple paths to choose from visually.


This is a hard game, no doubt - I can totally see why some people don't like it/get frustrated by it.

I'm a bit masochistic when it comes to games though, so for me the difficulty is a positive. 2-K was the hardest level in the game for me (Normal mode, not tried hard mode)
I'm a bit masochistic when it comes to games though, so for me the difficulty is a positive. 2-K was the hardest level in the game for me (Normal mode, not tried hard mode)
Can't imagine hard mode would be very different for that level really. If you screw up and take damage it likely means you also fell to your death! I've made some surprising recoveries on the later part with the spinning wheels though.


El Capitan Todd
This is a hard game, no doubt - I can totally see why some people don't like it/get frustrated by it.

I'm a bit masochistic when it comes to games though, so for me the difficulty is a positive. 2-K was the hardest level in the game for me (Normal mode, not tried hard mode)

I think that DKCR was a bit too frustrating, while this one, in normal mode, is hard, but less frustrating.
I'm liking it much more for that reason


This is a hard game, no doubt - I can totally see why some people don't like it/get frustrated by it.

I'm a bit masochistic when it comes to games though, so for me the difficulty is a positive. 2-K was the hardest level in the game for me (Normal mode, not tried hard mode)

The K levels are actually the easiest on hard mode. Well, in my opinion anyway. By the time you complete those levels you're probably close to not hitting a damn thing where as every other level goes on forever and has a TONNE of shit being thrown at you from every angle.


Fantastic game, easily my favourite 2D platformer ever. 60+ hours and I still didn't finish the hard mode.

By the way, I did a bit of a research and guess what: Retro already made as many levels in two games as Rare in the original trilogy. Literally, the same number of levels (bosses included).


I'm in world 4 right now... and you're telling me there are only 3 minecart levels in Tropical Freeze? Now I'm sad.


Okay, one quick question: What does that DK Symbol stand for when you select a level? One symbol is for alle puzzle pieces, one for Kong and there is this Symbol.. It drives me nuts not knowing..


Fantastic game, easily my favourite 2D platformer ever. 60+ hours and I still didn't finish the hard mode.

By the way, I did a bit of a research and guess what: Retro already made as many levels in two games as Rare in the original trilogy. Literally, the same number of levels (bosses included).



Does donkey kong returns on the table include the extra levels from the 3d version?


Through world 4, I think this game's brilliant except for a couple of things:

The boss battles again. I really don't find it enjoyable to play for 8 minutes, then die and have to play all 8 minutes again to be able to learn the pattern at that point, but maybe that's just me. I guess I just find it annoying how long it takes to be able to land a hit more than anything. You just have to wait and wait before they're even vulnerable.

Aside from that, I'm also not a big fan of being rushed through a level by way of collapsing platforms and the like. I don't mind it every now and then, but it seems like it's going to be happening a lot more frequently from here on, and I really like taking my time through levels in platformers. Being rushed and punished for taking an extra second to see what powerups, etc., are around isn't fun to me.
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