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Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze |OT| There's always money in the banana stand


Jesus, the entire first paragraph is disastrous.

"To say that I was disappointed when Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze was announced would diminish just how deflating that reveal was. Retro Studios--the creative mastermind behind the extraordinary Metroid Prime--should not churn out something so disposable. The shackles inherent to sequel development seemed to have stifled any potential for brilliance, and it was a waste to have such prodigious talent used in that manner"

So ... let's get Metroid Prime 4, because a 2nd DK game is too many sequels ....


"I want the innovators to take charge, the people who won't play by the rules, who would rather die with ambition than thrive playing it safe"

I think he just said he wants Retro to go out of business.

Having been on GAF during/before E3, and ever since that random tweet by a Retro employee about "crunch time" for a new game, everyone was thinking Retro was working on some completely new project that would justify the Wii U. It turned out to be Donkey Kong. Thanks to the bad timing of NSMB2 and DKCR3D, the Wii U seemed to be suffering from more of the same syndrome in terms of line-up.


Holy crap! Today's real megaton is that more than two people can have the same first name.
Round up:

+ Wonderfully touchy-feely
+ Beautiful to look at, better to listen to
- Old ideas feel like a safety blanket

Score: 86%

More here:

The review appears to praise developer Retro Studios for it’s work on the game’s visuals, soundtrack and interactive, dynamic environments. However they aren’t too fond of the fact that one of the game’s six islands consists so heavily on swimming stages nor the familiarity in some of its ideas.

Saw this at some board about their review^^^

I have the magazine and can confirm this is accurate.


I have a feeling this game won't get the reviews it probably will deserve just because it's not Metroid.

It would be a shame if the game turned out to be a great 2D platformer and all some reviewers could talk about is how it's not a certain other game. Fans I can understand, their opinions don't result in more/less sales like a reviewer's opinion would. Complaining about "X" game not being what they wanted in a review just screams of unprofessionalism, review the game for what it is, not what you wanted.


It is recent and it was locked. Just search for the games name. I found it quickly. Hard to repost the link though on iPhone.

Thanks for the info. I went ahead and found several recent locked TF threads and still can't find McShea's posts. Can you give me a further hint? :)

I dunno, I don't think GS is harder on Nintendo than any other site. And I honestly hated Dark Moon after being so hyped for it, but that's just me and the GS reviewer apparently.

You know, maybe I was a bit short-sighted. Perhaps GS is just harder on everyone (this is from Metacritic):

For 9,845 reviews, this publication has graded:

44% higher than the average critic
6% same as the average critic
50% lower than the average critic

On average, this publication grades 5.4 points lower than other critics. (0-100 point scale)

FWIW though, I have had this impression of Gamespot for several years IIRC, and I did always feel like blockbuster games that were not on Nintendo systems were scored just as high as other reviewers' did, in general. I see though that with people talking about some other consoles' games' reviews on there, that this is not always the case.

Finally got all puzzle pieces in DKCR today.

Congrats!! That's quite an accomplishment. I still have some to get in the K levels.

Getting impatient for the Iwata Asks. They better not shaft this game like they did Pikmin 3.

I'm still hoping to see an Iwata Asks for Pikmin 3 once all of the DLC has been released.


As they should, as long as Nintendo obdurately and staunchly ignores popular demand.

Seriously? I'd much rather Retro work on something they want to work on rather than be forced into something because of popular demand. They could make a new Ice Climbers and I wouldn't be angry (I hate the original Ice Climbers).


As they should, as long as Nintendo obdurately and staunchly ignores popular demand.

Popular demand for a 3D Metroid? Popular demand for a Metroid game in general? What?

Please tell me you're not going to post quotes from a bunch of GAF posters claiming that's popular demand.


As they should, as long as Nintendo obdurately and staunchly ignores popular demand.

How many times does this need to be mentioned? Donkey Kong Country Returns outsold the ENTIRE Metroid Prime Trilogy. If we're talking popular demand, they met it with releasing a Donkey Kong game and not a Metroid Prime game
I'm still hoping to see an Iwata Asks for Pikmin 3 once all of the DLC has been released.

"Well Miyamoto 'announced' this game out of nowhere with no advanced planning during that e3 roundtable, so our options were to make miyamoto look like a douche or suck it up and make the thing, and I wasn't sure if I could get away with telling Miyamoto to go screw himself, so I was stuck with putting the game into production, even though we knew it wouldn't really do much for the company business-wise." *laughs*

I'm really glad that Pikmin 3 exists but I'm pretty sure this is how things happened.
Part of why reviews are pointless now: it's somehow become acceptable for them to be used as soapboxes to make statements and shit.

Just accept your irrelevance.


One reviewer said the game relies heavily on swimming missions? Thats not a great bit of info, but there have been other DKs that do quite a few swimming missions and they ended up ok.

I picked up the 3DS game when it came out but the framerate killed alot of the fun, the level design that make DKC series great just isn't there, it's close to it but they've made it more rely on frustation than fun in some parts like those terrible rocket levels, they even forgot the magic of the minecart level design. It was sad that to have a sensible control scheme for that game you had to suffer the bad framrate. At least we don't have that issue with this upcoming game.

I hope the game is better than the 3DS/Wii one, watching that gameexplain video and hearing the audio track it made me want this game so badly, not that the audio was lacking in DKC:R but not as memorable as the old titles. Oh and the godawful boss fights who can remove that from their brains.

Things can only go up from here?

Edit sorry if it's already been posted but heres the kotaku recorded stream of the entire game, the dude gets agitated! That music stays awesome though the game looks ok I only skipped around the video. http://www.twitch.tv/biggestinjapan/b/503438141


Does it really hurt so much? it's just someone's opinion, jeez.

It's not the opinion that bothers me (in fact it's one that I shared up until recently), it's the fact that it may be used to review the game negatively. It has no bearing on the games quality at all and simply shouldn't be brought up in the review.

Ofcourse it may be the case that he genuinely doesn't like the game for legitimate reasons, and that's perfectly fine even if I don't end up agreeing. You'll never see me say a review is bad for something as silly as differing opinions. And even if he does review it negatively simply because he thinks DK is beneath Retro, I won't say it's a bad review. I just think it's unfair to both the developers and the game itself.

Ofcourse I may be jumping the gun here, since it's entirely possible that he wont bring this up in the review. I'm not even sure if it is him reviewing the gamem since previews and reviews aren't always done by the same people.


Seriously? I'd much rather Retro work on something they want to work on rather than be forced into something because of popular demand. They could make a new Ice Climbers and I wouldn't be angry (I hate the original Ice Climbers).

I was playing some Ice Climbers in NES Remix yesterday. I don't think I've ever played the original. The controls and hit detection are so wonky. I had to reach a condor at the top of a stage and it took me a loooong time.
How many times does this need to be mentioned? Donkey Kong Country Returns outsold the ENTIRE Metroid Prime Trilogy. If we're talking popular demand, they met it with releasing a Donkey Kong game and not a Metroid Prime game
Citing sales for for the Wii iteration is misguided at best and patently misleading at worst. DKCR sold well because it benefited from the strong first-party software environment that permeated the Wii's first five years in the market. Nintendo's predicated a lot of its regressive software decisions for the Wii U on past sales performance. Almost across the board, its efforts have floundered. The entire Wii __ series has bombed. NSMB U has dramatically missed expectations.

Nintendo should be seeking to chorale the scattered remnant shards of its old hardcore fanbase back to Wii U, and bringing a proper Metroid game to the Wii U may be a small step in the positive direction on that front. Another unwarranted, undesired, unasked for Donkey Kong game is mindbogglingly tone deaf.

More specifically, though, I was addressing the point of Nintendo opting for a 2D Metroid game rather than a 3D one, which I think would be equally disastrous. The market for 2D games, particularly in the West on home consoles, is sufficiently low that Nintendo probably shouldn't make three (3!) installments of its marquee franchises in 2D. But again, obdurately and staunchly ignores popular demand.


As they should, as long as Nintendo obdurately and staunchly ignores popular demand.



I won't participate in this thread deteriorating into an "OMG itz not Metroid discussion".

Same here. That's a good advice. I will also hold off my disapproval of certain reviews for tomorrows review thread. Let's keep the OT clean and focused on the actualy game.
If anyone missed it, here's a good video of someone from Kotaku playing the game.

It covers 2-2 through about the end of world 5, so it shows off a good chunk of the game. The game looks fantastic, imo, and certainly seems up to DKCR's bar.

The video is also notable because the guy playing is very bad at the game, which is no problem, except for the fact he takes no accountability for his lack of skill and blames the game design in an amusing way. Start watching at about 4:17:00 if you like seeing people rage at games.

What gets me is when he complains that you need to memorize the level to complete it. This is the watermelon level, where the big row of cutters slam down on the small platforms.

Does he really want them cutters slamming down randomly, with no rhythm? He would of probably died, at least 5x more.

Also, reviewers need to stick to just reviewing the game, without bringing in outside emotions of what game they think the developer should of made.
Citing sales for for the Wii iteration is misguided at best and patently misleading at worst. DKCR sold well because it benefited from the strong first-party software environment that permeated the Wii's first five years in the market. Nintendo's predicated a lot of its regressive software decisions for the Wii U on past sales performance. Almost across the board, its efforts have floundered. The entire Wii __ series has bombed. NSMB U has dramatically missed expectations.

Nintendo should be seeking to chorale the scattered remnant shards of its old hardcore fanbase back to Wii U, and bringing a proper Metroid game to the Wii U may be a small step in the positive direction on that front. Another unwarranted, undesired, unasked for Donkey Kong game is mindbogglingly tone deaf.

Metroid would do nothing for the Wii U.

Except give us another high quality game which is what Tropical Freeze seems to be doing.

This "we didn't ask for" _______ game is such garbage.

I'd say as many people would say that about another Prime as they do for another Donkey Kong.

Maybe not here but this place doesn't represent anything in the large scheme of themes.


Metroid would do nothing for the Wii U.

Except give us another high quality game which is what Tropical Freeze seems to be doing.

This "we didn't ask for" _______ game is such garbage.

I'd say as many people would say that about another Prime as they do for another Donkey Kong.

Maybe not here but this place doesn't represent anything in the large scheme of themes.

I heard this is the name of an unlockable level in Tropical Freeze.



One of the levels in the Kotaku stream had a remix of
In A Snowbound Land
. I like that they've managed to throw in a lot of nice callbacks without it overwhelming the soundtrack like in Returns.

Deleted member 125677

Unconfirmed Member
Another unwarranted, undesired, unasked for Donkey Kong game is mindbogglingly tone deaf.

Excuse me, but what the hell are you doing in this thread? Do you feel that the OT is a good place to discuss what other game Retro should have made instead?

That's a legit discussion, and it has been discussed since E3 all around, but it has no place what so ever in this thread.
Excuse me, but what the hell are you doing in this thread? Do you feel that the OT is a good place to discuss what other game Retro should have made instead?

That's a legit discussion, and it has been discussed since E3 all around, but it has no place what so ever in this thread.
You're right. I was just sort of responding to the post addressed at me and some of the ridiculous personal attacks levied against reviewers whose full review text for this game hasn't been released yet. Please, carry on.



I think it is. I don't see anything wrong in asking or wondering why X is making Y instead of Z, but I also think that question has been answered, if I'm not mistaken, so there's no point in asking it again here.

Retro said they wanted to make a new a DKC, and if you think they're being coerced into giving that answer, well...DKCR sold more than the Metroid games, so we can infer that's why Nintendo has them making a new DKC game. Now let's focus on Tropical Freeze. :)
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