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Don't you hate helping people with their PC problems?

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In my circle of friends, I'm definitely the most knowlegeable regarding piracy and computers in general. And I really don't mind helping others out with whatever, but with some of my friends it's like we're talking over MSN....but soon all the convo is me helping them with Bittorrent or some shit. We're not talking as friends anymore, it really pisses me off. It's like don't you want to talk to me, ask me how my day was, or whatever?

Worst part is, the convo always dies until there's another problem that I have to solve.

I remember this one time, a friend needed whatever so I sent her the direct link to it, well she needed it for a friend. And just out of curiosity, I asked what her friend said and her friend had said "thanks" or whatever, though I was never credited. I don't want to sound selfish, but considering how much I do help my friends with these kinds of problems, it just REALLY pissed me off :lol

I guess I'm sorta laughing about it when I think of it now :p


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
I hate helping people with their computer problems... it seems like for some reason everyday somebody at work is coming up to me asking me to fix their computer problems... *nag* *nag* *nag* *nag*

But what about me? What about MY feelings? MY needs?!??! No how are you... how is your life... how is your daughter... just *nag* *nag* like it's my job to fix their computer problems or something....


I hate helping classmates that are having trouble more than anything. Mostly the ones fresh out of high school, but god damn some people are absolute drama queens when the slightest problem comes up. Sending as simple as sending a picture box in Quark Express so your text will show up suddenly turns into a "I swear to fucking god, I'm gonna smash this computer" or "Fuck this, I can't take this stress." And as you're explaining what to do, they ignore you and proceed to press every button on the keyboard, then accuse you of not knowing what you're doing when it gets worse.
Yes, I do and my friends think that I can somehow do a BETTER job in Iraq over ther phone. I just say if I'm not looking at it I can't fix it.


It just pisses me off at how oblivious people become to EVERYTHING when there's some problem on the PC. So oblivious that they're inconsiderate of your feelings.

All right I'll be honest with you guys, this thread was inspired by my ex. She just got back in town, and we haven't talked over MSN for like a month (exams, etc.). Well, whatever, we're JUST FRIENDS and I was happy to talk to her. I ask her what's up and she's telling me she's trying to download some stuff but not sure what programs to use, etc..

I'm trying to help her out...and we get some places (gave her some sites for torrents for starters), but it's like, there were 5 minutes inbetween messages, or should I say questions regarding how to do whatever.

Well, nice seeing her again hey? Anyway, I don't mean to derail my own thread!! :p


Oh yeah, my brother used to drive me up the wall cause he'd fuck around with his computer not knowing what he was doing (especially downloading and running SHIT on this PC) and then he'd expect me to run over and fix it when things went wrong.

My buddy Rick nags me with computer issues from time to time as well. I think all those shady chat rooms / dating sites he uses infects his computer with crap.


Back in college (I can say that now!), I was the go-to guy in the dorm for everything Windows and network related. It was usually a thankless task, but one time a girl actually made some cookies for me and delivered them with a thank-you note because I took care of some network issues for her. That still ranks as one of my favorite memories from the past few years.

I don't have much of a problem with helping people out with their computer problems, as long as they don't act like they're entitled to my time and effort.


Yeah true that. Even in school, a lot of people come to me for help. The first couple times it's all good, smiles and all. But after a while, people tend to forget you're a friend and act as if you're a service.

EDIT: Probably the worst part is, I don't want to blow up on people, so I'd rather do it right here. I'm more reluctant to tell people how I feel because truth be told, I fuckin' doubt they'd understand and they'd just say I'm a jackass. Knowledge is power, and those with great power have great responsibility, right? :lol But shit, most people have the power to perform a google search, which 99% of the time is one step away from solving a problem.


The perks of being on a Mac: I can feign ignorance.

Really though, unless they're a friend or it's a quick fix, I let it be. PC problems are inherently nasty and I have better things to do than trying to coax people off IE, explaining miscellaneous terminology, and what not. And I certainly know better than to try to helping a cute girl with her computer; despite what you may think, you're wasting your time.


miyuru said:
:lol I'm not trying to get with anybody. In fact, I'm trying to do the opposite with her specifically.

Hell, that's cake. Tell her to fire up Internet Explorer, throw down the firewall, start surfing, and block her on MSN. She'll be off your hands in no time.


I do.

It's much better when the problem is easily fixed. Then they're like "omg you are so good with pcs wow", but in fact you really aren't. That's my story!


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
See like just now I was sitting at my desk minding my own business surfing the web when my phone rings....

"Darien I'm having trouble sending mail I think I've sent too large an attachment."

So now I gotta stop what I'm doing to go take a look at this persons computer... like that's my JOB or something.... like they PAY me to be a network administrator or some shit...


DarienA said:
See like just now I was sitting at my desk minding my own business surfing the web when my phone rings....

"Darien I'm having trouble sending mail I think I've sent too large an attachment."

So now I gotta stop what I'm doing to go take a look at this persons computer... like that's my JOB or something.... like they PAY me to be a network administrator or some shit...

Ha! Yeah I hear ya man, they just expect it of you. This happened last summer as well, where I worked in Cardiology Research at a hospital. Seeing as to how all the nurses were in their 40s and the secretary didn't know all that much about computers, I became the goto guy. They were amazed at how fast I could type as well, and I almost scored another job just off that :lol


I used to help with minor computer problems at work, until one day my boss decided that the reason all of the computers stopped being functional at all was because I put Firefox on all the machines, and not because all the other coworkers played flash-based games on the comps all day and inadvertently downloaded spyware too as a result. Never again.

I also hate helping my father on computer stuff because he asks me the same questions over and over, or he'll ask me about something that's clearly beyond my knowledge (we started learning about computer functions at the same time years ago) and I have to guess, then he'll get mad at me when something goes wrong, of course. I've come close to to just formatting his hard drive and blaming it on him sometimes, but I'm bigger than that. I hope
I just got this from my cousin just now. I going to ask for a paternity test when I get back because either she isn't part of my family or I'm not part of hers.

I need you to give me some pointers, I purchased a used Compaq laptop computer.
Well, when I was at the Surplau place everything was loading like it should, when I put the windows start-up CD in, it doesn't respond.
I think I may take it back, or download the manual... Can you give me some insight? And don't be a smart butt!


Isn't... Darien a network admin though? :lol

I just stopped keeping up with all the bugs, patches, and issues. I honestly can't fix it if I don't know! I just defer to my brother now for my own problems.


I was dumb enough to offer to build a PC for my mother in law, back in the day before you could get a Dell for $499. It was the worst experience ever. The thing kept on flaking out intermitently, about twice a week or so, and I live about 1.5 hours away from her. We started having to order and swap out parts, and because I was a poor college student, she had to foot the bill. So she's got $1000 invested in a piece of junk, and I'm waiting for parts to be delivered, and waiting for me to have enough time to come down and screw with it. Then it would work for a week and the problems would return. We finally got the problem figured out, but we almost had enough parts to build a second PC.

There's no feeling like the feeling you get when you know your inlaws think you're an incompetent idiot that just wasted a bunch of their money, but are too polite to say anything. :(


my only problem stems from the fact that for the most part, it's totally unappreciated, or hell, sometimes to them, it's almost as if it's EXPECTED.

I've had friends and family get mad (a very loose use for the word mad, they don't flip out or anything) when I don't have the time to spare to fix their problem. A family friend called me up one saturday at 7am, and was upset that I wasn't willing to bust my ass out of bed to make a 25 minute drive out to fix his computer.

Seriously, fuck off, I don't call ANYONE up at 7am for help unless my car is in a ditch, or something extreme like that. No one wants to be awake at 7am on a saturday. Least of all me, since saturday morning is usually synonymous with "hung over and pissed off morning"


it's going to come out of you and it's going to taste so good
I like helping people with their computer stuff. I like it even more if I can't figure it out right away because then I usually learn something.
Tommie Hu$tle said:
Yes, I do and my friends think that I can somehow do a BETTER job in Iraq over ther phone. I just say if I'm not looking at it I can't fix it.


only those willing to come pick me up and take a look at it really get any good help from me...

usually they buy me lunch or something nice like that


If you work in a place where there are lots of people who know nothing about computers dont talk much about computers on a skill level more advanced than what you believe they know of. Because if you do, you will become their local help desk guy who they will ask stuff about. In the beginning they will ask simple stuff about computers and programs, then it will be about piracy, how to download movies and shit, then they will request programs and stuff because they are still on shitty 60kb/s cable, and then they will need your help to help them install the shit you downloaded to them, and then they need your help to get the most of the software you downloaded and installed for them.

The most fucking irritating stuff is when they asume you know everything about home electronics, like how to program a VCR just because youre into computers..


I don't mind helping people as long as they can explain the problem they're having.
And it's really awkward when they're not very knowledgeble, so you rack your brain thinking how to explain it in a way that they'll understand.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
Azih said:
How is your daughter DarienA?

Thanks for asking man... dood she'll be six months on the 11th... SIX FRIGGIN MONTHS!!!! Where did the time go.... wow.... she is a doll, everyday is something new.... love her to death... she's not crawling yet but she stands strongly on her legs(no wavering if you hold her up), she moves around ALOT on her back and she's eating baby food now.... it's just incredible watching her develop.

Wellington said:
Isn't... Darien a network admin though? :lol

... ok so you have a point there.... ;)


Congrats, I didn't know you were a father. IMO, being a father actually starts getting fun once the kids are over six months old, so you're just hitting the fun stuff. It's like they finally come alive. They recognize you more, they return your affection, and they understand whats going on more when you try to play with them. It sounds cold, but I absolutely hated the first 6 months for each of my kids. They do nothing but shit and scream, and *everything* is an ordeal. Bath time, meal time, even just leaving the house turns into a big production. It's all very much worth it though.

Thankfully it all gets better, and I absolutely love being a dad now.


Most people understand how busy I am, so it's never really been a problem. Pretty much everybody I offer to help has at least SOME ability to function with a computer, and I always demand to have the entire computer system delivered to my house to work on when I have the time.

That said, I really hate seeing relatively intelligent people struggle with issues like a bad stick of RAM, corrupt video driver, flaky power supply, or some other non-obvious problem that can be quicky diagnosed and fixed if you know what to do, so I do try to help when I can. It's really satisfying when you fix someone's system and don't hear of any problems with it for years down the road.


Still Tagged Accordingly
my friends aren't really computer savvy, but then they don't really use computers all that much or the Internet so I don't really have that problem with my friends. They're essentially what we term "casual gamers", an interesting breed of human.

Work mates, my family and friends of the family are another story though. Networking computers, setting up websites, teaching them how to use MS Word, cleaning their computer of spy/ad/mal-ware and viruses and just the usual "what does this do?" kind of shit is common.

Saki said:
And it's really awkward when they're not very knowledgeble, so you rack your brain thinking how to explain it in a way that they'll understand.
oh yeah :lol

sometimes i've considered using finger puppets and doing a little role play for 30+ year olds. ;P

Nick Burns (Jimmy Fallon)- Over the holidays we upgraded to the latest version of Microsoft outlook and changed the server log-in ID.

A (Horation Sanz)- So what's the new log-in ID?

N- It's Bradford Company, slash your last name, dot your first name.

C (Chris Kattan)- Is there a space after Bradford?

N- If you want it not to work, YEAH. But if you want it to work smoothly, don't use the space.

H- Hey Nick..

N- No, it's not case sensitive.

C-Hey, I'm still having a little problem.

N- Yeah I'm having 3 problems. What is it?

C- I just can't find my personal address book.

N- Did you import it from the outlook program?

C- I think I downloaded it.

N- You downloaded it? Oh that's amazing, considering it's impossible! You have to import it.

C- Imoprt.. through my folder?

N- MOVE!!! Let me teach you a lesson here, First you open up the folder file import in the download box, open outlook 6.0 folder, find the address file, and click import. Was that so hard?

C- Yeah actually it was, yeah.

N- They teach this type of stuff on Blue's Clue's. Who's next?


^^^^^Somebody brings that motherfucker up every time there's a computer guy complaint thread.

Look, goddammit, not all of us are snobby assholes. Its no different than a doctor or mechanic getting hit up for free advice/work whereever they go. People in general are cheap bastards and will try to finagle anything they can for free.

It can get fucking annoying.

Like GLok said, its almost expected, but in my case its from strangers/coworkers. There's nothing like getting invited to a BBQ only to find you've been lured into a mesquite-flavored trap and must fix a PC for your ribs or get the stinkeye all day. Fucking bastards. And your ribs were chewy and gummy, bitch.
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