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Doom 3 benchmarks are here!


Thaedolus said:
darscot is just living up to his tag. not the first time he's done it

My tag is a reference to my complete lack of the abilty to spell. It was rather clever in it's own lame way. I still hate it but props to whomever gave me it. It gives all the guys with no creativity something to say about me.


I always found it easier to move around with a pad, and easier to aim with m/k, but that's just me. M/k is superior overall for performance, but I find it more comfortable and enjoyable on a pad if done right (Halo).


Alex said:
I always found it easier to move around with a pad, and easier to aim with m/k, but that's just me. M/k is superior overall for performance, but I find it more comfortable and enjoyable on a pad if done right (Halo).

Yah I'm not the only one. But you feel like it with this crowd.


Saying that you enjoy playing with a pad more is one thing, saying that it makes you a better gamer is.....oh why do I even bother....


bogg said:
Saying that you enjoy playing with a pad more is one thing, saying that it makes you a better gamer is.....oh why do I even bother....

Up untill the Yoda wise crack I never said I thought it made me better gamer. Just that when you see a guy that is good with it it's impressive and I feel they were better gamers. I'm not that good just your casual gamer.
Is there even a way to turn off auto-aim on Halo Xbox? I know it's on by default.

I always found it easier to move around with a pad, and easier to aim with m/k,

With It's easier to move because your on training wheels. You dont have as much control. Aiming is also easier thanks to the auto-aim.

I'm actually alot better at Halo on Xbox because it's easier to control. PC is like playing with "assists off".


I haven't finished reading the entire thread yet, I'm just on Page 4(50 posts per page), but, GOOD GOD, could dark10X be more annoying?[/chandler]. Yes, you're the best video gamer EVAR, you have the best eyes EVAR, and your opinion is DA LAW[/judge dredd].

seismologist said:
Is there even a way to turn off auto-aim on Halo Xbox? I know it's on by default.

As far as I know, there isn't.

I remember someone mentioned that as the reason gamepad/console players think they're godly at FPS games and think they could compete at an equal level with mouse/keyboard players. Most if not all console FPS games feature an autoaim of some kind (Riddick being one of the very few FPS games that does not AFAIK). It's probably because of that autoaim, that they think they'd be headshot masters against PC gamers who play with a mouse/keyboard. They don't realize they get a lot of assist with the gamepad.

I think that's the reason dark10x hasn't been back. He pretty much invalidated his own argument by mentioning autoaim. When someone gets a headshot with a mouse, you know he's a good shot. When someone gets a headshot with a gamepad, it's pretty much up for debate how much of that shot was "assisted".

Training wheels my ass. Autoaim is the videogame equivalent to training wheels and you only need autoaim if you're playing with a gamepad. I don't see how assisted gaming makes people better gamers. Nor do I see how a control scheme that *needs* autoaim is better. That does not make one bit of sense.

Now, if you just prefer using a gamepad over a mouse/keyboard, that's different. But suggesting it's actually a more effective way to control FPS games is just retarded. That's like saying a D-Pad is best for driving games over a steering wheel.


darscot said:
Mouse is way easier it's totally like training wheels.

More like a mouse is a bike, and a pad is a unicycle. You're needlessly handicapping yourself.

Hey, if you like handicapping yourself why not play with one arm tied behind your back. Playing with two hands is like training wheels, because it's easier!


Fafracer forever
Oh I get it. You guys actually think gaming is like a real sport or actual compition.
In some countries, it actually is :p. It may be a couple of decades away from becoming an olympic sport, but it'll get there eventually.

Here I thought it was entertaining.
Short of being a professional athlete, I thought sports are supposed to be that also.
Back on-topic: ID and HardOCP can suck my dick! What a scam. Instead of letting all the major sites benchmark and post the results by now, they cut a deal to be the exclusive "benchmarker" in agreeing to sit on them. Post the god damn benchmarks already! They've listed all the configuration, noted they're complete, and nothing! Bookmark their worthless site and visit them everyday for the next week waiting for them to publish them. Quit fucking with the fans, ID, and let us see the damn results. Lift the embargo (OR AT LEAST LET US KNOW WHAT THE DAMN DATE IS)!


Fafalada said:
In some countries, it actually is :p. It may be a couple of decades away from becoming an olympic sport, but it'll get there eventually.

To be blunt, it won't, and I'll tell you why: No rational, mainstream audience has either the patience, interest, or even the slightest will to sit their ass down on a chair to watch someone sit on their chair and play a computer game. The main difference between traditional competitive sports, and these "Gaming Leagues" that inevitably fail to do anything beyond attract a niche audience is that traditional competitive sports have relatively simple rules, are finished in definite amounts of time, are generally more dynamic, and appeal to the competitive nature of every human on the planet.

Slo said:
See, I don't quite get that. Unless you just want to play CS, BGII, and Starcraft, PC gaming is a huge money pit. You have to know that going in. Compared to PC Gaming, the Xbox is a great value. Any PC you put together for $150 dollars is not going to be able to run Chronicles of Riddick or Halo 2 at the levels the Xbox can. Not even close, it'd probably cost more on the order of $500-600. Personally, I'm not willing to spend $1000 on computer components to have Xbox level games running at 100+ fps, I need to see a bigger leap in quality for me to keep justifying this hobby. I say bring on the heavy hitters, I want to feel like my money was well spent. Otherwise, I'll just be satisfied with my Xbox.

I used to be a big PC gamer, a huge one, and I think - no, I firmly believe - that the 3D arms race has destroyed the market irrevocably. If you consider how big the industry was back in the 80s and 90s - relatively, of course - the claim gains even more weight. The fact of the matter is that developers, over time, have gotten extraordinarily lazy, too concerned with the bottom line, push eyecandy because it's easier to make something look good than actually be good, and are so creatively bankrupt that it's almost parody.

So what you get is, essentially, one huge game every one or two years, whose publisher releases benchmarks in lieu of game content, and gently nudges you to buy the latest and greatest $400 video card to get as many frames per second, which would make me laugh very hard if they weren't so deadly serious. No amount of upticks on that counter is going to make someone "better," and once you break past 60, not only are you moving at speeds faster than what you see on TV using any normal broadcast standard, but you're perception of said framerate starts to diminish, so it just becomes a matter of a very sad dick measuring contest.

I've only skimmed this thread, but I saw consoles mentioned, and I think it's an excellent point to bring up. Any given first generation game on a console is going to look like absolute garbage compared to what's released at the apex, and end of, the system's life cycle. Move that theory over to the PC for a moment: If game developers stuck with one standard for X amount of years and just tweaked it, got to know it, nurtured it, developed more than one game for one particular generation of technology, I'd argue that you'd get games that would rival Doom 3 on much older technology. When you consider the huge money pit that PC gaming has become, which you freely admit, you also have to consider that you've been duped into the system. Do you really think it makes *sense* that about one major game comes out before your hardware is obsolete? Consider how far VGA boards were pushed before companies like 3dFX even existed, how far the cielings of DOS were pushed before Windows became a requirement, and look at what's going on now.

It's why I mostly stick to consoles these days. I'm not a fan of what the PC gaming scene has become, and how it alienated fans of most every other genre that existed on the platform before Doom and Quake. And let's not even get into the bug-ridden pieces of shit that get released. A game should not have to be patched the moment it drops, that's just fucking sloppy, and I'm completely blown away that there isn't more accountability for it.


Having nerd conventions dosen't make it a sport.

All I said is that I prefer the the pad. I feel the mouse makes games easier. There like training wheels. I feel that guys that can rock with a pad are better gamers then those that rock with the mouse. It's harder to do so to me thats more impresive. I hit a nerve somewhere cause all the PC guys went full on into hive mode. Not sure why everyone made such a fuss.


Looking for Pants
The thing is... guys that rock with a mouse and keyboard can rock the guys that rock with a pad. Its that rocking simple.
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