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Bad Art ™
darscot said:
Mouse and Keyboard is like training wheels. Your going to school guys with a pad. A pad takes more skill and in my mind the guys that are still competitive with a pad are far better gamers.

"Idot Member"


I need to save this thread somewhere just so I have proof that SOMEONE actually thought that a gamepad was more accurate than mouse/keyboard for an FPS. Comedy gold!

Tre`, I think that dark10x needs to get a copy of UT2k4 and play against you with a gamepad. It's the only way to settle this! ;)

All Hail C-Webb

Hailing from the Chill-Web
-jinx- said:
Tre`, I think that dark10x needs to get a copy of UT2k4 and play against you with a gamepad. It's the only way to settle this! ;)

Dark said that UT was not a good example, but he's stil,l wrong anyway.
In any FPS, the best keyboard/mouse player is going to kill the best pad player. They give you autoaim for a reason in console FPS, because you need it.
How anybody could deny that it's easier to track somebody with a mouse than a control stick is beyond me.


Back in the goldeneye days I new a few guys that were like surgeons. No auto aim and they were lethal it felt like I was playing against a guy with the mouse. Nothing but head shots. Mouse is way easier it's totally like training wheels. It's a two way street there is a reason they add auto sway when your snipering (is that a word) in mouse games. But being able to hold the pad perfectly steady is way more skillfull.


darscot said:
Mouse and Keyboard is like training wheels. Your going to school guys with a pad. A pad takes more skill and in my mind the guys that are still competitive with a pad are far better gamers.
I NEVER, in my life, thought I would read something as stupid as that.omg.


What is so dumb about it? Do you guys think a keyboard is harder or more skillful then than a pad? If you can rock with a pad you have mad skills.


If you want to settle this, why not do it on HALO PC? I am pretty sure you can use a gamepad with the game and there is an auto-aim option. Use a XBOX>PC USB adapter if you want to use an XBOX pad.
I'd never thought I'd see someone defend purposely inhibiting yourself and claiming it's skill. In the end, it doesn't matter how much you've developed by making yourself weak if you still get your ass beat.


I'm not claiming that. I'm just saying it's impressive when you see guys rocking on console games. I said in the begining your going to get worked by the mouse. As I am more of a console gamer and enjoy the pad. I hate when you here guys alway braging and saying go up against me with your pad against my mouse. How about we both use pads and we'll see who the man is.
Because that's not the argument. What if we both used KB/mouse? This isn't about a player being better than another, it's about an input device being better than one or the other.


Using a keyboard/mouse and using a controller are 2 completly diffrent things. How can you say that someone that kicks ass with the pad is a better gamer? It's totaly diffrrent. And saying that a mouse and keyboard are like training wheels is just retarted!


I said from the start the mouse is easier to use. Your talking about Nascar vs F1. F1 is going to win but guys are going to argue Nascar is harder or cooler all day long. It's more about style and preference. I see the mouse as easier and if I'm going to go up against guys that use it I will too. I would much rather play with a pad against guys with a pad. So in my mind the pad is better it's more fun. I hope my point is clear now and also mouse is weaksauce.
darscot said:
I said from the start the mouse is easier to use. Your talking about Nascar vs F1. F1 is going to win but guys are going to argue Nascar is harder or cooler all day long. It's more about style and preference. I see the mouse as easier and if I'm going to go up against guys that use it I will too. I would much rather play with a pad against guys with a pad. So in my mind the pad is better it's more fun. I hope my point is clear now and also mouse is weaksauce.

The only reason people play fps games on consoles with a pad is because they have to, or are too stupid to know better.


In my mind the pad is a better input device as it adds more enjoyment and difficulty. Yes a mouse is a better tool for a computer. But were talking games and games are about fun. The mouse is like training wheels master that then see how you fair with a pad it's the next step.
if thats your case start playing games with your dick im sure till add more enjoyment and difficulty also.

the FPS was BORN a keyboard and later mouse/kb combo not a gamepad, and the only reason people have to "take off the training wheels" is because microsoft was too thickheaded about a mouse/kb for the xbox.
"Yes a mouse is a better tool for a computer. But were talking games and games are about fun. The mouse is like training wheels master that then see how you fair with a pad it's the next step."

Restricting yourself doesn't make you skillful, it makes you a masochist. Just because something's harder doesn't mean it's an evolution, especially when said evolution will never reach the capability of the "training wheels." It'd be different if it was harader to use BUT had some form of advantage from mastering it, but gamepads don't have one over KB/mouse.


Why is it that guys that rock with a pad can go to keyboard and do well in a short time. Guys that use the mouse go to the pad and flat out suck. In my mind that makes pad gamers better gamers. [\TrashTalk] (Well half trash talk anyway)
"Why is it that guys that rock with a pad can go to keyboard and do well in a short time."

Why is it that you have *no* proof of this what so ever? Why is it you've never stuck to a single point you make and simply dodge others?
Holy shit...no offense to anyone, but if you think a good pad player has a chance against a good KB/M player in a FPS you are living in a dreamworld. There is no chance in hell anyone using a pad has a chance against an experienced KB/M player. The sluggish aim cannot compete, its no contest.


I haven't dodged anything and I'm talking a little trash. Lets not start taking this to serious now. Most people prefer more difficult things simply for the chalenge. Don't you guys ever pick the crappy car or crappy gun just for the fun of it? Didn't you ever talk shit when you took a guy out with the Klobb.

A derailment of an already existing thread derailment!!!


*wonders why thread title has even remained so*


Ferrio said:
Ya, but I also pick stuff like that going "Fuck i'm severly handicapped".

Yah but when I kill some one with it. I bust out like I just scored the game winner in OT game 7. Who da man. I guess that's the other reaon I prefer the console. It's just not the same online. I need to jump around rub my buddies face in it.


So you handicap so if you just happen to win you feel really good. But if you lose you go "oh but I was using a pad!"

Oh I see...


Now your getting it! (Kidding) Like I said if I go up against guy with mouse I use the mouse. So I can't really use that as an excuse. The other reason is I'm a software devloper so mouse and keyboard feels like work. Pad feels like gaming.
bogg said:
I NEVER, in my life, thought I would read something as stupid as that.omg.

You must be new to GA. You'll see more and more of it as you read the forum.

Not that I don't agree. That's pretty up there as far a stupid comments go.
cant imagine playing Halo (PC) online with a pad. You would get owned badly.

People on there are way too good and you wouldn't be able to turn fast enough.


Hehe actually shadow i've been around the ga forum for like 2, maybe 3 years(lurk lurk lurk), and yeah you're right I've probably read here posts that are more stupid. But I was still amazed when I read that, I mean....damn....


Bad Art ™
seismologist said:
cant imagine playing Halo (PC) online with a pad. You would get owned badly.

People on there are way too good and you wouldn't be able to turn fast enough.

Yeah but each time you frag someone you can throw a party thus making the game more fun.......oooooookkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
I can't believe Dark10x finially abandoned this thread and darscot takes up the "cause."

P.S. Those must have really been some mad surgeons. Because GoldenEye drove me f*cking nuts. The only thing worse than playing a FPS shooter with a controller is playing a FPS shooter with a controller and craptacular framerate. It's such joy trying to get headshots when the cursor's jerking all over the screen.


Keyboad/Mouse is easier then a pad.
Pad > Mouse. It's more street style. Kicking it old school. (I know FPS came out first on PC and mouse but pad is old school gaming)
darscot said:
Keyboad/Mouse is easier then a pad.

Not when your playing against good players. It becomes a test of skill rather than struggling against the controls.

FPS games are supposed to emulate first person perspective so you should have just as much dexterity as in real life.
Kb/mouse is much closer to reality.
The controller just doesn't cut it (unless in real life you turn like your on a pivot).

Not to mention sitting 2 feet from your monitor also puts you right in the position of first person perspective.
darscot said:
I haven't dodged anything and I'm talking a little trash. Lets not start taking this to serious now. Most people prefer more difficult things simply for the chalenge. Don't you guys ever pick the crappy car or crappy gun just for the fun of it? Didn't you ever talk shit when you took a guy out with the Klobb.

Since when is making your control more difficult and sluggish a good way to introduce a challenge. If you want a challenge, turn up the difficulty. Why bother introducing a sluggish form of control into the picture?

Ohhh right....because you probably don't have the pc to run most of the games coming out now. Well then make yourself proud swiveling that joystick of joy, you lean, mean, controller gaming machine!

ravingloon said:
FPS shooter
:), that made me chuckle


Darscot, should I assume you'll be playing Metroid Prime 2 multiplayer with the Donkey Kongas because "it'll make you a better gamer"? Are the Kongas a better device to play a FPS with then a regular controller?


Slo said:
Darscot, should I assume you'll be playing Metroid Prime 2 multiplayer with the Donkey Kongas because "it'll make you a better gamer"? Are the Kongas a better device to play a FPS with then a regular controller?

I tell you this, when some crazy Japanese kid does just that. I'll be impressed and he'll be a kick ass gamer. All I said was I prefer the pad. I'm a console guy and I feel it takes more skill. If your only good with the mouse I'm not impressed. It gives such a huge advantage. Why is it so hard to comprehend that not everyone thinks using a mouse is the greatest thing ever? It's like using a light gun with it touching the screen. Ohh oahh what mad skills you have.


Tre said:
Darscot just sounds like he's gotten his ass beat on KB/mouse FPSs.

I way better on the pad. Like I said I'm a console gamer. The only time I play on PC is at work. I hold my own but the compition is weak. I'm not sure how many times I have to state it. I use the mouse when I play against other people with the mouse. I don't race people on bikes while I run. But guess what some people prefer to run.


darscot said:
I tell you this, when some crazy Japanese kid does just that. I'll be impressed and he'll be a kick ass gamer. All I said was I prefer the pad. I'm a console guy and I feel it takes more skill. If your only good with the mouse I'm not impressed. It gives such a huge advantage. Why is it so hard to comprehend that not everyone thinks using a mouse is the greatest thing ever? It's like using a light gun with it touching the screen. Ohh oahh what mad skills you have.

Wait, you use the screen? A truly skilled player wouldn't need the advantage that looking at the enemy gives. Talk about using training wheels - I'm not impressed.


darscot said:
If your only good with the mouse I'm not impressed. It gives such a huge advantage. Why is it so hard to comprehend that not everyone thinks using a mouse is the greatest thing ever?

The best players use the best equipment. Overcoming a handicap in order to become mediocre does not make you a great player, it only makes you mediocre. NBA basketball players wear sneakers, not bunny slippers. Nascar drivers don't drive rusted out Yugos. Lance Armstrong doesn't ride a Huffy. Sure, it would be cool if if Tiger Woods shot a decent round of golf using only a broom handle, but he's not going to be competitive that way.


Bregor said:
Wait, you use the screen? A truly skilled player wouldn't need the advantage that looking at the enemy gives. Talk about using training wheels - I'm not impressed.

I'm not Yoda but with a pad I'm close.


Oh I get it. You guys actually think gaming is like a real sport or actual compition. Here I thought it was entertaining.
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