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Shira is Black^^^^^^^^^^ ??????
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What makes you think the dota 2 team isn't with their mothers
ask wok
- Dota 2 Short Film Contest Tuesday 12th May
- Wyvern Hatchling Courier Friday 15th May
- Immortal Treasure III Monday 25th May
- Desert terrain Sunday 7th June
- Music Pack June or July
dota now stands for 'deathball of the all-game'
every game is just boring and stressful trying to avoid the enemy team blobbing its way around the whole map, all game
6.84 has ruined the game, get into heroes of the storm tbh
good to see you're looking into ways of dealing with it and coming out of it a better player
regardless of whether i can find strategies around it, it's boring and intensely fatiguing
thats what you said about the last patch also
yeah, after three months of it, not two weeks
I said not before Sunday.
japenese vagina called you out
You're worse than Hylian now, at least he makes attempts at getting better and thinking it through.
I don't know what that means. What is japanese?
If we omit the japanese, I think I understand what you mean and I agree with you.
You're worse than Hylian now, at least he makes attempts at getting better and thinking it through.
black^ ogre mid manhandling a huskar, this is amazing
lmao, sure. whatever, dota is boring and stressful now.
Japanese porn censors genitalia.If we omit the "japanese" word in your sentence, I think I understand what you mean and I agree with you.
Otherwise, I don't know what that means. What is "japanese"?
By the way, my second answer to him was a reference to Phil Fish's polemical tweet. Not very classy. Ahah!
![]() such a thing even possible? Did he just not take Berserker's Blood?
Can something be both boring and stressful? Sounds like my previous job actually.
guys hurry before my game starts
how doo i beat demoli
guys hurry before my game starts
how doo i beat demoli
guys hurry before my game starts
how doo i beat demoli
it was great to watch. He just clubbed the huskar hard. His starting items were tango + 2x mango + stout
Japanese porn censors genitalia.
This ARDM game is pretty good.
This ARDM game is pretty good.
This ARDM game is pretty good.
I feel like we need a comic akin to the "PS3 has no game" comic.60/40 in favor of secret? but...SECRET CANT WIN A LAN
I feel like we need a comic akin to the "PS3 has no game" comic.
'Ruined' is too strong a word.dota now stands for 'deathball of the all-game'
every game is just boring and stressful trying to avoid the enemy team blobbing its way around the whole map, all game
6.84 has ruined the game, get into heroes of the storm tbh
i like tsunamis voice for casting
'Ruined' is too strong a word.
I'd say neutralised some parts of the game that required skill. Stacking and pulling, last hitting and denying aren't as vital because pushing towers and ganking is so strong now and the former elements of the game have been nerfed.
Some people say quick games that don't have 'boring' farming stages are better but I like a good, calm period of trying to optimise your farm and building carefully.
I started out 6.84 with a massive loss streak but I seem to have adapted now.
towers aren't nearly worth as much as they were at ti4. Need to remember that. People go for 5 man pushes alot, but as long as you hold and have other players farming you basically win easily
"as long as you hold and have other players farming"? Never happens. When 5 people dive your tower, and only 2 teammates defend, the output is: 2 deaths and 1 tower fallen.