I've been randoming a lot more lately. I sort of took the suggestion of playing support, but just randoming because honestly I don't want to just straight up spam support, more like just randoming (as first pick) and not repicking it generally unless it's Meepo, as I just don't feel confident enough to play in ranked.
Even then though, I'm just still getting nothing but hard games and I just don't win very many of them. I'm trying to focus more on strategy, my own play, etc, but I don't know what I'm missing here.
For example, in this game, it felt like we were just screwed from the start. The other team was able to 5-man by ten minutes and it didn't matter what we did, how Lycan pushed, they could just roll over us with no problem. It's a really frustrating thing to go against, I'm not blaming the game for the loss, I'm just saying it's a very difficult thing to face and I don't quite know what we could have done to stop it. Lycan was splitpushing and it didn't really do anything as they just took rax instead.
Dota is really frustrating.