Dota 2 Beta Thread V: Real Talk Strikes Back [Tutorials]

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"It's Gyro, not ghee-roh, he's not a flyin' bloody kebab!"


It always bothered me when people pronounced it "Guy-roh-cahpter".

But thats how he says his own name in game?

Love the guy, hate the pack

Ah. It gets less shitty as it goes along. Got up to 20 minutes. Some of it is pretty good

"So Beastmaster is the lord of beasts, but all he gets is a shitty bird and a pig?"



But thats how he says his own name in game?

Ah. It gets less shitty as it goes along. Got up to 20 minutes. Some of it is pretty good

"So Beastmaster is the lord of beasts, but all he gets is a shitty bird and a pig?"


Nah, its a really bad cash-in opp. He knows he is not relevant in the community after ESL, now he's trying to get paid for essentially reading his youtube scripts.
The fails of the week guys(sunsfan & reeves) are just plain funny from their voices to their mannerisms in a "I don't give a fuck" way.

PF is tolerable in 4 minute youtube bites with his drawrings and observations but he clearly ran out of material with the announcer pack.

"It's Gyro, not ghee-roh, he's not a flyin' bloody kebab!"


It always bothered me when people pronounced it "Guy-roh-cahpter".

Not everyone in Dota is first language english.
GAF I finally finished...


My OCD wouldn't allow me to just use the already-submitted builds. I had to make my own personalized ones. No longer will I be completely lost when I get heroes I've never played before in All Random (I'm looking at you, Razor), because at least I've had to research all of them now.
Not sure the GAF username but thanks to the person in the GAF group that took me through some bot matches and dealt with my ignorance. First night trying it out and things went...alright. The last match I felt pretty decent about since I actually got a few kills. There's so much to learn that I almost don't think I'll be getting back into it that much, or at least not until the summer or something. Probably hop on a little bit here and there, especially since he pointed out the obvious co-op bot match option that I missed. I might annoy my teammates in those matches but I won't feel as bad in those compared to matches against other people.

I really need to work on some new key bindings. I really didn't like the default so I changed a few things and it still feels way too awkward. They really should add some options for mouse-based camera control (I'd rather click and drag with the right mouse button). And I read that a deny is killing your own creeps but even when they had low health clicking on them just caused me to run up to them (and follow?) so obviously something wasn't working correctly there.

Anyhow, good stuff. Fun game and I look forward to watching more of The International after catching the last couple rounds last year.


Corporate Apologist
Important News: According to Valve's in game LowVilence setting, Ancient Apparition is also a Spooky Skeleton.


is shira on suicide watch yet? dude seems to dislike everything.

Me? I love most of the community stuff.
I pimp almost everything here even that shitty jersey shore announcer pack,

but the PF announcer pack is just awful. Like if you support that shit, I fear for what valve will try to monetize next.

Like would you people buy tobiwan hats or gdstudio wards?
GAF I finally finished...


My OCD wouldn't allow me to just use the already-submitted builds. I had to make my own personalized ones. No longer will I be completely lost when I get heroes I've never played before in All Random (I'm looking at you, Razor), because at least I've had to research all of them now.

That's obscene.


Me? I love most of the community stuff.
I pimp almost everything here even that shitty jersey shore announcer pack,

but the PF announcer pack is just awful. Like if you support that shit, I fear for what valve will try to monetize next.

Like would you people buy tobiwan hats or gdstudio wards?

people totally would

but please, jersey shore is on the same level as PF


Bull on a Donut
Can people name a few support heroes I can start taking a look at? Im currently on 25ish wins, and am looking for a long term go-to support

Lich, Keeper of the Light, Lina, Lion, and Witch Doctor are all pretty safe and easy supports (Lina is a bit more difficult with the skillshot stun).

If you want a challenging support go for rubick, leshrac, or shadow demon. Beware though, a bad Shadow Demon is basically a 6th, 7th, and 8th player for the enemy team. I'd stay away from him, but Rubick is a really fun support with a higher skill cap. You can't really fuck up your team at all with Rubick (where you can very easily as SD), so that's a plus.


Not sure the GAF username but thanks to the person in the GAF group that took me through some bot matches and dealt with my ignorance. First night trying it out and things went...alright. The last match I felt pretty decent about since I actually got a few kills. There's so much to learn that I almost don't think I'll be getting back into it that much, or at least not until the summer or something. Probably hop on a little bit here and there, especially since he pointed out the obvious co-op bot match option that I missed. I might annoy my teammates in those matches but I won't feel as bad in those compared to matches against other people.

I really need to work on some new key bindings. I really didn't like the default so I changed a few things and it still feels way too awkward. They really should add some options for mouse-based camera control (I'd rather click and drag with the right mouse button). And I read that a deny is killing your own creeps but even when they had low health clicking on them just caused me to run up to them (and follow?) so obviously something wasn't working correctly there.

Anyhow, good stuff. Fun game and I look forward to watching more of The International after catching the last couple rounds last year.

Pretty sure you can hold middle mouse and drag to pan the camera. To deny you have to hit A, then right click the minion.
Witch Doctor is good because he will teach you positioning. Ulti is great and that stun can break up team fights.

Try Jakiro. He is fairly easy to play and his ice path is straight up one of the best spells in the game.

That said, I don't really like Lich or Witch Doctor. I find both to be very lacking. IMO Shadow Demon is the most fun support but his skill cap is somewhat high. If you learn how and when to disrupt, you become an invaluable member of your team. SD is basically the best scaling support in the game and entirely item indipendent. You can make a HUGE impact with just boots of speed and wards in your inventory at any point in the game. Disruption + Soul Catcher + Demonic Purge is lethal for virtually every hero at, as I previously said, any point in the game.
I'm into that community beta, did not realize I had to buy something in the store to gain badges for DOTA 2. That Compendium is starting to get very tempting.


Try Jakiro. He is fairly easy to play and his ice path is straight up one of the best spells in the game.

That said, I don't really like Lich or Witch Doctor. I find both to be very lacking. IMO Shadow Demon is the most fun support but his skill cap is somewhat high. If you learn how and when to disrupt, you become an invaluable member of your team. SD is basically the best scaling support in the game and entirely item indipendent. You can make a HUGE impact with just boots of speed and wards in your inventory at any point in the game. Disruption + Soul Catcher + Demonic Purge is lethal for virtually every hero at, as I previously said, any point in the game.

Lich and Witch Doctor lacking?
Both of these guys are great lane supports. Lich with his denies and the slow (not to mention the ult) and witch doctor with that incredibly annoying stun, overpowered damage dealing curse and that Ult will fuck people up (especially with a pub stomb shadow blade build).


I really need to work on some new key bindings. I really didn't like the default so I changed a few things and it still feels way too awkward. They really should add some options for mouse-based camera control (I'd rather click and drag with the right mouse button). And I read that a deny is killing your own creeps but even when they had low health clicking on them just caused me to run up to them (and follow?) so obviously something wasn't working correctly there.

Right click doesn't work for friendly units, press A (default attack hotkey) and left click to deny.


but ever so delicious
Fuck, Still hyped. I think I just had the best game as LS ever, Things just went right. Fuck I love it when you have an amazing game that just ends up surprising you.

Don't know if I should play another game now, it can only end up being terrible.


will learn eventually
Not sure the GAF username but thanks to the person in the GAF group that took me through some bot matches and dealt with my ignorance. First night trying it out and things went...alright. The last match I felt pretty decent about since I actually got a few kills. There's so much to learn that I almost don't think I'll be getting back into it that much, or at least not until the summer or something. Probably hop on a little bit here and there, especially since he pointed out the obvious co-op bot match option that I missed. I might annoy my teammates in those matches but I won't feel as bad in those compared to matches against other people.

I really need to work on some new key bindings. I really didn't like the default so I changed a few things and it still feels way too awkward. They really should add some options for mouse-based camera control (I'd rather click and drag with the right mouse button). And I read that a deny is killing your own creeps but even when they had low health clicking on them just caused me to run up to them (and follow?) so obviously something wasn't working correctly there.

Anyhow, good stuff. Fun game and I look forward to watching more of The International after catching the last couple rounds last year.
Add me if you want free lessons. I'm good enough to escape the trench from time to time!


Oh man a PFlax announcer pack is real. I don't like it when he tries to fake a voice, but his regular self is funny.

"If you do that again, your teammates will yell at you and you will cry."

"Mekanism. Ugh, I hate having to buy this boring, boring item."


Shadow Demon is the best support in the game.

Don't let others tell you otherwise.
You need an understanding of what he does and coordinating that with your team though. With him it's not immediately apparent what some of his skills do unless you know what you're looking at. On top of that you have to coordinate Disruption with your team. If I had a nickel for every Reverse Polarity, Ghostship, Illuminate, or whatever blocked by Disruption...

If you do play SD though, Soul Catcher is your best skill and absolutely brutal if you combo it right. Don't max Shadow Poison first though, take one early point in it just to give you vision mainly.


Throw Shadow Shaman in too. He is pretty straightforward, loaded with disables, and has an ultimate that knocks down towers.

As simple as SS is, he does take a bit of practice to use correctly especially with your doe-eyed beginner who is going to freak out in a teamfight and run around and shackle the support while the carry is mopping up the floor with you. It happens.


You need an understanding of what he does and coordinating that with your team though. With him it's not immediately apparent what some of his skills do unless you know what you're looking at. On top of that you have to coordinate Disruption with your team. If I had a nickel for every Reverse Polarity, Ghostship, Illuminate, or whatever blocked by Disruption...

If you do play SD though, Soul Catcher is your best skill and absolutely brutal if you combo it right. Don't max Shadow Poison first though, take one early point in it just to give you vision mainly.

You're playing SD wrong. Shadow Poison gets maxed first, soul catcher 2nd. It offers more utility than skilling anything else early. In the laning phase you harass the fuck out of people with it whether mid or not. Stacks hurt. You'll win the lane easily if you're baby sitting too. People will use up their regen items very quickly and then tp or run back to fountain pretty soon if done correctly.

You do need a little coordination but not a lot for disruption. The only people who complain are those who blow their load when going for a kill or get uppity about kills.


It's grim and dark and mysterious and sci fi and fantasy and everything sux and there's demons and stuff. gosh such deep lore

Lol what a hater.

I think people enjoy it because of the extensive fluff/background present in the 40k universe, as well as all the tech and stuff.


Me? I love most of the community stuff.
I pimp almost everything here even that shitty jersey shore announcer pack,

but the PF announcer pack is just awful. Like if you support that shit, I fear for what valve will try to monetize next.

Like would you people buy tobiwan hats or gdstudio wards?

The Totalbiscuit announcer pack is next.
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