Dota 2 Beta Thread V: Real Talk Strikes Back [Tutorials]

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Sorry, nice youtubes - take my views, but I'm not paying the guy money.

HUD of champions


So.. solo matchmaking isn't really related to your current level right ?

I'm only like lvl 9 and last night I got matched with a team with the lowest lvl 30 up to lvl 50.

And our team had the highest lvl 30 with me next.


So.. solo matchmaking isn't really related to your current level right ?

I'm only like lvl 9 and last night I got matched with a team with the lowest lvl 30 up to lvl 50.

And our team had the highest lvl 30 with me next.

There is a hidden match making rating (MMR), your level doesnt actually mean anything.


So.. solo matchmaking isn't really related to your current level right ?

I'm only like lvl 9 and last night I got matched with a team with the lowest lvl 30 up to lvl 50.

And our team had the highest lvl 30 with me next.

Level and XP don't have any effect on matchmaking, it's based on a hidden MMR.


So.. solo matchmaking isn't really related to your current level right ?

I'm only like lvl 9 and last night I got matched with a team with the lowest lvl 30 up to lvl 50.

And our team had the highest lvl 30 with me next.

yo stop smurfing

TI HUD does look nice but wow, its even fatter than the default
So.. solo matchmaking isn't really related to your current level right ?

I'm only like lvl 9 and last night I got matched with a team with the lowest lvl 30 up to lvl 50.

And our team had the highest lvl 30 with me next.

solo mm has a smaller pool, atleast when I tried it out. Your results will vary.


What is that announcer?
Some youtube douchebag

Something like Angry Nintendo Nerd. Complain and swear a lot ........

So.. solo matchmaking isn't really related to your current level right ?

I'm only like lvl 9 and last night I got matched with a team with the lowest lvl 30 up to lvl 50.

And our team had the highest lvl 30 with me next.

The longer your search takes (5minutes+), I'm assuming the more imbalanced the matchup will be because then the range is fully extended.


I used to get Phase Boots on Lifestealer and Slark whenever I played them, and every time I did I'd get called garbage, trash and constantly flamed by my team because US players are textbook Dunnings. Naix phase boots have been accepted for awhile now but Slark is just turning FOTM status and the boots of choice is Phase Boots.

Go figure.


"It's Gyro, not ghee-roh, he's not a flyin' bloody kebab!"


It always bothered me when people pronounced it "Guy-roh-cahpter".
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