Dota 2 Beta Thread V: Real Talk Strikes Back [Tutorials]

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The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician

fuck chen

Bwahaha, interrupted your ult I assume?


I think it's time for me to remove some friends from my friends list, because the temptation of joining when invited overrides my greater sense of self-preservation.

For example,

the ET and Sven invited me to the party. I knew the Sven was bad in the past, but I hadn't played with him for at least 2 months. I decide to give him a shot. Call it a call-back audition. You know what I mean...hoping a guy who disappointed you in the past will have his shit together in the present. Every time, I end up greatly disappointed. Both have well over 1200 wins, and that experience should count for something. Everyone on the team had between 875 - 1300 wins worth of experience...and they played like it was their first month of doto. no chain stuns, despite 4 nuke stunners. No sent wards purchased to counter invis heroes. No BKB's in production. There wasn't even anything to be said.

I think the only safe solution for me is to just start pruning my friends list again. If for no other reason than to remove the temptation of joining their parties.

The most ironic thing?
We had a long discussion before the match started about how # of wins mean absolutely nothing. The ET was adamant that MM was sticking him with bad players because they have less than 300 or 400 wins and that they weren't on his level because of all his 1200 wins of experience. As if # of wins have anything to do with anything other than how much Dota2 MM you've played. Fuck outta here scrub. MM is clearly pairing you with the right caliber of players. Take your 1287 wins or whatever and eat a dick, scrub.

Dude don't call people out with no chance to respond.
Everybody has different skill levels. If you want a challenge ixdl/#roadtoTI4
Dude don't call people out with no chance to respond.
Respond to what? Look at the scoreboard and let me know what response is warranted. They already apologized for being bad, but they're always bad when I play with them. You don't need to white knight for them. Their play speaks for itself.

Everybody has different skill levels.
Isn't that the point of the ironic part? High # of wins don't = high skills, which was his argument the entire time. Nope, it just means you've played Dota2 MM a lot. Case in point. BTW, spectating their next game atm. 3/11 between the 2 of them.

dreams youve been very mean to people recently

only #realtalk

It was the irony of the prior conversation that prompted the commentary.
One would think after 600 games you'd have an inkling about either how to play or your own skill level. But I guess not all sponges can absorb water.

I know right, god I suck can't believe I would be even allowed to play on the same team as you. I'm sorry if your world is collapsing from my poor play.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
So who is going to lose his shirt on camera first, SingSing or Bruno?


Corporate Apologist
Hey, Im just curious, has Valve said anything about a mac version of Dota 2?

Eventually. It seems like someone is working on one, since every now and then Valve accidentally pushes out broken mac binaries, but don't expect it anytime soon. I think the team isn't as large as it was this time last year, likely a good chunk moved to some unannounced project.



Shoutout to Casker (deadly) from here. We got matched together randomly and he did a fantastic job supporting me.

Unfortunately our BH dragged us down, saying how terrible Slark was all game. Some things you just can't carry. The only real good thing BH accomplished all game was a really good track that got me a kill on PL.


Shoutout to Casker (deadly) from here. We got matched together randomly and he did a fantastic job supporting me.

Unfortunately our BH dragged us down, saying how terrible Slark was all game. Some things you just can't carry. The only real good thing BH accomplished all game was a really good track that got me a kill on PL.

Dude I got my battlefury as fast as I could.

Forest Song by Exotic Lemming

I'll let you decide

Trail of the Amanita. Comes from the new crate.

'grats. Pics or it didn't happen.

JK couriers are all borked



Nightstalker is quickly becoming one of my favourite heroes, in that even if I do badly it's still boatloads of fun. On my most recent gamei got lucky witht he runes (2 DD's during the first night) and just destroyed their midgame, allowing us to win very very early. The only times i died was always by pudge hook into entire team.


I have to say that since Solo MM was implemented, the quality of my games has improved dramatically.

I've played around 28 games with a winrate of 57% (16-12) and pretty much every game has been very satisfying.

Damn it, I knew THEY were holding me back :p


I have to say that since Solo MM was implemented, the quality of my games has improved dramatically.

I've played around 28 games with a winrate of 57% (16-12) and pretty much every game has been very satisfying.

Damn it, I knew THEY were holding me back :p

Are you shitting on GAF trash tier? We are offended.

i just got chatbanned for 24 hours

I like the way you STFU boy


Is it this update?

Update Notes - May 16, 2013
- Elder Titan: Fixed Ancestral Spirit giving vision to Elder Titan while dead.
- Elder Titan: Fixed Earth Splitter being placed slightly too far forward.
- Elder Titan: Fixed Natural Order not getting upgraded on the Ancestral Spirit if it was already in the air.
- Elder Titan: Fixed Natural Order sometimes not getting applied before Ancestral Spirit's damage.
- Ursa: Fixed Fury Swipes stack getting dispelled with Magic Immunity.

- Added vsync support to windowed modes.
- Reduced memory fragmentation.

- There are now 6 broadcaster channels.
- Added map ping throttling for communication banned players.

- Now highlights Compendiums that are gifts from other players.
- Updated with new stretch goals.
- Prize pool now displays how much the Compendium owner has contributed.

- Particles on unusual couriers work again.
- Strange items that count things other than kills work again.


will learn eventually
I have to say that since Solo MM was implemented, the quality of my games has improved dramatically.

I've played around 28 games with a winrate of 57% (16-12) and pretty much every game has been very satisfying.

Damn it, I knew THEY were holding me back :p

Solo queue has been horror for me.

Just people with no idea how to do a proper team composition. 5 carry strat all day
win a couple games, get matched with eternal envy and merlini's friends

zzzzzzzzzzzzz fucking matchmaking why can't i play with casual doters

that fucking ee instapicked storm too. fffffff

i shouldn't have made fun of his kawaii desu name before the match started, i bet he was raging
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