Valve don't care as long as they get their money that's all that matters. Obviously though if there is a great enough backlash they may implement ticket purchase restrictions in future.
Valve don't care as long as they get their money that's all that matters. Obviously though if there is a great enough backlash they may implement ticket purchase restrictions in future.
Or you could throw it at some of the emails in your Spam folder.It's 200 dollars for TI2 tickets, welp i'll take my stimulus dollars and buy my self a Rei body pillow i guess
It's 200 dollars for TI2 tickets, welp i'll take my stimulus dollars and buy my self a Rei body pillow i guess
the fuck is wrong with asuka
It's 200 dollars for TI2 tickets, welp i'll take my stimulus dollars and buy my self a Rei body pillow i guess
Ok, so did anyone else actually get a ticket?
Yeah this sucks. Tourney was actually on my birthday and I wanted to go, possibly with my bros. Fuck scalper prices yo.
Level 1 rosh too
Wait international 3 tickets actually sold out with minutes? Didn't think Dota2 was that popular yet.
Level 1 rosh too
Wait international 3 tickets actually sold out with minutes? Didn't think Dota2 was that popular yet.
Qualifier predictions:
West: 1. EG 2. Mouz
East: 1. LGD 2. RattleSnake
All-Star Teams: (went for west and east, and all from different teams)
1. Pajkatt, S4, Funn1k, Fluff, AA
2. Burning, Mushi, YYF, SanSheng, xFreedom
I think Dendi is a lock for the All-Star team, even if S4 probably deserves it. Dendi is the popular pick and it is a fan-based vote.
Qualifier predictions:
West: 1. EG 2. Mouz
East: 1. LGD 2. RattleSnake
All-Star Teams: (went for west and east, and all from different teams)
1. Pajkatt, S4, Funn1k, Fluff, AA
2. Burning, Mushi, YYF, SanSheng, xFreedom
and it'll be interesting to see if Lebron can play Slardar
You fool. Where is Chuan?
Some friends of mine from Cali are driving up so I was super hyped to attend this year.. then seeing as how the Kag bros were planning on going too..Also sad that I didn't get my ticket, I wasn't 100% sure if I was gonna go or not but I wanted a ticket just in case.
I said it last year and I'll say it again, trading and allowing scalping on tickets is stupid. Didnt they learn from last year where all the back seats were empty? I'm not sure how they can guarantee people will turn up but they should tie it to ID or something so people who buy are likely to go.
Couriers gaining assistants, do not want
I cant get past the First Page in the Compendium. Is there even more content right now?
I just found out... im so dumb.Doesn't that just mean you get more couriers?
Click the bottom right corner to flip the page.
Everyone hates: Nyx, Batrider, Io
Everyone looooves: Lifestealer, Gyrocopter
Gyrocopter probably 1st blood winner for West qualifiers, while I'm thinking Puck for east.
No it's like pets in WoW.Doesn't that just mean you get more couriers?
I really think Batrider is going to get the most first bloods, he tends to just get them in games that don't have zero minute fights.
For most deaths, I just don't know, I'm going with SD/Rubick.
Some friends of mine from Cali are driving up so I was super hyped to attend this year.. then seeing as how the Kag bros were planning on going too..
Pretty bummed out on Valve's decision to sell them all at once and not staggered. Closest I got was to having my purchase attempt to authorize, bah.
Hopefully I can find someone who isn't able to make it
Doesn't that just mean you get more couriers?
No it's like pets in WoW.
Im sure that as it"evolves" it will get a new creature to ride like the TI2 one does.
Calling it now, u heard it here first