Dota 2 Beta Thread V: Real Talk Strikes Back [Tutorials]

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Finally cracked after getting flamed over the mic all game by Russians and called them all russian cunts.

24 hour chat ban.

Welcome friend. WELCOME.

Game shouldn't have votekick. But definitely needs concede.
5/5, 30 minutes, 20k gold advantage, some rax down, whatever.
Just save me 10 minutes every game of pls Volvo.
Couple of nights ago, I got just absolutely flamed by some kid...replied with "I love you too," blew kisses his way over voice chat and he just completely flipped out and went on a homophobic tirade. Reported him after the match and the next day, got a prompt with my report returned.


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
It's strange how obsessed you are with replying to me.

Glad he's not playing it this game.

Dont get all bent out of shape cause I pointed out some innocuous thing you do. Its just weird you constantly have to complain about Kuroky on Rubick. It hard not to notice since you've even carried on conversations without a second party over it.


well the third game was a let down, gg navi :|
Why would they give wisp to a Western team? Lol

Navi vs iGG Wednesday Rematch 2

Is there a vod up for that Navi vs Tong Fu game 1?
If you have an hour to kill - this is by far the best game of the week. Highly recommended!!!
0 vanguards, dozens of buybacks, almost 100 kills, aegis shenanigans, this is what doto's supposed to be.
This is why Dendi is D-God


Well dual purpose I guess. But mainly seemed to be farming. Gave her a way to get some XP/Gold without the risk of getting killed or being completely shut out in the offlane, while also being able to quickly move to defend the tower.

Yeah it's common if she's Dire offlane

nice ass attack range makes it pretty simple, but it's obviously tedious
Grand Prize for the GB tourney..

- The winners of each bracket will get to face off against Brad and his pals in a special episode of Daily DOTA, live-streamed on the site to thousands of viewers. More details are forthcoming.

That's one awesome grand prize..


lol Dota 2 Lounge owners must think the new super white item icons are shit as well, because they've photo-shopped all the new ones to be gray again


lol Dota 2 Lounge owners must think the new super white item icons are shit as well, because they've photo-shopped all the new ones to be gray again

Yeah I think it's horrible. I can sometimes barely make out what an item is on some of them now.


I can't believe the luck of my buddy compared to me in drops. Every now and then I'll get a chest or a player card, meanwhile he gets rare items most games and most recently got a panda courier -.-


I can't believe the luck of my buddy compared to me in drops. Every now and then I'll get a chest or a player card, meanwhile he gets rare items most games and most recently got a panda courier -.-

Drop system is busted
I have a friend with about 300 hours who has gotten 4 mythical drops
Ive gotten 3 rare drops in my 1000+ hours
> Haven't played for a week or two
> Started dota, played a match, won
> Searching for second game
> Your account has been flagged as disruptive and your communication privileges temporarily revoked


Came here to vent about exactly that. Except I just sort of reprimanded an Ursa in Compendium mm that went for a lvl 1 Roshan and died then proceeded to feed miserably for the rest of the game.

Awful. Makes me not want to play for the duration of my ban. Not that they care or anything, but still. Ugh.


Had his dog run over by Blizzard's CEO
It's a community tournament with like 5 teams, pretty decent prize for the level of play.


Came here to vent about exactly that. Except I just sort of reprimanded an Ursa in Compendium mm that went for a lvl 1 Roshan and died then proceeded to feed miserably for the rest of the game.

Awful. Makes me not want to play for the duration of my ban. Not that they care or anything, but still. Ugh.

Did you have this same attitude prior to your absence?


Came here to vent about exactly that. Except I just sort of reprimanded an Ursa in Compendium mm that went for a lvl 1 Roshan and died then proceeded to feed miserably for the rest of the game.

Awful. Makes me not want to play for the duration of my ban. Not that they care or anything, but still. Ugh.

Yea I just ate a fucking week long chat-ban that I did not deserve. I've admittedly deserved it in the past for snapping at assholes, but not this time. I'd rather play in low priority than be unable to even attempt coordinating the most basic shit.


Yea I just ate a fucking week long chat-ban that I did not deserve. I've admittedly deserved it in the past for snapping at assholes, but not this time. I'd rather play in low priority than be unable to even attempt coordinating the most basic shit.
riot ahead of the curve with their playtime requirement chat bans
Came here to vent about exactly that. Except I just sort of reprimanded an Ursa in Compendium mm that went for a lvl 1 Roshan and died then proceeded to feed miserably for the rest of the game.

Awful. Makes me not want to play for the duration of my ban. Not that they care or anything, but still. Ugh.
hope you learnt your lesson
Playing some games with troll, that ult nerf + whirling axes fix combo hit him harder than I thought :(. He's even easier to kite now and its harder to late game carry on him. Dota balance is so fickle its a job I don't think very many people could handle. I don't think he's in the realm of OP anymore.


1. Find Match
2. Finding Match... [5:30]
3. Click Accept
4. 9/10 Accept
5. Finding Match... [2:30]
6. Click Accept
7. 10/10 Accept
8. Waiting for Players
9. Player has disconnected
10. Returning to matchmaking.

And then I finally get into a game and someone d/c's within 5 minutes.
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