Dota 2 Beta Thread V: Real Talk Strikes Back [Tutorials]

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1. Find Match
2. Finding Match... [5:30]
3. Click Accept
4. 9/10 Accept
5. Finding Match... [2:30]
6. Click Accept
7. 10/10 Accept
8. Waiting for Players
9. Player has disconnected
10. Returning to matchmaking.

And then I finally get into a game and someone d/c's within 5 minutes.
1. Play awesome game
2. Play awesome game
3. Play awesome game
4. Moron feeds your location to enemy
5. Get stomped
6. Get stomped
15. Get stomped

The circle of Dota.

Complex Shadow

Cudi Lame™
welp i uninstalled dota. gotta get some shit done. (ill be back though O_O)
I bought a new keyboard, I'm struggling to know where my buttons are without having to take a second.

Too used to my old keyboard.

Now I know how Tiger Woods feels.


Naix + Riki + Furion. Sprout, Blink Strike, Infest.


Naga Siren + Refresher - bait a team fight and have them slept while you split push a tower down.


Chen, Enchantress (again), Necro, and whomever else - Everyone get HotD and Necronomicons and Manta's!


Anyone know how to force the AI to move in bot matches? I've been playing as Lich and when I place wards at the start they always leave me to be a solo mid, which is fine, but I'd rather practice being support more.

Anyway, after three days of bot matches, I just went 3/0/9 which gives me a bit more confidence to jump in with real people... maybe. At least I feel like I'm starting to understand the very basics :\


Nature's Prophet, Spirit Breaker, Spectre, Wisp and Sand King. SB initiates, Prophet and Spectre port in, Wisp relocates a Sand King with Ulti.

Probably old as hell but still funny to me :/


Nature's Prophet, Spirit Breaker, Spectre, Wisp and Sand King. SB initiates, Prophet and Spectre port in, Wisp relocates a Sand King with Ulti.

Probably old as hell but still funny to me :/

Oh I do like Wisp + big ult. Bring back carry Tide!


You get chat banned and flagged as "disruptive"...

Picking shit team comp and playing like shit is far more disruptive but there's no report option for that :(


You get chat banned and flagged as "disruptive"...

Picking shit team comp and playing like shit is far more disruptive but there's no report option for that :(

There's nothing, nor should there be, that prevents people from picking whatever hero they want to play or however they want to play it (I don't include intentionally feeding or ability abuse as the 'how' in this case - and there are reports for that).

You can always play in an IHL if you want to have those factors count against people as they usually have rules against that.

Picking a fourth and fifth melee hero with no stuns in a RD game isn't fun for anyone.

Probably fun for the people that picked them, hence why they picked them. This game shouldn't prevent people from picking heroes they enjoy playing.

edit (again): I bet you lost the game you're talking about. Which means, it was probably fun for the people that won the game. So yeah, fun for a few people if not the majority.


There's nothing, nor should there be, that prevents people from picking whatever hero they want to play or however they want to play it (I don't include intentionally feeding or ability abuse as the 'how' in this case - and there are reports for that).

Picking a fourth and fifth melee hero with no stuns in a RD game isn't fun for anyone.
Another good one is only purple heroes, with only purple items.

You could also go with only fish/water heroes.

Lightning heroes is always good too (Zeus, Razor, Leshrac, Storm, Disruptor - with maybe one or two more qualifying)

Ice is nice is also decent.

Magitech heroes only.

All skeletons, previously mentioned, is a classic.

I'll try and think of some more unusual combos though.




- Enabled Mechanics II, Laning I, and Laning II.
- Added Limited Hero mode for playing with bots and matchmaking.

- Added panel for displaying and removing pending guild invitations.
- The International: Fixed not being able to request your ticket information by clicking on the ticket stub on the top bar.
- The International: Fixed bug that prevented the confirmation email to be sent after consuming an event ticket.

- Updated Lion's head.
- Fixed a bug where character items could sometimes show up incorrectly to third parties if the data couldn't be obtained from the owner. Most often seen on items like Pudge's hook.
- Fixed refraction based effects showing up in some character previews where they should not.

- Fixed Death music bug.

- Implemented more lenient algorithm for communication bans that takes into account how many games are played.
- Reset communication ban lengths if a player has not been banned in two weeks.
- Reset all existing communication bans as part of the recent algorithm changes.

- Alchemist: Chemical Rage bonus HP reduced from 300/600/900 to 250/500/750
- Batrider: Flamebreak cooldown increased from 11 to 14
- Gyrocopter: Attack range reduced from 375 to 365
- Io: Tether movement bonus decreased from 20% to 17%
- Lifestealer: Rage cooldown increased from 15 to 17 seconds
- Treant Protector: Living Armor damage block instances from 7 to 4/5/6/7
- Team 2 now bans second instead of first in Ban Phase #2. (All other phases and orders are the same)

Ban Phase #1 No Changes [Team A/B/A/B]
Pick Phase #1 No Changes [Team A/B/B/A]
Ban Phase #2: Changed [From Team B/A/B/A to Team A/B/A/B]
Pick Phase #2: No Changes [Team B/A/B/A]
Ban Phase #3: No Changes [Team B/A]
Pick Phase #3: No Changes [Team B/A]



Early update inc because of July 4th?

Also, you guys are mostly posting THEMED TEAMS.

It ain't about themed teams. It's about whacky strategies that you don't see coming! THINK HARDER GUYS
I've always wanted to mess around with healing team: dazzle solo offlane, mid necrolyte, Chen in the jungle and safe lane Juggernaut with Leshrac (which breaks the theme but has great synergy with the rest). As soon as you hit 6-7 on the core heroes and you get Mek on the necro you just group and push every single tower. Of course you need to ban AA.
oi whar's my fukin waifu commander.

Atleast it's something, probably more helpful for the game's health than new heroes, especially with launch around the corner. Free sniper set too, can't complain.
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