Fucking hell, yet another hood I have to collect impulsively.http://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=157062850
I like this BS set a lot more than the other sets.
I think it's the hood.
Fucking hell, yet another hood I have to collect impulsively.http://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=157062850
I like this BS set a lot more than the other sets.
I think it's the hood.
Is anyone else having trouble with the build creator? My builds come up as undefined and I just get an error when I try to edit or view them. If I make new builds they won't save. Common?
Sunday, 2pm EST
I want to cast it. Not even joking.
Edit: with hylian lol
So, im in a game against a KOTL and Bounty Hunter. My teammate tonight says "gondar bottom, care", and I think it's no big deal. Why would I be afraid of KOTL? After all, only a creepy old man on a horse could have a name like Gondar.
I died.![]()
If they dodge again do you just get a W?OUR GB GAME HAS BEEN SCHEDULED
Sunday, 2pm EST
I stopped getting progress on my quests.
Shit JRPG is shit.
So what 11 heroes is this game missing? I can't be bothered cross referencing.
All i know thats missing is Pit Lord and the Arthas clone.
I'm going through the new additions just now myself, and I gotta say I'm mightily tempted to take my own amateur stab at one. Come quickly, Dota SDK!Man, Mechanics 2 of the tutorial REALLY make me wish there was a Story/Campaign mode for DOTA 2.
Man, Mechanics 2 of the tutorial REALLY make me wish there was a Story/Campaign mode for DOTA 2.
I've been playing lich for a week or so now, but before I go online against real people I'd like to have experience on a few more heroes. What's windrunner like for a noob? I like the cut of her Jib.
I dont understand this. Wind is probably the one support i suck with. I think i have 10 loses and 3 wins with her. I can never land good hackleshots![]()
I've played her a lot. 50/50 or pretty close to it. Haven't played her much in recent times though since I had so many games of her when I first started to play.
And random anecdote: Hasted Earthshaker is one of the best first blood combos. Just run to mid and trap them in the river. Mid hero doesn't even necessarily need a stun or nuke themselves - with nowhere to go, the opposing mid should just die from right clicks. Unless it's like Puck or something that can orb over the wall.
What goodies do you get if you max out each of the tutorial categories?
This is what I feared. Guess I'm grinding lore pages.You'll get pieces of the Gunslinger set for Sniper and pages of the in-game lore book.
This is what I feared. Guess I'm grinding lore pages.
To date the nerdiest thing I have ever uttered.
Hmm... I'll have to take a look at the set and see if I would bethink it worthwhile.From what I could tell, the first two tutorials give you all the lore pages you need, and then the overview "video" and all of the mid-only/bot/limited-pool matches will net you all 4 pieces of the Gunslinger set.
Do you get anything from the last two sections of the tutorial? After the Sniper cape? No one wants to play hours of useless bot matches to get an item.
But you're forgetting that Gibuses went super saiyan every year or something.The new Sniper set will be the Ghastly Gibus of Doto: a scarlet hat that lets people know how noob you are.
Pic dump:
Valve gonna ignore Arc Warden and port over Emerald Warden instead.
ROFL! oh man, dat RNG :<
Played my first real match with Elder Titan. I played him as a support. If it wasn't for our carry doom, we would have lost, but man I got some sick combo's off. 4 man fissure then a ghost sleep combo right after. So sweet.
He sucks as a support though D:
ROFL! oh man, dat RNG :<
Played my first real match with Elder Titan. I played him as a support. If it wasn't for our carry doom, we would have lost, but man I got some sick combo's off. 4 man fissure then a ghost sleep combo right after. So sweet.
He sucks as a support though D:
Elder Titan is one of those guys where you need someone there to capitalize with you. You can hit your moves perfectly, but if your team doesn't follow up, you're a sitting duck/bull monster. I tried him a few times and completely sucked with him, which is ashame because he seems like my kind of hero.