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Dota 2 Beta Thread V: Real Talk Strikes Back [Tutorials]

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The great majority of my games played have been as a support hero. Usually hard support too, since I'm the only one who doesn't pick a mid/carry. I feel like I'm helping my team but stunting my personal growth, since I'm not getting much practice in last hitting/farming. What do, GAF? Should I start being that guy and pick a carry, even though two of my teammates have already instalocked Sniper and Faceless Void?


The great majority of my games played have been as a support hero. Usually hard support too, since I'm the only one who doesn't pick a mid/carry. I feel like I'm helping my team but stunting my personal growth, since I'm not getting much practice in last hitting/farming. What do, GAF? Should I start being that guy and pick a carry, even though two of my teammates have already instalocked Sniper and Faceless Void?
There are supports that can still get farm like Death Prophet. Tell your teammates if they want to carry so hard, at least pick one that jungles.


Corporate Apologist
Yay, I got LD in Compendium. Welp, lets hope I don't suck too much.

Edit: Well, I didn't suck too much, but the trilane top fed really damn hard and gave up at 15 minutes. Oh well.


DP is not a support at all, ever. She requires farm and can't afford to delay her items.

Bums me out when people assume that every hero can only play one role

Played carry Necro earlier today and when the enemy team saw that i was 6 slotted with Aghs/Deso/Treads/Shivas/Hood and Force staff they all started berating me for not helping my team by getting mek/pipe etc?

Whats up with that?

There are supports that can still get farm like Death Prophet. Tell your teammates if they want to carry so hard, at least pick one that jungles.

Yeah I agree with Procarbine that DP isn't a support at all. I've only run her mid. Definitely a nuker/semi-carry.

Warlock is a little more of a farming support I guess. But I played him the other day and I was babysitting FV, so of course I wasn't going to take any last hits there. And although we did have another support (SD), he refused to buy wards/Mek so I had to spend a lot of my farm on those. -_-


Supports are unsung heroes. Throw your life away to save the carry who was in a stupid position or has no map awareness. Prepare for "stop feeding please"; instead of "thanks for saving my life."

The win % is worth it in the end, but playing supports almost exclusively can be a bit boring. Plus, I am not convinced that playing support is actually all that much easier than playing a carry. You can play support and still work your way out of the trench.


Forever Platinum
Bums me out when people assume that every hero can only play one role

Played carry Necro earlier today and when the enemy team saw that i was 6 slotted with Aghs/Deso/Treads/Shivas/Hood and Force staff they all started berating me for not helping my team by getting mek/pipe etc?

Whats up with that?


Did I say that? I don't think anyone can argue that dp needs items to be effective, and what you're saying is akin to saying something like CK can be played as a support. Obviously you can do it, but the losses are tremendous. Her ultimate paints a giant target on her head and requires that she stay alive during its long duration to be effective, she needs to be able to survive.

Your example is a little stretched as well, because in both examples that necro is getting farm, it's just the difference in item choices between team utility and self benefit.


Bums me out when people assume that every hero can only play one role

Played carry Necro earlier today and when the enemy team saw that i was 6 slotted with Aghs/Deso/Treads/Shivas/Hood and Force staff they all started berating me for not helping my team by getting mek/pipe etc?

Whats up with that?


Well if you were winning they were probably just mad, if you were losing then they were probably just stupid, if you were the only potential support in a carry team they were probably right but doesn't mean it couldn't have worked.


Not Wario
Bums me out when people assume that every hero can only play one role

Played carry Necro earlier today and when the enemy team saw that i was 6 slotted with Aghs/Deso/Treads/Shivas/Hood and Force staff they all started berating me for not helping my team by getting mek/pipe etc?

Whats up with that?


What? If Necro has a default role, it's almost certainly carry and not support. What a weird assumption. (Then again, I seem to recall having a game where I told a Warlock to go support instead of our Necro and the whole stack he was with laughed at me like I was some kind of idiot. Maybe the common perception of Necro is support?)
Wish there were an option to hear muted players, I think my skin is thick enough to handle some words, more importantly its hard to communicate who's going what items when a player is muted.

still good to get pipe/mek even if you're on a carry like necro or dp. Usually those heroes operate around being able to stay in the fight longer, and both those items allow you to do that + help your team.


Corporate Apologist
Bums me out when people assume that every hero can only play one role

Played carry Necro earlier today and when the enemy team saw that i was 6 slotted with Aghs/Deso/Treads/Shivas/Hood and Force staff they all started berating me for not helping my team by getting mek/pipe etc?

Whats up with that?

I still really like a Mek on Necrolyte, good amount of armor and a helpful burst heal. The Support should never actually be the one getting mek IMO, they will not get it till about 30+ minutes when it isn't very useful anymore.


Not Wario
Yeah, mek and pipe are legitimate items on Necro, even carry Necro. Didn't think about it from that angle. Sustain is more important than right click for his carry potential anyway.


So people are 5 manning and quitting compendium matches to get player cards - I thought you were only guaranteed a card on your first game and every other time it's random?
Supports are unsung heroes. Throw your life away to save the carry who was in a stupid position or has no map awareness. Prepare for "stop feeding please"; instead of "thanks for saving my life."

The win % is worth it in the end, but playing supports almost exclusively can be a bit boring. Plus, I am not convinced that playing support is actually all that much easier than playing a carry. You can play support and still work your way out of the trench.

I'm starting to agree with this line of thought. Support is easy to initially pick up but at higher levels support definitely feels more difficult to play than carry since even if played well , you don't get to enjoy an item/lvl advantage that your carry teammate does.


Bums me out when people assume that every hero can only play one role

Played carry Necro earlier today and when the enemy team saw that i was 6 slotted with Aghs/Deso/Treads/Shivas/Hood and Force staff they all started berating me for not helping my team by getting mek/pipe etc?

Whats up with that?

Why did you get deso? He's not that kind of carry.

I still really like a Mek on Necrolyte, good amount of armor and a helpful burst heal. The Support should never actually be the one getting mek IMO, they will not get it till about 30+ minutes when it isn't very useful anymore.
Exactly, at least in pubs. I feel not enough people understand how important the timing on mek is, when you're buying wards, counterwards and getting only few last hits unless you're stomping the mek is always gonna come at a terrible timing, if i'm playing an int carry i'm buying it 99% of the times.
Especially underrated on OD where even the Buckler gives you ton of mana from the aura procs.


Not Wario
I have a far harder time determining what to do as a support the higher up I go than I do as a carry, where I'm basically just last hitting away while keeping an eye on the mini map to determine what the gank potential on me is, where my next farm is, and whether I should be tping for a team fight/push/rosh attempt. When on support, between needing to keep my carries safe, pull off ganks while they farm, warding, stacking, pushing, and pulling, I'm constantly having to evaluate what the best use of my current time is as well as my much more limited resources. Furthermore, I can't count on the team making the same effort to save me that they would a carry if I get caught out of position/in a gank attempt. Maybe I'm playing them wrong, but I certainly find playing carries easier (assuming lowish latency) than playing support, if my team is equally competent/incompetent in each situation.


I have a far harder time determining what to do as a support the higher up I go than I do as a carry, where I'm basically just right clicking away while keeping an eye on the mini map to determine what the gank potential on me is, where my next farm is, and whether I should be tping for a team fight/push/rosh attempt. Between needing to keep my carries safe, pull off ganks while they farm, warding, stacking, pushing, and pulling, I'm constantly having to evaluate what the best use of my current time is as well as my much more limited resources. Furthermore, I can't count on the team making the same effort to save me that they would a carry if I get caught out of position/in a gank attempt. Maybe I'm playing them wrong, but I certainly find playing carries easier (assuming lowish latency) than playing support, if my team is equally competent/incompetent in each situation.

The problem is the mentality i see a lot that just by playing a support your team should feel thankful because you're getting a chick and couple of wards.
Even if you're not feeding as a support you might be actually damaging your team with a lot of little things: i know i'm a little guilty of abandoning the lane for ganks sometimes not at the most opportune times, but when i'm playing a carry there's not a single thing i hate more than a support just standing around leeching exp or trying to harass and tanking the creepwaves because of bad positioning. All these little things adds up and can fuck up your game.
We were winning and i was too lazy to save for Skadi
Skadi's pretty bad too, you're rarely autoattacking and you don't need the mana.


Supports are unsung heroes. Throw your life away to save the carry who was in a stupid position or has no map awareness. Prepare for "stop feeding please"; instead of "thanks for saving my life."

The win % is worth it in the end, but playing supports almost exclusively can be a bit boring. Plus, I am not convinced that playing support is actually all that much easier than playing a carry. You can play support and still work your way out of the trench.

I find playing carries easier than playing supports. I find most support characters pretty boring so I'm always grateful when someone picks a support.


Not Wario
The problem is the mentality i see a lot that just by playing a support your team should feel thankful because you're getting a chick and couple of wards.
Even if you're not feeding as a support you might be actually damaging your team with a lot of little things: i know i'm a little guilty of abandoning the lane for ganks sometimes not at the most opportune times, but when i'm playing a carry there's not a single thing i hate more than a support just standing around leeching exp or trying to harass and tanking the creepwaves because of bad positioning. All these little things adds up and can fuck up your game.

Oh definitely. That's part of the reason I feel it's more difficult- it's much more debateable as to what you should be doing as a support, and, thus, much easier to mess up your team. Should you be harassing the opponent, should you be hanging back but still near in case of a gank, should you even be in the lane at all or elsewhere making life easy for your mid or pulling a gank off bot? I definitely feel I have set my teams back more when playing support than I have when playing carry.


I find playing carries easier than playing supports. I find most support characters pretty boring so I'm always grateful when someone picks a support.

No way man. It feels great to set up a massive fight with an amazing ice path/macropyre from Jakiro or to drop 4 golems into a fight with Warlock. You just need to play the supports with the flashy spells

Skadi's pretty bad too, you're rarely autoattacking and you don't need the mana.

Just double checked. They had a Specter that was getting fat and dominating the last few fights. Got a Deso to make it easier to burst her down


Not Wario
No way man. It feels great to set up a massive fight with an amazing ice path/macropyre from Jakiro or to drop 4 golems into a fight with Warlock. You just need to play the supports with the flashy spells

Playing my spells right in a team fight is probably the easiest part of playing support; (especially an initiator like Warlock or Tide, for the super easy mode. Jakiro is pretty easy too.) it's the rest of their job that's challenging.
I find it pretty hard to understand why supports aren't even to share exp with the carry in high level games. At least until they get 6. I'm sure I've seen a bunch of games where the pull gets interrupted somehow a few times and you get a level 4 Bane or Earthshaker wandering around in brown boots 12 minutes in.


I find it pretty hard to understand why supports aren't even to share exp with the carry in high level games. At least until they get 6. I'm sure I've seen a bunch of games where the pull gets interrupted somehow a few times and you get a level 4 Bane or Earthshaker wandering around in brown boots 12 minutes in.

If the carry doesn't need you to protect him and you can't kill the lane just double pull and go gank sometimes, you get much more gold and a little less exp for yourself but more for the team in general.


The great majority of my games played have been as a support hero. Usually hard support too, since I'm the only one who doesn't pick a mid/carry. I feel like I'm helping my team but stunting my personal growth, since I'm not getting much practice in last hitting/farming. What do, GAF? Should I start being that guy and pick a carry, even though two of my teammates have already instalocked Sniper and Faceless Void?
Make another account and strictly play carrys.
The great majority of my games played have been as a support hero. Usually hard support too, since I'm the only one who doesn't pick a mid/carry. I feel like I'm helping my team but stunting my personal growth, since I'm not getting much practice in last hitting/farming. What do, GAF? Should I start being that guy and pick a carry, even though two of my teammates have already instalocked Sniper and Faceless Void?

Well for example, you can take someone like bounty hunter and just go for suicide solo lane or you can pick up a jungler like NP...

I was like you until I bit the bullet and just started picking carries/mid. I find that when I solo queue, it's easier to play carry/semi carry etc...I mean let's face it, you're going to have to learn some time and everyone throws.


fnatic and eg competing to see who can throw harder
Nobody throws gooder than EG
I find it pretty hard to understand why supports aren't even to share exp with the carry in high level games. At least until they get 6. I'm sure I've seen a bunch of games where the pull gets interrupted somehow a few times and you get a level 4 Bane or Earthshaker wandering around in brown boots 12 minutes in.
What is better level 6 pl and level 2 kotl? Or level 4 pl and level 4 kotl?


Unlimited Capacity
Outworld Devourer can do some real damage late game to non int heroes. One ult and most all of them are done. Get th refresher orb and you can almnost clear out na entire team yourself. Also, he never runs out of mana. Feels good. New favorite character.


There's an argument to be made that you need to be even better at getting last hits as a support player because your opportunities to find them are so fleeting. There are usually a handful of things you could otherwise be doing. If you sit in lane for a minute and miss half your last hits you're wasting valuable time.


So a bunch of GAF people told me to go Orb of Venom Puck last night on stream. I thought they were trolling, but I eventually just got it. I think I might incorporate this into my starting items now, it actually worked out quite well.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Just because they're trolling doesn't mean it can't work!


Okay. Thanks to the lovely GAFer hung_real, I attained my CHUAN and ixMike cards!



I've been playing lich for a week or so now, but before I go online against real people I'd like to have experience on a few more heroes. What's windrunner like for a noob? I like the cut of her Jib.
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