he plays dota 2, its not impossible to like both games.
Those people are too cowardly to pick a side.
he plays dota 2, its not impossible to like both games.
Those people are too cowardly to pick a side.
Can you guys please stop talking about fucking LoL?
Pudge Wars > ARAM. The moment Valve puts it in is the moment LoL dies.
I can't wait for the Doto map editor.
I'll finally get to play Amumu on a decent engine. :^)
Do they not have pudge in lol?
I think the LoL thread became too toxic for him and he's taking refuge here.
Kind of like kayos.
he plays dota 2, its not impossible to like both games.
I love the title of the Madden community thread, mostly because it turned one of my friend's favorite games/ots into a game that he already heard people talk about all day over mumble.
Bokenhey guys, gonna go to sleep now
catch yall later
If that's your argument then you can't even compare elo system to lp system.
Elo system will always decay to a minimum
The numbers withstanding, the lp gain based on relative distance to div mmr means that there is no certain decay to a minimum (unless your division is locked eg div V) . Forum post by a red. Which is better than you assuming you elo hell experience is right
And methods are distinct from formulas. You can know a method without knowing a formula
Jesus I swear you make me want to ignore you just to avoid this stupidity
They're in that wasteland known as "Gaming Community".There's a LoL thread? I've never seen one before.
I couldn't help it.Boken
(Today, 01:29 PM)
They're in that wasteland known as "Gaming Community".
I approve of this undying hat. How much?
Is there any word of when Volvo will release the "casual" game mode? I would play this game way more often if I didn't have to set aside ~60 mins of "no phone calls or interruption time" to safely play a Dota match.
On another note, here's a tentative Sven build I made for my beginner friend:
An error was encountered while processing your request:
That item does not exist. It may have been removed by the author.
Here's a link to the Steam Community home page.
If I could I would clone myself 4 times and play Dota with myself. Best team ever #confidence
And its gone
What makes the LoL thread toxic? High concentration of whining?
Easiest solution: never play with DotaGAF or LolGAF.
Working out pretty well for me so far, I'd say.
item builds for slark needed. what do you guys get for him?