Rubick auto attacking sb to death seems wrong. All three of the videos made me smile. I think it's Rubicks animation while charging.
I'm super tempted to get a surface pro. I just updated my main PC this weekend and I'm waiting to see if they release an updated tablet this fall.. I've been dying to do some digital art on a tablet for a while and I've only heard good things about the surface so far in regards to that. Just waiting for more programs to start getting touch interfaces. cmon zbrush!
Know what Rubick needs? Feathersi'm gonna play some dota2 on it now.. been messing around with rubick.. I think he's pretty fun xD
Really? Feathers?Know what Rubick needs? Feathers
And hell no I dont use the touch screen for dota2. You mad!? haha Just set it up like a little laptop and plug in your gaming mouse xD
You know what needs butterflies - Puck!Know what Rubick needs? Feathers
Yeah it went down for a minute here too.
Boken do you actually play/watch dota or are you just here to continuously bring up LoL?
Boken can't play dota because his girlfriend wont let him.
He's not black though.boken you need a new girlfriend
my girlfriend only plays super smash bros and only watches me play dota when i'm playing dragon knight because he's a strong black man but otherwise she's cool with me playing so much dotatoe
He's not black though.
what if boken and milk's gfs ran off together
Haha I havent installed zbursh, but I installed photoshop, I dun need touch versions of them, I just use my normal Peripherals + my tablet pen. I'm thinking about getting a bamboo pen instead of the default fr a bit better control though...
boken you need a new girlfriend
my girlfriend only plays super smash bros and only watches me play dota when i'm playing dragon knight because he's a strong black man but otherwise she's cool with me playing so much dotatoe
i hope you know ellen page is not actually your gf
how is dk not black haly
Are you asking me "haly, why did volvo lie 2 me" or "haly, that is clearly black and not a darkened shade of pink".
i hope you know ellen page is not actually your gf
my girlfriend could chokeslam ellen page
Looks like Valve disabled all invites and pulled them from the market.
boken you need a new girlfriend
my girlfriend only plays super smash bros and only watches me play dota when i'm playing dragon knight because he's a strong black man but otherwise she's cool with me playing so much dotatoe
thats not very attractive
boken you need a new girlfriend
my girlfriend only plays super smash bros and only watches me play dota when i'm playing dragon knight because he's a strong black man but otherwise she's cool with me playing so much dotatoe
Dota 2 beta invites gone and Dota 2 just went offline.
wtfmy girlfriend could chokeslam ellen page
Dota 2 beta invites gone and Dota 2 just went offline.
pics of this monstrosity
Need someone's opinion please..
Do you think it is a good trade: My Sunfire Nimble Ben + 5 Keys, for a Dragon Claw Hook?
she's a savage bro, she could kill me with her bare hands if she wanted
Dota 2 beta invites gone and Dota 2 just went offline.
Unusual Sunfire Ben is worth $149 according to the marketplace, Dragon Claw is worth $92. So i guess no.
I assume you have an unusual?
Word of warning, I think the flashing version of this gif is banned now, although the static version is still fine
What kind of monster would ban this gif. And why.
Just been informed by my sauce that chests will be free to open during the summer sale. I'll ketchup with you guys later!
Just been informed by my sauce that chests will be free to open during the summer sale. I'll ketchup with you guys later!
I'm guessing it's for people with seizure disorders. My sister can't even stand to have those blinking Christmas lights around.