He's very flexible.
Starting (Choose 1-2)
Poor Man's Shield: Passive early game
Orb of Venom: Aggressive early game and for Skadi rushes
Bottle: If you're mid or your mid doesn't need runes
Magic Wand: For spell spammers
Core (Choose 2-3, including treads)
Treads: Almost always. Keep it on strength for fighting unless you're good enough to switch modes mid fight, the HP is invaluable for Slark.
Yasha: More speed and chase
Drums of Endurance: More HP and chase
Ultimate Orb: If you're really badass
Mask of Madness: If you're really really badass
Midas: If you're me
Midgame (Choose 1-2)
Diffusal: Good balance of chase and damage
Basher: If you're fighting other harder carries often
S&Y: If you're doing a lot of chasing against runners and you need a little more HP
Orchid: If you need to shut down blinkers/casters like QoP, AM, or OD
BKB: Self explanetory
Skadi: Huehuehue (only if you're rushing it from the Core)
Abyssal Blade: Progress from Basher
Heart: If you need to initiate often
Butterfly: For fighting other late game hard carries, not as good as Abyssal generally
Monkey King Bar: Countering Butterflies
Divine Rapier: Huehuehuehuehuehuehuehue
Other items that are good on him but I rarely use
Assault Cuirass
Linken's Sphere
"But Haly, this is every item in the fucking game."
That's right, Slark can make any item work, he's just that good.