EE looks so sad/pissed/depressed
EE looks so sad/pissed/depressed
It's a LoL clone but you can't customize your experience by buying new heroes. Plus you can't use your spells as much so what's the point. Shit game. New MOBA please!
Never mind, EternalEnvy?I'll have to listen to this later.
I was optimistically hoping that was a typo meant to be "ET" I would have said wtf, but that would be awesome.
funny how the only time when tobi is right is when he's on MAAD
funny how the only time when tobi is right is when he's on MAAD
I don't see how anything he said is right aside from scrims are meaningless in determining teams. Everything else he's said just comes off as him being overly antagonistic and playing devil's advocate to standout from all the pro players.
Hey guys can anyone give me a beta key id raelly like to try this cool game out
A+ comedyCough up 25 bucks scrub.
Why would anyone want a mushroom farting courier?
Cause drugs
God dammit I do sort of sound like EE after listening to part of that MAAD episode and a VOD from my own stream.
You don't sound like an asian person
Can we have the OP updated with news instead of "How to play"? I think it's great to have a newbie guide but that could be in a seperate thread, I get annoyed seeing the neogaf thread having a title indicating the update, then having to google it :/
are they seriously not adding those sets this week?
There's even art advertising them on the matchmaking screen...
You'll hear it if you aren't looking at EE talking.
Can we have the OP updated with news instead of "How to play"? I think it's great to have a newbie guide but that could be in a seperate thread, I get annoyed seeing the neogaf thread having a title indicating the update, then having to google it :/
Pretty dick move to shit on other teams just cause he wasn't invited.Too bad CWM is a scumbag, bad-mannered loser.
Smurf (at least) 4-man premade vs. my solo queue with no one in a group.
Da fuck you supposed to do vs. a Pudge that first bloods an offlane and has supports camping runes for him? Of course he also gets only hastes while I get regen and illusions. Sigh.
Dota 2 MM is such a joke sometimes.
Smurf (at least) 4-man premade vs. my solo queue with no one in a group.
Da fuck you supposed to do vs. a Pudge that first bloods an offlane and has supports camping runes for him? Of course he also gets only hastes while I get regen and illusions. Sigh.
Dota 2 MM is such a joke sometimes.