Jesus man, that sucks. You did the right thiing though. How old is she?
@tusk100%winrateConceptor you totally should, captaining is a ton of fun and we typically try to pair up fair captains.
I might like playing support heroes more than carry heroes.
haha at CWM rage.
Looks like Tobi found someone as annoying as him.
My fav caster combo right now is Lumi and Merlini. Tobi's worn on me.
She's 27. Had her first seizure at 24, which is a little spooky because I turn 24 this month.
Baserace a bear is the dumbest decision, maybe base race tiny is close
Lumi is awful. Listening to his cast with EE was fucking painful. He didn't know anything and had to be constantly corrected.
Is Alliance vs EG going to happen?
Lumi is awful. Listening to his cast with EE was fucking painful. He didn't know anything and had to be constantly corrected.
I remember when my friend had his first seizure. I was eighteen, he was seventeen, and we were rockin' out at his house, playing some awesome Street Fighter III: Third Strike. He was Remy, I was Hugo, and I was completely styling on him. I pushed him into the right side of Remy's stage, which has some lovely flashing lights, and he started getting all red and his body stiffened up. I thought he was fucking around with me since I was already winning, so I suplexed his character to death.
And then I realized he wasn't joking and I called 911.
Worst hangout ever.
Yeah Lumi has always been my least favorite caster. Really jarring voice combined with terrible shoutcasting and analysis.
Holy shit EE is a fucking crybaby, god damn.
I missed it what happened?
mouz has bad pings and the server is shit, so they wanted to remake on a better server. EE just started to cry like a baby because "they saw their lanes and then want a remake" ... yea I think they already knew your lanes before that dude.
Is Visage a common competitive pick? I honestly think that hero is strong and underrated.