no shit
no shit
Is Visage a common competitive pick? I honestly think that hero is strong and underrated.
I rarely see him in comp.Is Visage a common competitive pick? I honestly think that hero is strong and underrated.
no shit
Is Arteezy the only reason worth watching KP games? Haven't seen much of him, but he seems like a good player.
my god KP has a full on squad of douchebags
The games happen in what, 2 days? I don't think people will start first banning him so soon.Thinking about changing my compendium picks. I really think slark is gonna be most picked/banned. What do you guys think.
Yeah seriously, they really aren't doing themselves any favors or generating much sympathy. I liked them for their nontraditional picks and risks, but it's hard to root for a team of assholes. You're a fucking dota player holy shit, get a grip and relax.
Are they remaking the game with the same picks or what?
It's from a pretty funny video, if I wasn't on my phone I'd link you it. One of my favourite parody videos (it's about nyx being OP from memory)I would just like to say that your avatar had confused me for like, ever. I kept thinking it was some paint-level cut and paste of a black shirt or something. I didn't even realize there was an image of SF in there.
Thinking about changing my compendium picks. I really think slark is gonna be most picked/banned. What do you guys think.
Is Arteezy the only reason worth watching KP games? Haven't seen much of him, but he seems like a good player.
So about that game agains Dignitas that Mouz issupposed to have in 10 minutes...
I remember when my friend had his first seizure. I was eighteen, he was seventeen, and we were rockin' out at his house, playing some awesome Street Fighter III: Third Strike. He was Remy, I was Hugo, and I was completely styling on him. I pushed him into the right side of Remy's stage, which has some lovely flashing lights, and he started getting all red and his body stiffened up. I thought he was fucking around with me since I was already winning, so I suplexed his character to death.
And then I realized he wasn't joking and I called 911.
Worst hangout ever.
It was going to be delayed anyway, assuming that KP doesn't win game 2. Dota teams and tournaments really need to work together to avoid these scheduling conflicts.
Holy shit this game. My friend who's super into it has been playing bot matches with me and it's just designed to trigger the joy portions of your brain.
It's like a drug!
Tactical series switch - Mouz vs Kaipi might be delayed till tomorrow. Mouz playing Dig = liveSo about that game agains Dignitas that Mouz issupposed to have in 10 minutes...
Goddamn, the first time I read that I thought you said you suplexed his ass because you thought he was fucking with you. Pretty rough story though, sucks for your friend. Thankfully, epilepsy is usually much easier to treat in males than females. Hope he's doing alright.
Concept is all you can really hope for. Things never look that great in-game even max resolution and max settings.Concept is pretty good but his modeling skills look a bit garbled or something... I think the wings especially need some work.
Everything looks really lumpy -- even the knife!
Only 8k more compendium's till it reaches it's 2nd goal!
You have to be able to anticipate what your enemy is doing too because you have the slow.Haven't played for 2 months and I started playing back today. Been trying the new characters. I'm awful with skywrath mage. You need an ally with a good stun or freeze spell to use your ulti or you waste it.
Yay the Dignitas game is still happening.
$8000 from the second goal so ~2900 more sales.
That bait by Synderen was pretty sick.
So I bought the compendium for the bonus and the courier. But I am interested in watching the series as well. Where can I go to get caught up on teams? Rivalries? I would like to fill out my picks but would like to have some basis for them.
Weedman is the best streamer.there is a reason if people prefer to watch Weedman stream instead of EE stream.
there is a reason if people prefer to watch Weedman stream instead of EE stream.
Weedman is the best streamer.
Not at all. Wisp/Batrider are the two safest picks for most banned.
Definitely.I was on a weedman stream like 1 months back, does that mean I'm famous
loved the game he had with singsing where he stayed afk with sf for like 10 mins, "golike ck at 8 mins" :lol.Weedman is the best streamer.