Everything should be decided via competition. Anything else makes any sport that uses that method seem weak. And never should matchups be more than best of 3. And no losers bracket. Winners win by winning.
Absolutely. Too bad they spent half the discussion talking about who didn't seem "quite as qualified", and then not feeling honest enough to NOT say KP just because Envy was sitting there on the call.
Bottom line: if there is potential for controversy, remove it by making the qualifier field larger. Most sports figured that out long ago. With the exception of NCAA College football, they all have a robust playoff system, and none of the teams that get left out can honestly say they could have won it all had they have been able to make the cut. NCAA basketball probably does it better than anyone. 65-team tournament. If you're not good enough to even be considered in the top 65, you have nothing to complain about anyway.
As for Dota...the limit of 8 qualifiers separated into East and West creates 2 unnecessary barriers to judge the skill of teams:
1.) The artificial limit of 8 unnecessarily leaves off a few teams that are good enough to compete and adds unnecessary stress to IceFrog & Co.'s day.
2.) It can punish a given region for being too good. What if the best 2 teams in either qualifier are from the West? What if the East runner-up could have taken the West winner 3-0? Put them all together and let them play it out. It's not like TI3 will be separated into East and West, so why do the qualifiers like that.