So I tried Elder Titan, and I'm not sure how you're supposed to use him. All of his stuff seems super predictable and easy to avoid...
I haven't tried him in an actual game yet, but when I was playing with bots in the test client, my takeaway was thus:
1.) He's played like an initiator for team fights. Think of him like a Tidehunter without a blink dagger. Instead of blink, you have a Ancestral Spirit with a similar range as blink, who will mimic your Stomp stun, which sets up your Split Earth. The Stomp has a very large aoe itself, so if you position the cast on your target just right, they won't be able to get out of the way unless they have a force staff/BKBs. Even then, a force staff is only going to save one person...and the cooldown on the AS + Stomp is significantly shorter than that of the Force Staff or BKB...and let's be honest, getting an enemy to waste a BKB charge just because of the threat of sleep is a win in and of itself.
2.) Ideally, you'll cast the Ancestral --> Stomp from a safe location when it is unlikely you'll get stunned before the stomp can finish channeling. Say from behind trees or far enough away that you know the enemy can't make up the distance to stop you. Once the stomp goes down...
3.) ...You're readying the ulti. While the ulti is channeling itself, you start walking towards the sleeping units for best positioning (according to the situation at hand) and when the ulti hits, you recall the spirit and use all that extra damage to finish off the targets with your teammates. This seemed to be the bread & butter wombo combo.
4.) Alternately...using the same Ancestral --> Stomp combo, you can use it to pick off one enemy hero at a time, with or without the split earth. Because at level 4 Stomp, the disable puts everyone to sleep for 5 seconds, that gives you 5 seconds for your team to wail away at any one unit while the others can do nothing about it. Depending on how much dps your team is capable of, that can be 2 dead support heroes before anyone else can even wake up to stop it. So for example, you're coming to gank 2 enemy heroes in a given lane. You catch both with the stomp and you and the 2 in the lane now have 4 or 5 seconds to lay as much damage into the squishiest of the 2 as you can. With the right timing and coordination, you cast the split earth about 2 seconds before they wake up ensuring that they take that damage as well. Your teammates will have to be aware of how your ability works and attack the same target to maximize the benefit of the sleep, but if you all are communicating, it won't be a problem at all.
5.) Microing the Ancestral spirit is not absolutely necessary, but certainly is worthwhile if you do it. Every creep or hero that field surrounding him touches will give you a bonus amount of extra damage. It's not a small amount either. At level hero level 5 (when you'll probably have 3 points in E), if you walk him over all the creeps in a wave and the enemy hero, it'll be around 75 extra damage and +10% movement speed, in addition to the 200dmg dealt for touching the enemy hero. It doesn't last long, but it's the equivalent of a DD rune for about 5 seconds. It's not spammable without a soul ring, but that damage adds up.
-Sleeping targets won't be awoken by tower damage or creeps, so if you can catch someone diving a tower or something, that can turn into an unexpected kill. Also, Ancestral Spirit will not wake sleeping foes. That will give you a brief opportunity to walk the spirit around to touch as many enemy heroes and creeps as possible so that you can get as much movement speed and damage as possible.
-The hero synergies
very poorly with heroes/items that deal Damage Over Time. So you won't want to pick ET if someone picks up Death Prophet, Axe, Veno or Viper...or wants to buy a Radiance, because their dot abilities will wake up the intended sleeping targets. Silencer will have to know that curse will have to wait until your ulti goes off to drop it. I assume the same is true of Warlock's Fatal Bonds, Enigma's circle thing and Alchie's Acid Spray. If they don't understand how to play with ET, they will constantly ruin your Split Earth setup. If you're playing with an Enigma as ET, the two of you will have to decide who goes in first in a given team fight. The optimal scenario is an Enigma initiation when you cast the spirit in the middle of the Enig ult, then time your stomp so that just after the enig ult ends, your sleep comes out, allowing your team to engage however they see fit with the Split Earth at the end.
In fact, it may be awhile before people figure out how to play with ET on their team. Similar to the problem people had playing with a Bane when he first came out. People were too excited to attack the nightmare'd hero to their great detriment. Eventually, people figured it out.
ymmv. Just my observations. Hopefully those more experienced will chime in.