If game goes past 30mins, that Drow will make them feel pain.
This is so weird KOTL+Wisp
Manta/BKB/Satanic Drow with no counter on Dire.
Apparently Bamboe really wanted Taco Bell at TI2 but didn't end up having time to get any, his biggest regret of the event.GIVE BAMBOE SOME TACO BELLS
mumble gaf eating crow after i told them drow is godlike at timing pushes
EG playing really well lately. Might predict them as first place now.
EG playing really well lately. Might predict them as first place now.
mumble gaf eating crow after i told them drow is godlike at timing pushes
Ugh... need VOD of the last game >.>
I have them in my 1st spot now....
I have no idea what I'm doing tho, I just saw them stomp navi the other day was all.
I'd say they're an easy pick for 1st in the qualifiers, except Demon has the supernatural ability to lose them the most won games.
it's as if ppl didn't know that eg is a good team when they actually try and practice
Are you sure about that?I have them in my 1st spot now....
I don't know who that would be. Personally, I expected them to get an invite. Well, I did until I realized there was a limit to how many Western and Eastern invites there would be. I think most expect them to win the qualifier.
Also, I bet they wish they had banned batrider of Sky now, don't they. Which brings me back to the question I asked yesterday: if Sky becomes first-round ban material, who is going to see more run that is usually banned? Will we really see more bat? Wisp? Kotl? Because one of them is going to get through the first round of bans if teams are going to ban out Sky.
I don't know who that would be. Personally, I expected them to get an invite. Well, I did until I realized there was a limit to how many Western and Eastern invites there would be. I think most expect them to win the qualifier.
Also, I bet they wish they had banned batrider of Sky now, don't they. Which brings me back to the question I asked yesterday: if Sky becomes first-round ban material, who is going to see more run that is usually banned? Will we really see more bat? Wisp? Kotl? Because one of them is going to get through the first round of bans if teams are going to ban out Sky.
Mouz will take this against Alliance right? lol
I don't know who that would be. Personally, I expected them to get an invite. Well, I did until I realized there was a limit to how many Western and Eastern invites there would be. I think most expect them to win the qualifier.
Synderen water u doin? This draft. Prolly gonna lose.
Is Syn doing the picking for Mouz now? I missed the draft.
Am I reading about a Drow pick that stomped in a competitive game? Drow haters to eat crow now?
I still want to watch the VOD of this later.
Does anybody have a spare invite? I used my profile with the dota 2 dispenser for my brother as I don't have a gaming pc at uni, and then I come home and I can't get an invite from it...