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Dota 2 |OT| To Hell and Back and Back to Hell

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The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician

I'm going to bed

Way to go Valve



Out and back after 6 hours and still no patch? That is legitimately disappointing.

Legion Commander better not have a cape.

Hotline Miami speed run is pretty sweet, though.

I'm pretty sure she does, actually.

Or was it a battle standard type thing she had?
Looks very easy. This was my easy game for the day, but it looks like it was at least 10x harder then yours:
Dr.kirby team for ti4. I remember when you dropped your branches to regen more hp and everyone made fun of you. Now everyone's doing that shit, what a dota visionary!


Corporate Apologist
the hell

are you in normal/high MM

It should be "High", but I have no clue. I think the game must of felt bad for all my loses toady, and just tossed me a bunch of idiots. Solo long lane Gyro who made the WR leave him, making it a CM/WR Safe lane where the CM was alone for the first 2 minutes and then just vanished and never gained much XP (Maybe she was trying to jungle?). The enemy NP several times just sprouted him self and stood there. The Gyro at 15 minutes had just a Ring of Aquila. The enemy Necro won mid vs our Tusk, but then we just steam trucked him.

Favorite part of the game was when I realized at the very end the enemy NP must be cliff juggling radiant to afk, so I suicided our courier to get vision and charged him.



Seriously, who the fuck designed Abbadon to make him almost invunerable 1v1 or 2x1? A shield and an OP ulti that heals almost to full health? Fuck him.

If Abaddon's ult heals him beyond his own mist coil, you're making a mistake. Stop attacking him when the ult pops. Played properly against, it's an invulnerability/escape mechanism, not a heal.

That said, he's absolutely a strong 1v1 hero.


If Abaddon's ult heals him beyond his own mist coil, you're making a mistake. Stop attacking him when the ult pops. Played properly against, it's an invulnerability/escape mechanism, not a healing one.

The 3 games I've seen an Abbadon were in all pick where the other team counterpicked a Gyro.

Two of them, my team had both a gyro and a leshrac.

All pick sucks.


What do you guys think of ranked play for dota 2?

I can see this option being added to be honest. For me the sense of getting somewhere and play against better isn't there right now. Maybe it's just me or I am doing something wrong.

How do you feel about this implementation?


Had a really amazing game tonight. Remember this post?

Note to self: Don't ever lane mid against an Abaddon as a melee hero, especially slow ones with no escape like Pudge.

Well, guess what, we WON that game.



Basically, Abaddon had early points in his passive, which is no good for extremely slow heroes with no escape like Pudge. And then, for Pudge there is no "just run out of range of his shield", so he could dive me to no end and get away with it. He killed me for first blood, and killed me again.

So then the plan had to change. I needed to just tough it out and get my 6, and start roaming. Once I did that, Slark rotated mid, and didn't have much better luck against the now fed Abaddon.

I went bot and hooked the tasty Leshrac that was down there, we managed to pick off the Night Stalker too. We found ourselves losing some teamfights, but we were able to push that bottom tower while Riki was farming top. However the problem was that Riki was farming top, that that is not a good thing.

We kept having teamfights though, and we were able to win them with just enough people left up. We always took Riki down first, because we always had sentries. We would place them, act like we didn't see him so I would casually walk right on top of him, and Dismember. He gets melted, they have no carry for the teamfight now.

We were down in towers, we needed to do something though, the game wasn't looking good. I bought a smoke, and said we should go check the Rosh pit first. We did, they weren't there, but we saw Riki bot. I said "Let's take the Rosh now, while they are split up and elsewhere and are smoked!" but Tusk insisted on going to initiate on Riki...without detection. You can guess how that ended, he got away and it was a failed smoke gank.

A few minutes later, we made sure we had detection (a gem now, that I was carrying as well as sentries in case something happened and I died and lost it) and smoked again. This time, we headed into the Rosh pit, nobody had taken Rosh all game.

It's down to about a quarter of it's health, and suddenly there's Night Stalker right in the Rosh pit, they figured it out, we had no choice but to fight! I turned Rot on, Riki dropped the cloud and jumped on someone else, so I'm stuck in the cloud with Rot on, doing that AoE damage as I try to walk out of it to turn it off and Dismember or hook someone, but hooks are going to be extremely difficult in close quarters like that, especially with a billion Tombstone zombies walking around (by the way, it's really annoying that you can hook those things, but they take zero damage). Gibonez/childplease (Jakiro) drops the Macopyre covering pretty much the whole Rosh pit. The_M0b (Razor) is in the back just whapping and zapping people with Eye of the Storm, as he has that Static Link on Riki and is stealing a billion damage. I walk toward the back, still silenced and Rotting, and die...but it's a suicide!

We win the teamfight, I was the only casualty. The rest of the team finishes Rosh, gives the Aegis to Razor. Now we can start being aggressive on mid. We make lots of pickoffs. I can hook someone and they can't teamfight us anymore with their whole team, and they have to deal with a well-farmed Razor they have to kill twice. We go straight down mid to get the T3, anyone that tries to contest it dies, we all survive, get the rax, and go straight for the ancient.

It was an incredible comeback, bottom lane went pretty horribly for us early game too.

I'm not sure why Night Stalker wasn't mid, but honestly putting Abaddon against a Pudge was the right choice for them.

Also, the mode was random draft, and there were very few carries in the pool, Razor and Riki being the only real ones. Not too many good mids there either.


You had Slark of course you won that game. :>

Slark ain't OP, but he played very well. I'm still glad we were able to comeback from the severe disadvantage we had in the early to mid game.

On an unrelated note, I only need a few more player cards to finish. Here's who I need:



Had the weirdest match just now. Someone abandons after picking phase (I randomed Mirana) and everyone else except me and an Undying on the other team left. He originally left so I just stayed for the free win but he came back and we started 1v1 mid. Ended up being a 50+ minute game and I had 1100+ GPM at the end of it. Crazy stuff
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