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Dota 2 |OT| To Hell and Back and Back to Hell

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Yes I have played LoL, not as much say Freakinchair but a decent amount. (Mind you this was atleast 1,5 year ago, but I doubt much has changed) and tbh I've seen people spam that surrender button when things go south (even within 10 minutes), ofcourse you need multiple people to surrender but it does encourage the defeatist attitude.

I don't need that shit in dota.

you know what promotes a defeatist attitude?

people leaving!


yo, hes played 1000 games of league and 1200 hours of dota
are you doubting him


will learn eventually
When I played my first LoL game, the very first game, a surrender popped up and people yelled at me because I didn't accept.

True story

dave is ok

aztek is ok
Everyone in this thread log onto Dota 2 right now.

If we hit 400k concurrent, the Dota gods will smile upon us and give us a patch.
I really love playing Alchi.. First character that I've truly felt that can contribute well even when behind. Not only that but give him a sliver of farm and he catches up pretty quickly. My last few alchi games have had poor laning phases(last game I had shit support.. Nothing more infuriating than fighting your own teammate for last hits on a 2v1 lane.) but 5 min in the jungle or free farming and I'm back in it. My only issue is that I keep getting fucked during laning phase and have to ditch my Midas rush.


Second-rate Anihawk
Everyone in this thread log onto Dota 2 right now.

If we hit 400k concurrent, the Dota gods will smile upon us and give us a patch.

Already started going down. No patch dead game dead thread volvo disband did i get every horrible catchphrase in this run on sentence?


I really love playing Alchi.. First character that I've truly felt that can contribute well even when behind. Not only that but give him a sliver of farm and he catches up pretty quickly. My last few alchi games have had poor laning phases(last game I had shit support.. Nothing more infuriating than fighting your own teammate for last hits on a 2v1 lane.) but 5 min in the jungle or free farming and I'm back in it. My only issue is that I keep getting fucked during laning phase and have to ditch my Midas rush.

I fucking loathe (especially ranged) supports that sit in lane and auto attack the creeps and don't harass the enemy when i'm playing a (especially melee) carry. Usually they are Russian... so yeah.


Third match.

We were doing just fine but a french-accented man on my team was having a meltdown and was yelling about how we were were going to lose because we were all useless.

We won.

How do I commend someone? Can I do it after a match is over?
I fucking loathe (especially ranged) supports that sit in lane and auto attack the creeps and don't harass the enemy when i'm playing a (especially melee) carry. Usually they are Russian... so yeah.

You know what the funny thing was? He wasn't auto attacking...He was literally straight up going for last hits like a carry (Lion). I tell him to go stack and pull since it's a 1 v 2 lane (we were up against a WD) and the lane was consistently up against the enemy tower. What does he do? He goes off and just straight up pulls repeatedly (I'm guessing he didn't know the timing since he failed the pull in between) which further just pushes the lane.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
I really love playing Alchi.. First character that I've truly felt that can contribute well even when behind. Not only that but give him a sliver of farm and he catches up pretty quickly. My last few alchi games have had poor laning phases(last game I had shit support.. Nothing more infuriating than fighting your own teammate for last hits on a 2v1 lane.) but 5 min in the jungle or free farming and I'm back in it. My only issue is that I keep getting fucked during laning phase and have to ditch my Midas rush.

I wouldn't actually rush a Midas on Alchemist. Greed is so ridiculously good at giving you bonus gold that you're better off spending your money on a more high-impact mid-game item like a drums or something IMO, when you're farming for the big items you're already going to be able to get them really fast with Greed anyway
I wouldn't actually rush a Midas on Alchemist. Greed is so ridiculously good at giving you bonus gold that you're better off spending your money on a more high-impact mid-game item like a drums or something IMO, when you're farming for the big items you're already going to be able to get them really fast with Greed anyway

I start off looking for Midas rush but depending on where my gold is at around the 5 min mark (have to be at least at about 1k gold with gloves of haste already in inventory), I either go for it or abandon completely and just pick up treads. Last few games, it's been the latter. I try not to be absolute with it. I haven't tried phase drums alchi build though. What is your 6 item progression for alchi? I usually go shadow blade after treads/maybe wand which allows me to contribute with the team midgame and consistently land my unstable concoction. After that it's Mjolner (further accelerate farm + attack speed boost- I feel like it's way better than BF for Alchi) and basher->Abyssal...I dunno what I should build in terms of survivability and which order it should be...It's between BKB/Heart/and HOTD-Satanic. Also, I've heard that Assault Cuirass is almost core on him.


I love it when a random shit poster adds nothing to the conversation.

Hey genius, it's <50% to deny creeps, not 30%.

And as to random... lol. Since you play LoL so much u must be big pro and know reginald and hotshot and all the pros right? Go ask any of the old school pros who i am, after that come back and beg me for lessons.


I wouldn't actually rush a Midas on Alchemist. Greed is so ridiculously good at giving you bonus gold that you're better off spending your money on a more high-impact mid-game item like a drums or something IMO, when you're farming for the big items you're already going to be able to get them really fast with Greed anyway

but Midas is usually bought for the lvls more than gold


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
Abbadon 2 op

The ult is a #gamechanger.

Something someone did to me to take the Ult out of the equation was to Eul's me into the air every time my ult popped to prevent me from going anywhere and anyone else on their team from hitting me.

Very simple and effective counter.


Something someone did to me to take the Ult out of the equation was to Eul's me into the air every time my ult popped to prevent me from going anywhere and anyone else on their team from hitting me.

Very simple and effective counter.

But I'm in the trench, where Eul's is like the surrender button.
Hey genius, it's <50% to deny creeps, not 30%.

And as to random... lol. Since you play LoL so much u must be big pro and know reginald and hotshot and all the pros right? Go ask any of the old school pros who i am, after that come back and beg me for lessons.

legue pros = ppl who quit dota bcuz 2 hard.

dota 2 pros = ppl who quit World of Warcraft cuz 2 hard.

Get a eul's for abaddon and just toss him in the air like the jabroni he is. Alternatively play OD and just CC him when his ult activates.


Corporate Apologist
I'm assuming Necro's ult would be a good counter to abbadon as well..

Late game it can work but be very iffy (It is more reliable the higher his HP pool is), early game it flat out won't work.

Once they fix Blood Seekers Ult so it is actually direct HP removal, he will be the best Abaddon Countering hero. Eul's works really well in pubs since it makes it impossible for your team mates to try and hurt Abaddon for a bit while his ult is active.
Hey genius, it's <50% to deny creeps, not 30%.

And as to random... lol. Since you play LoL so much u must be big pro and know reginald and hotshot and all the pros right? Go ask any of the old school pros who i am, after that come back and beg me for lessons.

is this some kind of meta post representing the community most people assume Dota has?


I'm assuming Necro's ult would be a good counter to abbadon as well..

That doesn't work because you are just damaging him based on how much health is missing and so it will heal him. Unless of course you have a higher level ult and kill him before his health even gets below 400, which is certainly doable.

Culling Blade on the other hand does not care about silly rules and just chops regardless of if Borrowed Time is active or not (assuming they are below the health threshold, so I guess it cares about one rule).
Hey genius, it's <50% to deny creeps, not 30%.

And as to random... lol. Since you play LoL so much u must be big pro and know reginald and hotshot and all the pros right? Go ask any of the old school pros who i am, after that come back and beg me for lessons.

Why the shit do you have to be such a dick.

I thought so! But it turns out he's a very early LoL player.

Here are some of his greatest hits:


I'm sure Reginald would speak highly of him


Anyway, I disagree with the concept of surrender, but then I realised that I was really wishing for it when I first started Dota 2, like some of us here 1, 2 years ago. Most of us just got used to it / played better / Stockholm Syndrome.

Now with the influx of new players coming in, we might see discussions about this almost every week then.


Late game it can work but be very iffy (It is more reliable the higher his HP pool is), early game it flat out won't work.

Once they fix Blood Seekers Ult so it is actually direct HP removal, he will be the best Abaddon Counter.

Is Rupture + Forcestaff enough to drain 400 HP?

If not, I don't think he'll be the best, if at all maybe a decent counter. If you ult early, he just sits there and you two right click each other until his ult pops then you have to stop. By then Rupture is probably gone and he can now proceed to move. If you rupture during his ult, you either run away so he can't attack you for free or let him attack you while you don't do anything. Lest we forget TPs.

If you're talking lategame with all kinds of items then that changes things quite a bit, but hardly a counter worthy of being picked as soon as Abaddon is picked.

I thought so! But it turns out he's a very early LoL player.

Here are some of his greatest hits:




Corporate Apologist
And as to random... lol. Since you play LoL so much u must be big pro and know reginald and hotshot and all the pros right? Go ask any of the old school pros who i am, after that come back and beg me for lessons.

If you say so. Looking at your name though google, on reddit the only relevant thing I see is a single guy on Reddit say he played a game with you two years ago (Though you use the site a decent amount for steam trades). You begged pendragon to unban your main account for trolling the LoL boards, boated about your 2k ELO, and incorrectly predicted the winner of the Noxus vs Ionia match.

If you have been using the same name for a long time, it does look like you have Played Dota since 2009 and before, since there are pictures of Roshan killing you on Dotally Rad.


Hater's gunna hate. FYI those posts i got banned for were totally troll when i was high.

And google search the first ever riot twisted treeline tournament (not even sure if records of that shit exist). I was pro for a little while but i quit for some irl reasons (with reginald and elementz on our team for those of you doubting).

I also played original dota with like demon, hi2u, bulba, etc. all those NApros before i quit that for some league with friends (and then i got addicted).

As to why i posted such a harsh response, I apologize; i tend to enrage quit easily when an actual random nobody (that just said u can deny at <30%) calls me a random nobody :p.


Corporate Apologist
Is Rupture + Forcestaff enough to drain 400 HP?

If not, I don't think he'll be the best, if at all maybe a decent counter. If you ult early, he just sits there and you two right click each other until his ult pops then you have to stop. By then Rupture is probably gone and he can now proceed to move. If you rupture during his ult, you either run away so he can't attack you for free or let him attack you while you don't do anything. Lest we forget TPs.

Really, my idea is just to waste Abaddon's time and make him worthless in a fight. Right now the Silence alone is a compelling reason to pick Blood Seeker in a line up against him, and Rupture lasts longer then Borrowed time at all levels. The problem is that until Rupture can harm him though Borrowed Time, Blood Seeker can only effectively prevent Abaddon from supporting, and can't do very much vs a semi-carry right clicking Abaddon. Once Rupture works right, he should be able to deter Abaddon from doing anything no matter what roll he is played in.
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