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Dota 2 |OT| To Hell and Back and Back to Hell

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You know what drives me crazy? We're picking heroes, the other 4 rush to get carries and then say "GET A SUPPORT!" If you wanted a support motherfucker you should have picked it.

Whoever picks last has the responsibility of filling in the roles the team needs.


You know what drives me crazy? We're picking heroes, the other 4 rush to get carries and then say "GET A SUPPORT!" If you wanted a support motherfucker you should have picked it.

I think people should always pick according to what has already been picked. If you pick last it's your responsibility to pick what your lineup needs :) And if you want to play a certain hero or carry you should pick immediately so your teamates can pick accordingly, simple as that..


Whats the opinion on Crystal Maiden? I hardly see her in games. I hear the ultimate is too much mana heavy and she can be easily stunned while channeling it.

Slow and squishy, aura might be useful in certain lineups. Imo There are far far better support options, like nyx, treant or shadow demon
Unfortunaly the failure works the other way aswell. Everytime i do good as LD in a pub, my team mates fail hard at the tri-lane or just feed like crazy anyway. I'm convinced Australian DOTA players are the biggest nitwits on the planet.

I am Australian and I have the odd bad game but I'll never say a bad word about those nitwits.


Ok i got every player card now. I had a very generous friend that gave me 70 cards for free that is not into the cosmetic thing with DOTA2, i have 16 spare cards now.

Whats the trade ratio like for equipment now?

eg. 3 for uncommon?

Hey i need S4 to complete my collection, i have a Luo to trade if you have it.


- To disable the Windows key, follow these steps:

Click Start, click Run, type regedt32, and then click OK.
On the Windows menu, click HKEY_LOCAL_ MACHINE on Local Machine.
Double-click the System\CurrentControlSet\Control folder, and then click the Keyboard Layout folder.
On the Edit menu, click Add Value, type in Scancode Map, click REG_BINARY as the Data Type, and then click OK.
Type 00000000000000000300000000005BE000005CE000000000 in the Data field, and then click OK.
Close Registry Editor and restart the computer.

- To enable the Windows key, follow these steps:

Click Start, click Run, type regedt32, and then click OK.
On the Windows menu, click HKEY_LOCAL_ MACHINE on Local Machine.
Double-click the System\CurrentControlSet\Control folder, and then click the Keyboard Layout folder.
Right-click the Scancode Map registry entry, and then click Delete. Click Yes.
Close Registry Editor and restart the computer.

Or hit that "Gaming Mode" if you have a Razer BlackWidow Mechanical Keyboard :D


not characteristic of ants at all
Whats the opinion on Crystal Maiden? I hardly see her in games. I hear the ultimate is too much mana heavy and she can be easily stunned while channeling it.

She's a great support but if you play her you HAVE to be aggressive early game. She is one of the best level two heroes and once you hit level two you are pretty much guaranteed a kill with any semblance of teamwork. She falls of quicker than other supports but I think her strong early game makes up for it.


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
I've been venturing out into the world of Carries and Mids a bit more these days, after pretty much exclusively playing supports. It's funny, because I know what I'm SUPPOSED to be doing with these heroes (what their tricks are, what I should be doing at points in the game, good item builds, how to farm...etc etc), but my execution isn't nearly as clean as I'd like.

A game as TA, I was able to carry the team and win and pull off a respectable KDA.

A game as NP, I was able to farm our jungle decently and get some solid killing/pushing potential...but I was NOT used to the mindset it takes to play NP properly. I found myself very unsure of whether or not I could TP out to a lane and push without getting jumped and as a result, didn't push nearly as hard as I'd like. Learned a lot of shit on how to be a better NP, but I don't think I did TERRIBLY, which was nice.

Really only picking these types of heroes when our team gets way too support oriented in their picks, which is oddly happening more these days.

Falling in love with Bristleback, though. He's everything my typical support play is not: hyper-aggressive and tanked as all fuck. There's just something so damn satisfying about YOLOing into a group of people on the other team and KNOWING that I'm not going to die easily, and they are going to be afraid of me. I have a lot of fun with him, and only played like 4 times with him so far.
Can't believe the international is so close.

A game as NP, I was able to farm our jungle decently and get some solid killing/pushing potential...but I was NOT used to the mindset it takes to play NP properly. I found myself very unsure of whether or not I could TP out to a lane and push without getting jumped and as a result, didn't push nearly as hard as I'd like. Learned a lot of shit on how to be a better NP, but I don't think I did TERRIBLY, which was nice.
Sounds like you need some wards.


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
Sounds like you need some wards.

Yeah, we were pretty base-locked by that time. Does the NP usually end up placing the wards himself in that case? Take a stack, zip over to the enemy forest and ward it up so you can then TP in lane with a bit more certainty?

Would make sense, just don't think I've seen that before. Maybe it happens and I'm not watching, though?


Australians are the new Peruvians.
Oi can ya fuckers stop goin walkabout - stop wandering around aimlessly
Ya like tits on a bull! - stop being useless
Pigs arse, ya bloody mongrels - what you did was dumb, asshole
Buy us a ward, mate - it would be wonderful if you bought us a ward, friend
jesus, AllPick is such a boring mode now.

Everyone is just waiting for the enemies to pick.

There are already creeps and 5 players haven't picked yet.

Happened several games now.


Yeah, we were pretty base-locked by that time. Does the NP usually end up placing the wards himself in that case? Take a stack, zip over to the enemy forest and ward it up so you can then TP in lane with a bit more certainty?

Would make sense, just don't think I've seen that before. Maybe it happens and I'm not watching, though?

I don't think it's his job per se, but if noone else is doing it or if you are losing map control you can always contribute to the team and use your teleport to ward some areas that would be beneficial for your team. (especially because NP's farm is usually out of control at the mid game point anyway)

Playing NP really helps your map-awareness, you need to be on the lookout for gank opportunities during the laning fase (Especially help your mid out when the enemy mid overextends).
And later you should be aware of the enemies position to be able to split push on your own.

Shadow blade is a great item to get if you are going up against a gank heavy team or if you feel unsave when solo splitpushing. Scythe of vyse also helps since you can hex them, then sprout and TP back to base.

Sprouting and tp'ing back to base is something that will save your ass in some very sticky situations, especially since most people sell their quelling blade around mid game so the only way to get to you is to use a spell that doesn't require vision (like dark seers vacuum) and a lot of players still don't know how to remedy this.
Whats the opinion on Crystal Maiden? I hardly see her in games. I hear the ultimate is too much mana heavy and she can be easily stunned while channeling it.

I use to think she was boring as fuck until I got better at the game, she's a super aggressive support that performs will in aggressive trilanes or ganking. Learn to use smoke and grab both nukes at level 2 and you're one of the strongest first blood heroes when paired with the right heroes. Her ultimate is situational but you don't need to take it at level 6.


Would you rather have that the game random's a hero for you?
This already happens way too often when playing random draft and it fucks up the game before hand so: No thanks...
Maybe that's because rd gives you 10s to pick?

Just add a full draft mode. People can counter pick to Their hearts content
I use to think she was boring as fuck until I got better at the game, she's a super aggressive support that performs will in aggressive trilanes or ganking. Learn to use smoke and grab both nukes at level 2 and you're one of the strongest first blood heroes when paired with the right heroes. Her ultimate is situational but you don't need to take it at level 6.
It always saddens me to see CM players max her aura first.

Frostbite is a fucking brilliant spell. Abuse it.


only Fernando's ripe melons are good enough for me
This is far too common an experience for me. Its worse in HoN for some reason.

and then the support gets blamed for the loss. 'well we didn't have wards our support sucked.' lolwat.


Prefer people to pick their heroes in the allotted time.

Ofcourse, I think everyone prefers that, but there's people just waiting to counter pick the enemy team and you've got people either getting a disconnect or just being afk during draft (no idea why) so randoming them all would be annoying as hell (or it could help pushing people to actually make a pick before hand)


Counter-pick in the allotted time.

Game of chicken. I just wondered why it was designed that way - a "limitation" in WC3 or purposefully like that?

It took a while for a draft mode to be added (captain's mode I think it was called at first, if I recall correctly), and only the captain, the first player in each team, chose heroes for the whole team. Captain's mode was a bit shitty for pubs since people couldn't really chose what to play themselves though, getting a bad captain might mean that they wouldn't listen at what the rest of the team wanted.

I think the only way to not do the counter-pick in the allotted time is to either go for real draft mode, or just blind pick. (disregarding the random modes)
Mainly playing with Drow Ranger, but getting a bit bored of her - usually buy items that increase the attack speed or damage (been getting some ridiculous numbers at times), but wouldn't mind just trying out a few more heroes now.

I'm liking agility based heroes, and usually just try and grab items to push up my attack speed/damage as early as possible. What are some more interesting characters in that similar vein?

I did buy Blademail a few games back, but need to start using it properly rather than just hitting Z every time I fear combat is near :p


Mainly playing with Drow Ranger, but getting a bit bored of her - usually buy items that increase the attack speed or damage (been getting some ridiculous numbers at times), but wouldn't mind just trying out a few more heroes now.

I'm liking agility based heroes, and usually just try and grab items to push up my attack speed/damage as early as possible. What are some more interesting characters in that similar vein?

I did buy Blademail a few games back, but need to start using it properly rather than just hitting Z every time I fear combat is near :p

Phantom Assassin is fun.
Mainly playing with Drow Ranger, but getting a bit bored of her - usually buy items that increase the attack speed or damage (been getting some ridiculous numbers at times), but wouldn't mind just trying out a few more heroes now.

I'm liking agility based heroes, and usually just try and grab items to push up my attack speed/damage as early as possible. What are some more interesting characters in that similar vein?

I did buy Blademail a few games back, but need to start using it properly rather than just hitting Z every time I fear combat is near :p

Vengeful Spirit.

She's a great support but you can try her as a carry. Similar type, more to do with her than just right click and mistime your silence.
Cheers, will try those out later.

I decided to finally check out what FPS I'm getting with DOTA2, and surprisingly it's only 30-50fps (usually around 40-50), despite everything being on low due to my laptop.

One thing I did notice though, was that lowering render quality actually seemed to make my framerate lower on average than having it about 1/3 of the way up :/
There is Captain's Draft mode which hasn't been ported to Dota 2 yet which is sort of what would happen if CM and RD had a baby.

I would like something similar but tuned for pub play (not all the decisions in one player's hands).
Cheers, will try those out later.

I decided to finally check out what FPS I'm getting with DOTA2, and surprisingly it's only 30-50fps (usually around 40-50), despite everything being on low due to my laptop.

One thing I did notice though, was that lowering render quality actually seemed to make my framerate lower on average than having it about 1/3 of the way up :/

Tom'shardware did a test on DOTA 2 and it concluded that DOTA 2 is a CPU intensive game.
Cheers, will try those out later.

I decided to finally check out what FPS I'm getting with DOTA2, and surprisingly it's only 30-50fps (usually around 40-50), despite everything being on low due to my laptop.

One thing I did notice though, was that lowering render quality actually seemed to make my framerate lower on average than having it about 1/3 of the way up :/

Yeah, source games are usually like that.
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