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Dota 2 |OT| To Hell and Back and Back to Hell

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So Dreams, you seem to play a lot of Dusa.

Any particular reason why?


detective-GAF checking on dreams again
I dunno about Leshrac as support TBH. Yeah the utility is there but, he kinda has to get close for edict and his ulti which is worse considering support Lesh is squishy as hell. I personally like playing him mid, getting good levels, gank sidelanes with runes, farm and then getting a fast bloodstone/bkb to become just as tanky as possible. He may not be the best for mid, but I find that I'm most successful with him when I play that role.
I dunno about Leshrac as support TBH. Yeah the utility is there but, he kinda has to get close for edict and his ulti which is worse considering support Lesh is squishy as hell. I personally like playing him mid, getting good levels, gank sidelanes with runes, farm and then getting a fast bloodstone/bkb to become just as tanky as possible. He may not be the best for mid, but I find that I'm most successful with him when I play that role.

Leshrac is a great support if you have someone to act as an initiator. His skills do huge damage in the early and mid level so I usually play him in the fifth position. Just focus on warding, supporting your team and only commit to an attack if there's a tank in front.


Yeah, what a cutie.


Fine, I'll apologise for my apparent bad taste in women. I'll make sure that the women I will find attractive in the future adhere to the guidelines and opinions set by people like you in this thread.
Leshrac is a great support if you have someone to act as an initiator. His skills do huge damage in the early and mid level so I usually play him in the fifth position. Just focus on warding, supporting your team and only commit to an attack if there's a tank in front..

I understand how he could be played as a 5 and typically he works well for me early game as such but I have way more success with him running mid. He's got good attack animation for solid harassing/last hitting, good movement speed, incredible push. He's not going to beat a QOP or Puck mid but he's certainly viable there and can be a force midgame with farm and level advantage.
I understand how he could be played as a 5 and typically he works well for me early game as such but I have way more success with him running mid. He's got good attack animation for solid harassing/last hitting, good movement speed, incredible push. He's not going to beat a QOP or Puck mid but he's certainly viable there and can be a force midgame with farm and level advantage.

Yeah, I agree he can do well mid in pubs. Try and rotate once you hit level 6 though.


I understand how he could be played as a 5 and typically he works well for me early game as such but I have way more success with him running mid. He's got good attack animation for solid harassing/last hitting, good movement speed, incredible push. He's not going to beat a QOP or Puck mid but he's certainly viable there and can be a force midgame with farm and level advantage.

I've successfully played Lesh mid, but I feel like he's worth more in a tri-lane position/roaming ganker early game. You don't need a tank during the laning phase to fuck someone up. By the time you do need someone (cause you're soo squishy) the laning phase has hopefully broken down.


not characteristic of ants at all
I dunno about Leshrac as support TBH. Yeah the utility is there but, he kinda has to get close for edict and his ulti which is worse considering support Lesh is squishy as hell. I personally like playing him mid, getting good levels, gank sidelanes with runes, farm and then getting a fast bloodstone/bkb to become just as tanky as possible. He may not be the best for mid, but I find that I'm most successful with him when I play that role.

ARS-ART support Leshrac is godlike.
Yeah, I agree he can do well mid in pubs. Try and rotate once you hit level 6 though.

With Lesh, you can gank early on good runes once you get edict (I . At least that's what I do, if my mid opponent beats me to rune and leaves lane, I start pushing hard to edict their tower.

I've successfully played Lesh mid, but I feel like he's worth more in a tri-lane position/roaming ganker early game. You don't need a tank during the laning phase to fuck someone up. By the time you do need someone (cause you're soo squishy) the laning phase has hopefully broken down.

I wasn't talking about laning phase. He's a great support laning phase (as long as your laning partner has at least a slow), but without farm, I feel that he leaves a lot of potential damage on the table given that he needs to be slightly closer for edict and his ulti to damage.

detective-GAF checking on dreams again


So Dreams, you seem to play a lot of Dusa.

Any particular reason why?
Short answer.
Well I've been playing her a lot because I've been winning with her a lot, to not put too fine a point on it. lol.

Long answer.
Across my 2 accounts and maybe 45 matches, I'm sitting around a 75% win rate with her with a 9kda (~9/2/12 average), and an average of around 650gpm (between 550 - 800, typically). I don't usually like hard carries that want to farm, but I find managing the stacking creeps while flash farming jungles and being ready to team fight more entertaining with her than most, and the payoff of being able to completely dominate every late-game team fight to be satisfying.

Give me 15 minutes of reasonably safe farming, and I'll probably win the game. In fact, in pubs I find her to be one of the safest bets at the hard carry position and can outcarry and eventually 1v5 entire rosters late game. My findings:

1.) Because she's ranged, she's more or less immune to the typical 2 v 2 pitfalls a lot of melee carries get in trouble with (laning against bane/sandking/centaur/veno/kunkka/huskar/bristle/etc for example are horrible experiences for every melee carry not named Kunkka).

2.) Because of splitshot, she can always abandon a bad lane and farm ancients for a few minutes. Just need enough gold for a quelling blade. No wards or anything else required.

3.) She doesn't need expensive items (battlefury, malestrom) to flash farm the jungle. She just needs boots and a dom helm. 7 or 8 minutes in a lane, 9 or 10 ancient farming.

4.) Early points in spell shield can add a meaningful amount to her early effective HP.

Unlike the majority of "hard" carries, I find Medusa can also be relevant much earlier than other hard carries. In about 14 minutes (give or take), I'll have 3 or 4 points in split shot, phase boots, dom helm and yasha and can be there to defend enemy tower pushes. She's not going to be looking to force team fights or ganking so that should be made clear...but teams most won't really be able to push into her and her team very well. Compare to an Anti-Mage who at best can pop in and try to clean up near dead heroes. Otherwise, he's blinking out of engagements at the sight of his own shadow. Or a PL, who pretty much has to leave once he's spams the lance a couple of times. Medusa literally halts an enemy tower siege and if your team has any burst dealers and midgame right-clickers at all, the enemy will usually have to withdraw for awhile, giving you time to go back to farming. The ult has a relatively low cooldown, so you can come right back if needed and ult again, most likely.

Sometimes I'll lane in the beginning, sometimes I'll ancient farm. Depends on my mood and who I expect to be the enemy hard laners. My typical item build is phase/treads --> dom --> yasha (14 minutes or so) --> bfly (23-25 minutes) --> manta (31 mintutes) --> daed/mkb (36 minutes) --> satanic (41 minutes) --> skadi/AC. You can pretty much set a watch to the procurement of those items if my first 10 minutes or so are free, which they usually are. As soon as the dom helm is up (10 minutes or so?), ancient stacking begins, and as soon as the yasha is done, you go farm those stacks for the first time. Unless you're dying repeatedly from ganks or something, that eaglesong will be done somewhere between 18-22 minutes. At that point, the enemy's time is running out and they don't really even know it. I always skip snakes (max split shot is more valuable unless there's just a ton of early pressure being applied by the enemy team), I never get linken's (delays your ability to deal damage for way too long).



The results are pretty consistent in games where the team doesn't get blown up. At the end of most of those matches, Medusa is sitting on something like 5,000 effective hp with evasion and spell shield, and a satanic in case of emergency.

That said, like any hard carry she's dependent upon her team at least stalemating the enemy advance for as long as possible. Teammates don't need to take a bunch of towers without you or gank the enemy team constantly; they just need to buy Medusa some time. @ 15 minutes she can help repel the enemy...but at 25 minutes she can boldly walk in as the centerpiece of tower pushes. I have yet to be outcarried in a long game by an enemy hard carry with similar free farm. 90% of the matches I've lost have been rofflestomps where the enemy mid would snowball or some such and were all but over before 30 minutes (and you'll note most ended in 30-35 minutes). In those cases, you just tip your hat and go to the next. Everymatch that was still a contest after 35 minutes...I probably carried that shit. The results speak.

Give me Medusa and a little time, and I will fuck up the enemy PL/Naix/Ursa/Alchemist/Anti-Mage/Luna/whatever and the rest of his buddies too.

edit: actually, laning against an enfeebling bane is just the worst experience ever for any carry, melee or range. but at least she can handle an enemy lane comp with 2 range heroes in it, where a melee carry is just mad. She has longer range than a Luna (her short range can get her into trouble) and a better attack animation than a Drow (slow wind-up).


Good stuff, Dreams. I remember that time when a friend built a Rapier on her, but I had confidence (he had the sense to not make it his first item, hehe).



I'm not one to do this often, talking about my matches, but this was one of the matches you could argue why it's good not to have a concede option.

A semi-feeding/kill-stealing Nyx and Ursa duo. They leave 40-50 minutes in. What chances did we have?

Now granted, the enemy team was...kind of horrible, looking at what items they have 84 minutes in (that Clinkz especially), but it shows how you never know how things might unroll. Opposing teams are not always geniuses, and you might just have the hero it takes to turn the tides in the end.


I'm not one to do this often, talking about my matches, but this was one of the matches you could argue why it's good not to have a concede option.

A semi-feeding/kill-stealing Nyx and Ursa duo. They leave 40-50 minutes in. What chances did we have?

Now granted, the enemy team was...kind of horrible, looking at what items they have 84 minutes in (that Clinkz especially), but it shows how you never know how things might unroll. Opposing teams are not always geniuses, and you might just have the hero it takes to turn the tides in the end.

You need a certain kind of hero to make an abandon match work IE kunkka, juggernaut
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