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Dota 2 |OT| To Hell and Back and Back to Hell

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Forever Platinum
From the GB tournament thread:

A tournament without a proper ending would suck and seeing that we don't want to screw anyone over and let everyone have the best experience possible, we have decided that because scheduling didn't seem to work out this weekend we will move the finals of the higher bracket to the week/weekend after the international. It does break up the pace we had going, but like this we won't have to mess around with competing with the international.

We'll keep you updated, seeing what happens.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
A tournament without a proper ending would suck and seeing that we don't want to screw anyone over and let everyone have the best experience possible, we have decided that because scheduling didn't seem to work out this weekend we will move the finals of the higher bracket to the week/weekend after the international. It does break up the pace we had going, but like this we won't have to mess around with competing with the international.


Dang, I was watching Hylian for the first time and his connection falls out just as things start to get interesting.

We lost it unfortunately. It was a 60 minute game of Prophet split pushing to no end, and he was wrecking us in teamfights. One stun and crits from SK on me and I was dead late game, but earlier I could handle him.


Permanent Junior Member
We lost it unfortunately. It was a 60 minute game of Prophet split pushing to no end, and he was wrecking us in teamfights. One stun and crits from SK on me and I was dead late game, but earlier I could handle him.

Yep, saw that. NP late game is trouble, obviously. Your Undead was slightly annoying.


So, my team just signed this guy, his name is Roberto Chen


Maybe he casts holy persuasion on Messi and Ronaldo and we win everything :D


We're on to you, Valve. (thanks to Shinkai for the picture)


Yep, saw that. NP late game is trouble, obviously. Your Undead was slightly annoying.

Yeah, the Undying was pretty annoying as well. We almost pulled it off a few times with the successful NP pickoff by the Weaver, but the rest of the team was still trouble.

I'm streaming again now by the way.


Bought the Dota 2 themed Qck+ to replace my old Razer mouse pad and I seriously underestimated how much bigger it would be.


Does anyone remember that site that matches you up with other players based on the player cards you each need? Trying to just finish just 1 team for the smeevil colour.
What the matchmaking monkies giveth, they taketh away.

Awful CM in my game ruined a match that could have been ok.

8 minutes of being fountain camped means a surrender should just be made for me


corporate swill
I'm not sure if its been mentioned, but that announcement at TI3 is almost guaranteed to be the documentary from a few years ago.

"'Free to Play' Advance Screening* End of day"

Listed under August 10th on the schedule.


hell yea just owned an OD mid and his whole team with a no-raze SF

got my deso fast and with venge's aura + wave it became a quick braindead win


When are these mythical twitch servers meant to be coming. Good thing TI3 has great alternatives cos I can't watch 1 stream at highest quality with LCS on. Shit will die this week.


The great debate: Scepter Jugg, yay or nay?

I say yay because you get the invulnerability for longer, plus attacks during Omnislash.


3 matches in a row where someone dc while we're winning in the early game, and everybody proceeds to dc too. This shit is so frustrating :\
What a steal, infinite crisis founder pack 99$ for all champs and 8600 crisis coins (that is a 80$ value!).

It's too bad none of the new moba's are going to ever use Dota 2's model, I can't take dota games seriously when the heroes are behind a paywall.

Scepter Jugg is good. I never liked battlefury jugg because it emphasized farming over ganking/pushing, which juggernaut is much better at. Point Booster also gives him a lot of health and mana that he needs early game. If you're the main carry then it might not be acceptable, then again juggernaut isn't really meant to be the main carry.
The great debate: Scepter Jugg, yay or nay?

I say yay because you get the invulnerability for longer, plus attacks during Omnislash.

Nay. Omnislash is a great assassination tool, and it really only needs its standard three levels to accomplish that use. Scepter gives it more use in a team fight, but really, Juggernaut's ultimate isn't what you should be bringing to the table in a battle, mostly because it's a once-and-done deal that really doesn't guarentee much outcome depending on the proximics of enemy units. His ultimate is really easy to counter, too, since any form of invisibility, blink, or leap will shut it down instantly.

If you're in it for the stats, there's much better gold value in items such as Eye of Skadi. (The slow is simply amazing on Juggernaut and makes his ultimate much more effective in team fights than the Scepter ever could. The early Orb of Venom also does wonders in-lane.) Other than that, focus on building his raw damage. His right clicks are what should be built up, since not only does it provide more consistent DPS in team fights, but it also aids his truly useful purpose in pushing out lanes.

Juggernaut gets most of my attention out of any hero, and I've tried playing him in numerous ways. I'm no pro, but I feel learned enough with this specific hero to warrant some credibility. If I plan on being aggressive in the early game, I'll start with Boots of Speed, (1) Tango, and (1) Clarity. ("Eeew! Scrub build! Scrub build!" Juggernaut is truly one of the very, very few heroes who is entirely viable to start with the speed boost. Paired with any support who can slow, root, or stun, chasing down a fleeing enemy with his spin is a nearly guarenteed first blood.) If I plan on playing defensively, I'll start with Stout Shield and other basic regeneration items. In either case, I try to finish off Boots/Shield/Orb from the side shop as soon as possible.

Rush Battle Fury --> Boots of Travel. Immediately you've become a fearsome split pusher. Blade Fury into teleportation ensures your safety as you quickly push the lanes. Once the gold starts comin' in, I'll usually build Yasha for that sweet movement speed boost and extra damage output. From there, it's situational if I'll complete Manta Style or build other items that the game specifically calls for. (BKB, Vangaurd, Vlad's, etc.) Eye of Skadi is usually my 2nd to last or last major item.

yay rant

I never liked battlefury jugg because it emphasized farming over ganking/pushing, which juggernaut is much better at.

Huh? Battle Fury is Juggernaut's primary pushing tool. I hope you're not spinning to push lanes--you need to save that for your secured escape.
Huh? Battle Fury is Juggernaut's primary pushing tool. I hope you're not spinning to push lanes--you need to save that for your secured escape.

For hardcore pushing I like deso/vlads more. I usually don't do split lane pushing with jug, I pump points into healing ward after spin and encourage team to group fight and push.

My split push hero of choice is troll, dat ult 2 stronk.
For hardcore pushing I like deso/vlads more. I usually don't do split lane pushing with jug, I pump points into healing ward after spin and encourage team to group fight and push.

My split push hero of choice is troll, dat ult 2 stronk.

Battle Fury makes much more sense for pushing than either of those items. The cleave coincides with his critical strike, meaning you can clear out waves and reach towers much more quickly. Desolator hurts structures--yes--but it's more important to emphasize your wave clear rather than your tower damage. Minions do a lot of damage in themselves, and if you can quickly clear out one lane and begin working on the next, that adds a huge amount of pressure to the enemy team and provides invaluable map control for your own. You really shouldn't be trying to take down towers without your team. That just adds opportunity for the enemy team to come counter and deny the tower. The main purpose of split pushing is to set up pressure so that your team can capitalize on objectives. I really don't understand the Vlads for pushing choice.

Troll Warlord is quick, but he has no escape. Escape is one of the most important parts of what makes a hero a viable split pusher. Lycanthrope, Juggernaut, and Nature's Prophet all share two key aspects: quick wave clear, reliable escape. Any other viable split pusher will reach a solid compromise of the two, such as Tinker.
Some replies on thrash talk thread at reddit is solid gold.
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