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Dota 2 |OT| To Hell and Back and Back to Hell

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I'm not making the mistake of assuming gametime = skill. I played with some dudes from Reddit the other day and saw they all had 700+ wins banked, so I assumed they'd all be better than me.

...well if they were better than me, they definitely didn't act like it. Crying immediately that the game was lost when the laning phase didn't go perfectly despite our team having the considerably stronger late game. Lots of crappy map awareness. Inability to communicate...

I don't get how you can play this game that much and NOT be a competent player. I've only banked 500 hours, and I know I've got a lot of things I can improve...but I know when I'm fucking up and I know when I'm killing it. I know when I was out of position. I know when I should have saved for buyback vs. buying that HoT... But these people not only do dumb shit, they act as though they have no idea what they are doing is even wrong.

Totally crazy stuff.

Wins mean shit. That's why some smurf accounts get spiked to "high bracket" with very few wins.


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
Wins mean shit. That's why some smurf accounts get spiked to "high bracket" with very few wins.

These were Very High bracket players...or at least that's what they advertised the lobby as.


if you like watching replays watch my game from yesterday


this is why we dont need surrender. The other team called GG pretty early cuz we kept winning team fights and took 2 towers pretty quick. it was a stupid GG to call, but we eventually took mid rax, then we couldnt do anything else and they took 2 of our rax, and were working on our 3rd.. We eventually got a win out of it
I'm not making the mistake of assuming gametime = skill. I played with some dudes from Reddit the other day and saw they all had 700+ wins banked, so I assumed they'd all be better than me.

...well if they were better than me, they definitely didn't act like it. Crying immediately that the game was lost when the laning phase didn't go perfectly despite our team having the considerably stronger late game. Lots of crappy map awareness. Inability to communicate...

I don't get how you can play this game that much and NOT be a competent player. I've only banked 500 hours, and I know I've got a lot of things I can improve...but I know when I'm fucking up and I know when I'm killing it. I know when I was out of position. I know when I should have saved for buyback vs. buying that HoT... But these people not only do dumb shit, they act as though they have no idea what they are doing is even wrong.

Totally crazy stuff.

Oh yeah there are tons of people who are trash and have somehow stumbled their way through hundreds of different games and think they're hot shit. Its nuts.

I was just saying that it takes you ten times longer in this game to even get a decent grasp at it than your normal game.


The metagame can allow for a lot of different lane setups, as matchmaking goes you can run practically anything and still win. The old and sturdy 2-1-2 setup is commonplace, probably because it's simple. Just try not to force carries to split farm on lanes and you should be fine.

dave is ok

aztek is ok
So, if I did decide to play. What is the current meta for the game, and lane configs?

I know all the heros pretty much (used to have all the key bindings memorized too... that was useless brain space wasted), so no need to tiptoe around names/terminology.
I just random every game. You rarely see a trilanes and suicide lanes in low bracket matchmaking.


So, if I did decide to play. What is the current meta for the game, and lane configs?

I know all the heros pretty much (used to have all the key bindings memorized too... that was useless brain space wasted), so no need to tiptoe around names/terminology.

Don't even worry about the meta unless you're like god bracket or something. Public matchmaking is a game of counterpicking and outplaying.

I've seen all lane configurations in public games: aggressive trilanes, defensive trilanes, dual lane + jungler, dual mid, standard dual lanes + solo mid, tri solos with one jungler and one ancients farmer... Really doesn't matter.


Don't even worry about the meta unless you're like god bracket or something. Public matchmaking is a game of counterpicking and outplaying.

I've seen all lane configurations in public games: aggressive trilanes, defensive trilanes, dual lane + jungler, dual mid, standard dual lanes + solo mid, tri solos with one jungler and one ancients farmer... Really doesn't matter.

You forgot my favorite. Three solos and 2 roamers.


Easy easy.

Team Int: Dark Seer top, Outworld mid, Leshrac Shadow Demon bottom, Chen jungle
Team Agi: Bounty top, Veno Vengeful mid, Nyx Gyro bottom
Team Str: Clock top, Magnus mid, Doom jungle, Lifestealer Treant bottom


Okay, 5 ints it is....

Come at me.


Forever Platinum
yo how about those antiquated mechanics like secret shop and turn rates

Wait can we talk about how the game is stagnating and not growing now too? And how the "horrible release" won't affect numbers because everyone who wants to play already is? Let's do that next.
MacOS/Linux Test versions will be released today:
Welcome to the Dota 2 Mac Feedback Forum!

Please note that Dota 2 Mac is still in testing and only available on Dota 2 Test. We're looking for early testing and feedback from users before we ship Mac support on the main Dota 2 release client. Your feedback and bug reports will directly help us improve Dota 2 on the Mac.

We are tracking Mac specific issues on the Dota 2 GitHub available at https://github.com/ValveSoftware/Dota-2/issues This is the place to check if the bug you are seeing has been reported and to also report your own bugs. Please note this is for Mac or Linux specific issues. Generally Dota 2 bugs should go into Gameplay Bugs forum available at http://dev.dota2.com/forumdisplay.php?f=4

Dota 2 Mac Minimum System Requirements:

Mac OS X Lion 10.7
4GB Hard drive space
nVidia 320M or higher, or Radeon 7000 or higher, or Intel HD 3000 or higher

*Mac support will not be available until Dota 2 Test has been updated later today.
Welcome to the Dota 2 Linux Feedback Forum![...]

Dota 2 Linux Minimum System Requirements:

Ubuntu 12.04
Dual core from Intel or AMD at 2.8 GHz
4GB Hard Drive Space,
nVidia GeForce 8600/9600GT, ATI/AMD Radeaon HD2600/3600 (Graphic Drivers: nVidia 310, AMD 12.11), OpenGL 2.1
OpenAL Compatible Sound Card
dota has been by far the best game in existance since 1.6 died
well, unless you hate competitive team games

1.6 never died, son.

Nailed it.

The way the community is now, if a surrender option was available they would be mashing it the second it was "enabled" simply because a tower is down or initial hero picks. God it would suck. Lack of surrender actually forces players to try and come back because there's no way to bail.

Smite has a surrender option so I have some experience with this. You can only surrender after 10 mins and 3 out of 5 players have to agree to it. They don't show who voted yes/no. Honestly, I don't mind it. There are certainly players who mash the surrender button once they start losing, but it almost always gets voted away because most people want to keep playing. If you're queuing with a friend you can make sure that a surrender never happens. That said, it has been a very welcome option in games where the other team is just stomping us from the get-go, and we are clearly never going to come back.

In Dota I would make it later than 10 mins — more like 20-30 mins. But yes, there have been games where the other team is fountain camping us and I would have loved a surrender option.


When are they going to add Surrendering. I'm tired of getting stomped and then the other team decides to draw out the game another 15 minutes >__>
Jokkir nooooooo, why'd you bring up the concede ;A;. If they aren't pushing just go smoke away from your base and farm some neutrals! They won't be able to fountain camp you guys if you aren't even there :D

Be gone with this filthy discussion!
I bet that felt incredibly satisfying, winning in that fashion.

Related plug: we were down two rax, hero kills, 20k gold/exp and went for an all in push - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5HawtFgCXEw (video is from old beta)
Easy easy.

Team Int: Dark Seer top, Outworld mid, Leshrac Shadow Demon bottom, Chen jungle
Team Agi: Bounty top, Veno Vengeful mid, Nyx Gyro bottom
Team Str: Clock top, Magnus mid, Doom jungle, Lifestealer Treant bottom

Where's batskater in this list?

He's easily one of the best heroes atm.


Jokkir nooooooo, why'd you bring up the concede ;A;. If they aren't pushing just go smoke away from your base and farm some neutrals! They won't be able to fountain camp you guys if you aren't even there :D

I bet that felt incredibly satisfying, winning in that fashion.

Related plug: we were down two rax, hero kills, 20k gold/exp and went for an all in push - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5HawtFgCXEw (video is from old beta)

that ui
those item icons
this brood face

christ we've come a long way

Where's batskater in this list?

He's easily one of the best heroes atm.

Don't need op heroes to be viable.

dave is ok

aztek is ok
The hardest thing for me to learn coming from League of Legends were that lanes in Dota 2 are all about farm priority instead of roles.
Rather than a surrender button, I wish Valve would have a tutorial or something on how to respond when you're down. Merlini addressed this topic about a month ago and the basic gist of it according to him was that as a team, you need re-establish territory you can safely farm in on the map. Too many times I've been a part of games in which instead of trying to at least take back our own jungle (through at the very least warding around entrances), the team just continually retreats and turtles near a tower as a group which just exacerbates the situation and makes it a painfully slow defeat.
Hmm. I don't think my laptop that I used to play Dota on in bootcamp officially supports those minimum specs. Downloading test client now anyway and we'll see.


It was hyperbole and I will openly admit I'm still terrible and relatively new (~200 matches) at the game. My biggest concern are games where the other team maliciously decides to drag out the game to get megacreeps + as many roshes as possible, and even goes as far as to prevent their creeps from getting to the ancient and just farming the team's fountain until they abandon (very rare but it's happened to me).

How does a team prevent their creeps from getting to the ancient?

Honestly, if a team has given up, it's far safer and smarter for the enemy to get mega creeps. The game is surprisingly easy to turn around with a single team fight in the late game and, generally speaking, most teams will still put up a defence even if they've abandoned all hope.

Plus, if they get megas then they can't fountain dive you for very long since the creep wave will destroy the ancient on their own in even less time than if they didn't.

So, if I did decide to play. What is the current meta for the game, and lane configs?

4 carries and one disgruntled support. Then everyone argues who goes mid.

How are you going to lane this?

Depends on what the enemy lanes are. Puck can work in the solo hard as can Prophet. Windrunner can be played as a hard support in a tri-lane. Shadow Demon could always be a roaming ganker. Lots of flexibility with this to be honest. I like it; it's a really elegant pick.

(Barring the enemy doesn't grab Hylian's Nyx.)



Did someone say Int?

Definitely something to be feared, but that Int lineup in particular has a lot of ways to mitigate or avoid Nyx.

Depends on what the enemy lanes are. Puck can work in the solo hard as can Prophet. Windrunner can be played as a hard support in a tri-lane. Shadow Demon could always be a roaming ganker. Lots of flexibility with this to be honest. I like it; it's a really elegant pick.

(Barring the enemy doesn't grab Hylian's Nyx.)
Also this, the heroes are general enough that you can run it in some unconventional ways too.
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