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Dota 2 |OT| To Hell and Back and Back to Hell

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Forever Platinum

How is that NOT a lose? Don't even try to say it isn't.

They OUTPLAYED us. Simply.

I'm not falling for your bait. This discusison is over.

Abandoning isn't ok. Play it out, learn how to play when behind, take the loss, move on.


They should just make the fountain autofire at anyone who attacks the people within the fountain who have been in there for a prolonged period of time, and make that about 5-10 times stronger. Problem solved.


People refusing to end games they've won is just one of many reasons I choose to mainly play bot games.

But if Valve ultimately refuses to give people the option (maybe even putting in a separate mode?) they need to find gameplay ways to force ends to unwinnable games. I get why they want winning games to be as fun as possible, but it's always going to feel good to win--whereas if you're losing there's not much to enjoy about it, so prioritizing the winner's fun over making a loss less awful seems like a weird priority. So that part doesn't fly for me.

I do get that people give up too easily and a lack of a surrender option is a good way of ensuring they have to actually continue, but there has to be a way of incentivizing people who are winning to finish the game or giving people fighting a legitimately unwinnable situation a good way of tapping out.

The legitimate games where you are getting fountain camped for 20 minutes are so rare that if you just leave those games you won't suffer any ill effects; you get something like 1 free abandon per day iirc.
Are we able to switch around our fantasy team after tmrw's games are done or are Wednesday and Thursday considered one day? Cause we have 4 days of fantasy points left, but there are 5 days left in the competition.


People refusing to end games they've won is just one of many reasons I choose to mainly play bot games.

But if Valve ultimately refuses to give people the option (maybe even putting in a separate mode?) they need to find gameplay ways to force ends to unwinnable games. I get why they want winning games to be as fun as possible, but it's always going to feel good to win--whereas if you're losing there's not much to enjoy about it, so prioritizing the winner's fun over making a loss less awful seems like a weird priority. So that part doesn't fly for me.

I do get that people give up too easily and a lack of a surrender option is a good way of ensuring they have to actually continue, but there has to be a way of incentivizing people who are winning to finish the game or giving people fighting a legitimately unwinnable situation a good way of tapping out.

I mainly queue with 2-4 other people in RD and captains mode and winning teams not finishing is almost never a problem for me. They may retreat for a few minutes at a chance to win but they always come back quickly and the game is done. I've never once thought "This is so bad I'm just going to play bots" How/what are you queuing that this happens all the time?
My team clearly was not prepared to deal with a cohesive five-stack, but I'm not even pissed. I am just baffled at how the hell you go about countering this. They laned Bristle+Io+SB trilane, Huskar mid, Timber solo offlane. Like, what the hell, this comp should be super clowny but there was absolutely nothing we could do, they were all so ridiculously tanky. The Necrobooks weren't even relevant, even 15 minutes in we were getting steamrolled.



Um I see professional DOTA teams concede all the time, so I don't know what you're talking about.

and yes, I DID do the right thing.

I agree with you Kard. If youre 3 rax down and being fountian camped i really dont see how leaving the game is your fault. Sometimes you just get in a situation where there is 0% chance of winning

Card Boy

My team clearly was not prepared to deal with a cohesive five-stack, but I'm not even pissed. I am just baffled at how the hell you go about countering this. They laned Bristle+Io+SB trilane, Huskar mid, Timber solo offlane. Like, what the hell, this comp should be super clowny but there was absolutely nothing we could do, they were all so ridiculously tanky. The Necrobooks weren't even relevant, even 15 minutes in we were getting steamrolled.


God dam at all those Necronomicons. What a little army that team had going for it.
I mainly queue with 2-4 other people in RD and captains mode and winning teams not finishing is almost never a problem for me. They may retreat for a few minutes at a chance to win but they always come back quickly and the game is done. I've never once thought "This is so bad I'm just going to play bots" How/what are you queuing that this happens all the time?

It definitely hasn't happened to me all the time, and as I noted it's only one of the many reasons I prefer bot games.


I agree with you Kard. If youre 3 rax down and being fountian camped i really dont see how leaving the game is your fault. Sometimes you just get in a situation where there is 0% chance of winning

That's why mega creeps end those games within a handful of minutes.


People refusing to end games they've won is just one of many reasons I choose to mainly play bot games.

But if Valve ultimately refuses to give people the option (maybe even putting in a separate mode?) they need to find gameplay ways to force ends to unwinnable games. I get why they want winning games to be as fun as possible, but it's always going to feel good to win--whereas if you're losing there's not much to enjoy about it, so prioritizing the winner's fun over making a loss less awful seems like a weird priority. So that part doesn't fly for me.

I do get that people give up too easily and a lack of a surrender option is a good way of ensuring they have to actually continue, but there has to be a way of incentivizing people who are winning to finish the game or giving people fighting a legitimately unwinnable situation a good way of tapping out.

It doesn't always feel good winning. When you're doing really well and someone abandons 20 minutes in it fucking sucks.


The ultimate pubstomp lineup: SB, Sniper, Drow, Ursa and TA. Pretty rough. The replay was unavailable, however I watched a bit of a different games of yours. Two things. Work on your last hitting, no auto-attacking. Also, ease up on the aggression at the beginning of the game when playing OD, he's too squishy. Just some friendly advice.

Yeah, I'm working on my LHs, and I thought I had AA off, I'll check out my settings. And Alright! I'm always worried about being either too aggressive, or less than the right amount :/



So, very new to this game, have played a few public games and have gone poorly. Any chance you lads have a guild/clan/group and then from there any chance you're willing to teach me how to play successfully lol. I'm enjoying what I'm playing, I'm just not playing very well I imagine.


It doesn't always feel good winning. When you're doing really well and someone abandons 20 minutes in it fucking sucks.
They should make winning feel good then
Sounds almost like you feel entitled to acting like an asshole to your opponents
That's why mega creeps end those games within a handful of minutes.
What do you do if they kill the t3 tower and just camp the fountain then
So, very new to this game, have played a few public games and have gone poorly. Any chance you lads have a guild/clan/group and then from there any chance you're willing to teach me how to play successfully lol. I'm enjoying what I'm playing, I'm just not playing very well I imagine.
GAF gold only


On a 5 game win streak

2x Nyx, Rubick, Lich, Mirana

Not a single spanish speaker in that 5 games streak, coincidence? on US East i think not


That's why mega creeps end those games within a handful of minutes.
You're almost never camped when the all the racks are down though. They'll take out like one and a half before starting to camp. Creeps put them on a timer, but it can be a pretty long timer.

If Valve won't make the surrender option work in all games, they should make the fountain one shot kill. Enemy enters the fountain, even at level 25 with heart and armor he is done in one shot. What they deserve for being poor winners.

It doesn't always feel good winning. When you're doing really well and someone abandons 20 minutes in it fucking sucks.
I don't mind this at all. I've seen teams with one abandon end up winning multiple times anyway.
Yeah, I'm working on my LHs, and I thought I had AA off, I'll check out my settings. And Alright! I'm always worried about being either too aggressive, or less than the right amount :/

You can keep auto-attack on (I do), just walk around constantly to avoid attacking until the creep is low health, then target it. If you hit the creeps at full health, you will push the creep equilibrium towards your opponents tower, meaning you will be more susceptible to ganks (since you're further away from the safety of your tower). Everyone in the game I looked at was auto-attacking, so, if you were to only last hit, you would be dominating the creep score and be rolling in gold.

Yeah, it depends who you're playing as. If you were Slark for example, you would want to be roaming and ganking early. However, as OD, you should concentrate on winning your lane. Astral Imprisonment is such a pain for your opponent, as you steal intelligence from them, drain their mana, and in the time that they're imprisoned, they are missing out on CS. Going toe to toe with someone before you're able to cast your orb without mana issues is asking for trouble. Even then, it can be deadly.

Anyway, I hope this helps.

Chris R

So, very new to this game, have played a few public games and have gone poorly. Any chance you lads have a guild/clan/group and then from there any chance you're willing to teach me how to play successfully lol. I'm enjoying what I'm playing, I'm just not playing very well I imagine.

Do the tutorial missions, they are pretty damn good. And then switch to a highly upvoted build for whatever hero you end up with in your game instead of the valve default.
On a 5 game win streak

2x Nyx, Rubick, Lich, Mirana

Not a single spanish speaker in that 5 games streak, coincidence? on US East i think not

Very much coincidence. I only queue USE and every game has at least 2 South American, non-english speakers. Unless I go out with a 4-man.

I missed this part, what are the cards from/for?

they're from spending money at the Secret Shop at the TI3 venue. every $50 worth of items gets a pack of cards. Presumably with one of the 3 couriers randomly.


What do you do if they kill the t3 tower and just camp the fountain then

You're almost never camped when the all the racks are down though. They'll take out like one and a half before starting to camp. Creeps put them on a timer, but it can be a pretty long timer.

Sure, this can happen. But at least for me it does very rarely and oftentimes you're able to fight back in such a situation. I've won several games due to my team wiping overeager divers and taking rax in return, pretty much balances out the games where I've actually been camped for longer than five minutes.

Anyway, hasn't this topic been discussed to death multiple times already?


Sure, this can happen. But at least for me it does very rarely and oftentimes you're able to fight back in such a situation. I've won several games due to my team wiping overeager divers and taking rax in return, pretty much balances out the games where I've actually been camped for longer than five minutes.

Anyway, hasn't this topic been discussed to death multiple times already?
It happened to me yesterday and I've respawned to tell the tale. We were too behind to even get a hit on their dive. They were a smurfing pub stomp group and the fact that the system sees nothing wrong with them abusing mmr to stomp new players and fountain camp them for 10 minutes is pretty stupid

Who cares if it's discussed to death. If you're tired of it, then don't add to it.

I just don't give a shit about the W, i want to finish my games.
Sounds like you want the formality of blowing up their ancient
He's probably an investment banker


It happened to me yesterday and I've respawned to tell the tale. We were too behind to even get a hit on their dive. They were a smurfing pub stomp group and the fact that the system sees nothing wrong with them abusing mmr to stomp new players and fountain camp them for 10 minutes is pretty stupid

What's mmr?


It happened to me yesterday and I've respawned to tell the tale. We were too behind to even get a hit on their dive. They were a smurfing pub stomp group and the fact that the system sees nothing wrong with them abusing mmr to stomp new players and fountain camp them for 10 minutes is pretty stupid

Who cares if it's discussed to death. If you're tired of it, then don't add to it.

Sounds like you want the formality of blowing up their ancient
Sounds wrong. I like playing past the laning phase.

Also i love how you discount a lot of criticism moved towads league by saying "it happens only in low mmr" when most of your complaints are experienced mostly by people that barely played 50 games.


What's mmr?
Match making rating
Sounds wrong. I like playing past the laning phase.

Also i love how you discount a lot of criticism moved towads league by saying "it happens only in low mmr" when most of your complaints are experienced mostly by people that barely played 50 games.
Most surrender systems aren't even active until laning phase is over. So you'll have it.

Personally, I rarely surrender, I'm on this side because it only makes sense to have some form of it.

Number of games doesn't matter, I'm 70% into high skill
I only really want to surrender when I'm on a pub team that isn't even trying to come back and is more interested in going through the motions while playing the blame game in chat.

It's also kind of annoying when teams have a bunch of snow-balling ganking heroes that aren't actually very good at pushing the high ground. So by defending the base you can drag the game out for 20 mins but it doesn't accomplish anything because everyone's afraid to leave the base.


You can keep auto-attack on (I do), just walk around constantly to avoid attacking until the creep is low health, then target it. If you hit the creeps at full health, you will push the creep equilibrium towards your opponents tower, meaning you will be more susceptible to ganks (since you're further away from the safety of your tower). Everyone in the game I looked at was auto-attacking, so, if you were to only last hit, you would be dominating the creep score and be rolling in gold.

Yeah, it depends who you're playing as. If you were Slark for example, you would want to be roaming and ganking early. However, as OD, you should concentrate on winning your lane. Astral Imprisonment is such a pain for your opponent, as you steal intelligence from them, drain their mana, and in the time that they're imprisoned, they are missing out on CS. Going toe to toe with someone before you're able to cast your orb without mana issues is asking for trouble. Even then, it can be deadly.

Anyway, I hope this helps.

Thanks, I definitely appreciate it! This has been a big help :)


Alright. It's in. I'm going to pass out now. No more staying up till 4am for this stuff :(

but apparently I wasn't alone! A really bad ass KOTL set was submitted at the same time. <3 Airborn

I'll do a real post tomorrow with images and begging for upvotes, but for now.. SLEEP.
and yeah, I know the name is different at the end of the video heh, uploading the new one tomorrow morning :)
Alright. It's in. I'm going to pass out now. No more staying up till 4am for this stuff :(

but apparently I wasn't alone! A really bad ass KOTL set was submitted at the same time. <3 Airborn

I'll do a real post tomorrow with images and begging for upvotes, but for now.. SLEEP.
and yeah, I know the name is different at the end of the video heh, uploading the new one tomorrow morning :)

good job. your bara and airborn's kotl are both sweet looking.


good job. your bara and airborn's kotl are both sweet looking.

Angry Motherfucking Spacecow by bounchfx & oroboros

Dat Mask of Fury! He looks fucking pissed.
Keeper of the Norhtlight by Airborn_Studios (Weiner dog, Cat drow)

I'm confused, why not go full Santa.
Angry Motherfucking Spacecow by bounchfx & oroboros

Dat Mask of Fury! He looks fucking pissed.

Keeper of the Norhtlight by Airborn_Studios (Weiner dog, Cat drow)

I'm confused, why not go full Santa.

Though I think kotl's mount is a bit derpy, otherwise the set is majestic.


People refusing to end games they've won is just one of many reasons I choose to mainly play bot games.

But if Valve ultimately refuses to give people the option (maybe even putting in a separate mode?) they need to find gameplay ways to force ends to unwinnable games. I get why they want winning games to be as fun as possible, but it's always going to feel good to win--whereas if you're losing there's not much to enjoy about it, so prioritizing the winner's fun over making a loss less awful seems like a weird priority. So that part doesn't fly for me.

I do get that people give up too easily and a lack of a surrender option is a good way of ensuring they have to actually continue, but there has to be a way of incentivizing people who are winning to finish the game or giving people fighting a legitimately unwinnable situation a good way of tapping out.

Yeah, that is bugging me too. In fact, I recall in TF2's commentary that by default they extend the respawn time for team's on the loosing side so as to push the match quicker to its end. L4D had people rage quit for the reason of it being crystal clear on who's going to win after the first two or so rounds.

But I'm really struggling to find reason on committing myself to Dota 2 - at least on random human players. I haven't won a single match out of the seven or so I played, and they also ended up being a one-sided affair about a quarter way into the match. Add to berating during the matches and deaths that just sort of come at me out of no where, and the whole experience feels shit so far.

I dunno, I have heard of the extensive lurning curve and toxic competitive players so it's not like I have any excuse to get stroppy.


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
Angry Motherfucking Spacecow by bounchfx & oroboros

Dat Mask of Fury! He looks fucking pissed.

Keeper of the Norhtlight by Airborn_Studios (Weiner dog, Cat drow)

I'm confused, why not go full Santa.

Cause then the set would never get in and would attract unnecessary negative attention.


Yeah, that is bugging me too. In fact, I recall in TF2's commentary that by default they extend the respawn time for team's on the loosing side so as to push the match quicker to its end. L4D had people rage quit for the reason of it being crystal clear on who's going to win after the first two or so rounds.

But I'm really struggling to find reason on committing myself to Dota 2 - at least on random human players. I haven't won a single match out of the seven or so I played, and they also ended up being a one-sided affair about a quarter way into the match. Add to berating during the matches and deaths that just sort of come at me out of no where, and the whole experience feels shit so far.

I dunno, I have heard of the extensive lurning curve and toxic competitive players so it's not like I have any excuse to get stroppy.

I always hate to read about experiences like this. Have you joined the GAF Guild yet? Better to get started with fellow GAFers who will help guide you through everything you need to learn.

What kind of time are you available to play? At the very least if you're on East Coast time I could gather up some of my crew and we could all be noobs together.

The learning curve is VERY steep at a certain point, but I promise you not everyone is an insufferable prick.
Keeper of the Norhtlight by Airborn_Studios (Weiner dog, Cat drow)

This set concerns me because the mount and mount armor look like they would not work with the default armor/mount (respectfully) without seriously clipping or floating.

I don't like sets where you need multiple pieces of the set for it to not have serious issues. Items should never clip with the defaults of the heroes, because items are made to be flexible and useable with other items, and overly specific items hurt customization.

That one spikey Rubick set is like that. The pieces can't be worn with anything else or they look clippy and bad. Such a set should have had to at least work with defaults before being accepted.

I recall in TF2's commentary that by default they extend the respawn time for team's on the loosing side so as to push the match quicker to its end
TF2 has spawns like this because the defenders have the advantage of being closer to their spawn for their objective and because TF2 has a lot of very defense heavy advantages in place. They also wanted to make it seem like pushing gave you an advantage.
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