Thanks very much. I appreciate that - and will have a look!
I'm actually in the UK, so it's GMT. Is the guild in Dota 2 itself or is it a Steam group?
I can see the game being great fun, it's just all the losses and jeering weighs on me.
In Dota 2 I believe, I'm actually not in it yet. (embarrassingly) You can also join the GAF chat in game, but I believe most people use the Guild Chat now.
The losses aren't near as bad as the jeering, but once you get more games under your belt and you start understanding the more subtle mechanics of what makes a good and a bad match, you'll realize that most of the jeering is coming from players who are half as good as you and they're just trying to cover up for their own mistakes. As long as I concentrate on learning from every loss and win I find myself enjoying that game immensely inspite of whatever asshat thinks I'm playing wrong.
That of course, only goes for Solo queues. The few times I've queued up with some GAFers they were all helpful and knowledgeable, so if you can then definitely do that.
A terrible person who likes to waste money. I love dota, but that's just extreme man!
Whatever item ends up coming with that statue will probably make that money back and more.