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Dota 2 |OT| To Hell and Back and Back to Hell

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war of titties grampa
Anyone want to trade for a One Horn for keeper of light? I got 2 and figured someone may want to trade for their international duplicates

Steam ID TriniTrin


I think I'm the only person that wants the Puck shirt.

Unfortunately it's sold out.



Corporate Apologist
They said a couple of months here.

Geeze. Hope the two I get are at least different.

For just the Luck Box chests people want, I think they will become more common over time, since I can see Valve sticking them with a bunch of stuff for months to come. I would love to see the value tank if they just gave every Compendium owner one, maybe as a reward for a good fantasy team score.

Card Boy

Isn't this basically a free T-shirt plus some?


The item you get from it goes for over $31 on the market


Item from that one goes for + $34


Corporate Apologist
I wish Valve would give items for the Drink Wear. I don't want to wear some silly looking Dota shirt, but I'll be more then happy to use some flamboyant cup.


You guys, i just played my first bot match as outworld destroyer*. Holy christ at that dps; a bit frail, but damage more than makes up for it.

Edit: *devourer

I aint got no time to look at hero names.


I have to say Medallion of Courage is fucking perfect on Vengeful Spirit. I manged to solo a Doom with the armor reduction combo.

Venge dmg is really good, played her as a carry in a bot game once lol. Not sure if she is viable in real games but her dmg is really good.


My order shipped in full, Vavle must love me.

You might want to check your Paypal or credit card account, if I check my orders on the valve store it looks like everything has shipped, I didn't receive any notification that items were removed from my order, just a refund but maybe you got lucky.


Corporate Apologist
Venge dmg is really good, played her as a carry in a bot game once lol. Not sure if she is viable in real games but her dmg is really good.
She can carry in lower level games, but the reason she tends to be played more as a support is that your allies benefit from her stuff just as much as she does, so you can combine her scaling with anther heroes scaling.


I'm looking for that gif of Lone Druid where they're chasing some guy and he keeps blocking the guy with his bear. I think it was Admiral Bulldog. Can anyone post that?


No fucking wonder. I'm sure everyone else ordered 1-2 with a t-shirt or two and got their order.

Yeah but they removed all of those items from the order over a day ago and the status hasn't changed.

They said the plushies have a long lead time so that means like a month+ before they go back in stock. They made it seem that they would just ship what was available, which is why I'm wondering what the added delay is since they already removed the part of my order that they couldn't fulfill...


I've come to realize I like All Random. Yes, you can get screwed over, but something I've learned from TI3 is building weird team comps.

Take this one for instance: http://dotabuff.com/matches/269134001

Our team was Naga Siren, Templar Assassin (me), Brewmaster, Skywrath Mage, and Spirit Breaker.

This team would probably make most people go "How the hell would you lane this? Who's going to repick?" but the answer is "Nobody is repicking."

I told the team this is how we would lane: TA with Naga (support) top, Skywrath mid, and Brewmaster and Spirit Breaker on the bot lane. These lanes make sense mostly, except the bottom lane would be a bit weird, since it's double melee, but Thunder Clap is strong as well as charge. Plus Spirit Breaker can charge a vulnerable target any time, and while he does that that leaves Brewmaster solo XP and farm.

The other team's lanes were not well thought out in my opinion. Their team was Visage, Witch Doctor, Lycan, Drow Ranger, and Faceless Void. They laned Visage solo top (offlane), Lycan jungle, Faceless Void mid, with Drow and Witch Doctor bot. If I were in their shoes I would have done Drow mid, so she has solo XP and farm. She has a long attack range, so she shouldn't have to worry too much about the Skywrath harass, but she should get a wand for that. Drow isn't the best mid, but you have to play with the hand you're dealt in All Random. Void bottom for obvious reasons, with Witch Doctor. Leave the Lycan jungling, and the Visage in the offlane.

Only problem was the Visage didn't play the offlane well, which cost them to lose the game within about 15 minutes. I was fed and spiraling out of control (read: I bought boots and had my Midas by 6 minutes). Mob (Naga) and I were going for kills on Visage with all the armor reduction and the net. Their Void was getting shat on by Gibonez/childplease (Skywrath), Bottom lane was doing it's job, getting levels. Void called everyone noobs and abandoned by about 15 minutes, Drow kept calling everyone noobs as well, yet Drow and Lycan stayed and made us push for some stupid reason, yet they would defend and micro the disconnected heroes (everyone else) to defend, even though I could kill them all in 1-2 hits. Lycan fed me a rampage right near the end.

I really wish there was something that could be done in a situation like this. We would have been out of that game 15 minutes sooner had Drow and Lycan not stayed. It wasn't "Early Abandonment" only regular abandonment, so we couldn't leave without it counting as a loss. Drow kept trying to go for pickoffs, especially on me, and never could successfully get them.


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
She can carry in lower level games, but the reason she tends to be played more as a support is that your allies benefit from her stuff just as much as she does, so you can combine her scaling with anther heroes scaling.

EE runs carry venge in pro games and seems to be having good success.
Guys, I want to like anti mage. Teach me to not suck with him.

First, you need to understand that you are absolute poop early game. You have no CC, you're made of paper, you offer nothing to any actual teamfight except maybe burning a bit of mana.

So you need to last hit. Always last hit. Get every last hit possible. You want a good lane support who knows what s/he is doing and will support your last hitting. Get good, get your Battlefury, and run around to keep murdering creeps.

After that, figure out what your team needs. Manta Style, BKB, Crystalys, etc. And then run in and start murdering people.


Don't think the ti3 chests have a lion item and the CK head is mythical and mine is rare if you care about that.

Can trade for a Spectre Head is you're interested.

I don't care. I think I still have it. I'll be home in 15. Just add me ill look. I woulda just deleted it anyway


Outworld Devourer is probably my favorite hero so far

He's so easy to play and the Orb ability is seriously unfair. I just finished probably my best game so far while playing him mid against a Drow Ranger that couldn't do anything most of the game

The game actually didn't go our way most of the time, we had like 2 or 3 towers taken out and the other team was getting some kills, but at some point we started winning every team fight

At one point near the end we were in their base and killed most of them, I jumped to the courier for a second and my character apparently started auto attacking and killing one of their heroes ;p (I probably shouldn't have done that, it would have ended poorly in most cases)


I've come to realize I like All Random. Yes, you can get screwed over, but something I've learned from TI3 is building weird team comps.

Take this one for instance: http://dotabuff.com/matches/269134001

Our team was Naga Siren, Templar Assassin (me), Brewmaster, Skywrath Mage, and Spirit Breaker.

This team would probably make most people go "How the hell would you lane this? Who's going to repick?" but the answer is "Nobody is repicking."

I told the team this is how we would lane: TA with Naga (support) top, Skywrath mid, and Brewmaster and Spirit Breaker on the bot lane. These lanes make sense mostly, except the bottom lane would be a bit weird, since it's double melee, but Thunder Clap is strong as well as charge. Plus Spirit Breaker can charge a vulnerable target any time, and while he does that that leaves Brewmaster solo XP and farm.

The other team's lanes were not well thought out in my opinion. Their team was Visage, Witch Doctor, Lycan, Drow Ranger, and Faceless Void. They laned Visage solo top (offlane), Lycan jungle, Faceless Void mid, with Drow and Witch Doctor bot. If I were in their shoes I would have done Drow mid, so she has solo XP and farm. She has a long attack range, so she shouldn't have to worry too much about the Skywrath harass, but she should get a wand for that. Drow isn't the best mid, but you have to play with the hand you're dealt in All Random. Void bottom for obvious reasons, with Witch Doctor. Leave the Lycan jungling, and the Visage in the offlane.

Only problem was the Visage didn't play the offlane well, which cost them to lose the game within about 15 minutes. I was fed and spiraling out of control (read: I bought boots and had my Midas by 6 minutes). Mob (Naga) and I were going for kills on Visage with all the armor reduction and the net. Their Void was getting shat on by Gibonez/childplease (Skywrath), Bottom lane was doing it's job, getting levels. Void called everyone noobs and abandoned by about 15 minutes, Drow kept calling everyone noobs as well, yet Drow and Lycan stayed and made us push for some stupid reason, yet they would defend and micro the disconnected heroes (everyone else) to defend, even though I could kill them all in 1-2 hits. Lycan fed me a rampage right near the end.

I really wish there was something that could be done in a situation like this. We would have been out of that game 15 minutes sooner had Drow and Lycan not stayed. It wasn't "Early Abandonment" only regular abandonment, so we couldn't leave without it counting as a loss. Drow kept trying to go for pickoffs, especially on me, and never could successfully get them.

Naga net with Skywrath ult is OP. That's a good team comp.


That's the worst part of CM for me. I hate seeing tranquils on her because it just turns her into food. Also, I've laned CM with Luna before on her which was quite ridiculous. I needed boots just to match her base speed. Made all the worse by the Luna overextending to get kills and moving way out of range for me to back her up.

I was in a lane as CM with a Viper in a recent game. Felt pretty bad.

That said, whenever I manage to play smart, stay behind and just poke my nose in to get off my disables and get back out again, it feels pretty good. Such strong spells early game.


just throwing this here i guess, got a bunch of spares from the lockless box, not really interested in doing the whole trade for a bunch of keys and shit, but if anybody get the invoker popped collar i can do 1:1 with the alch chains. its the only one im missing.
just throwing this here i guess, got a bunch of spares from the lockless box, not really interested in doing the whole trade for a bunch of keys and shit, but if anybody get the invoker popped collar i can do 1:1 with the alch chains. its the only one im missing.

now shadowblade spare? I need one.
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