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Dota 2 |OT| To Hell and Back and Back to Hell

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That looks kind of... I don't know. I don't like the mount


Enigma would also basically steal gold and xp from the pull camp, if not outright thwart attempts at pulling altogether.

Re CM: I do enjoy playing it, but I don't really hop into a CM queue unless it's once in a blue moon. I do however watch a lot of competitive drafting, so I absorb a great deal by osmosis.

Aw, it would have been neat to see some of these strategies play out. Seems like the osmosis is really working though.

Well...Abbadon is cool I guess

But I really want LC :/

I knew a double hero patch was impossible.


One more question for you guys before I take off: What are the rules for how a tower attacks minions over you? I don't see any rhyme or reason to what is happening. Sometimes, I can attack the tower with a bunch of minions and it will attack them one by one and then hit me last, whereas other times it seem to target me right after the first minion dies, even though there are 5 or 6 minions between the tower and me.
One more question for you guys before I take off: What are the rules for how a tower attacks minions over you? I don't see any rhyme or reason to what is happening. Sometimes, I can attack the tower with a bunch of minions and it will attack them one by one and then hit me last, whereas other times it seem to target me right after the first minion dies, even though there are 5 or 6 minions between the tower and me.

Towers have a specific targeting priority that determines which enemy it will attack. This list represents that priority in ascending order:
Closest enemy unit or hero attacking a friendly hero with auto attack
Closest enemy unit or hero attacking the tower itself with auto attack
Closest enemy unit or hero attacking any friendly unit with auto attack
Closest enemy unit
Closest enemy hero
Closest enemy catapult
The tower will only switch targets under three circumstances:
If the targeted enemy unit or hero dies
If an enemy unit or hero targets a friendly hero
If an enemy hero being attacked by the tower manually attacks a friendly unit or hero (in which case, the tower will select a new target based on the above priority order).

Basically the tower attacked you cause you were attacking the tower or an enemy hero.
One more question for you guys before I take off: What are the rules for how a tower attacks minions over you? I don't see any rhyme or reason to what is happening. Sometimes, I can attack the tower with a bunch of minions and it will attack them one by one and then hit me last, whereas other times it seem to target me right after the first minion dies, even though there are 5 or 6 minions between the tower and me.


Quoting the wiki

Towers have a specific targeting priority that determines which enemy it will attack. This list represents that priority in ascending order:
Closest enemy unit or hero attacking a friendly hero with auto attack
Closest enemy unit or hero attacking the tower itself with auto attack
Closest enemy unit or hero attacking any friendly unit with auto attack
Closest enemy unit
Closest enemy catapult
Closest enemy hero

Edit: beaten


Towers have a specific targeting priority that determines which enemy it will attack. This list represents that priority in ascending order:
Closest enemy unit or hero attacking a friendly hero with auto attack
Closest enemy unit or hero attacking the tower itself with auto attack
Closest enemy unit or hero attacking any friendly unit with auto attack
Closest enemy unit
Closest enemy hero
Closest enemy catapult
The tower will only switch targets under three circumstances:
If the targeted enemy unit or hero dies
If an enemy unit or hero targets a friendly hero
If an enemy hero being attacked by the tower manually attacks a friendly unit or hero (in which case, the tower will select a new target based on the above priority order).

Basically the tower attacked you cause you were attacking the tower or an enemy hero.

The more you know.

Seriously, this is perfect. Thanks again!


i think his item schema mentioned a set with his bird mount being released with him, that may be more to your liking.

Aw, that sucks. I really liked the concept art. Little disappointed they went with a ghost horse and more purple over the bird horse and green/brown scheme.


*EDIT* Come on Valve. It took you ~ 8 weeks to release this guy and his idle animation has his sword clipping through the entire horse.
If you get close to the creeps the sword does a weird swirl and he holds it pointing up and on the outside but if you go far from the creeps it swirls back inside the horse.
Maybe they intended for him to have 2 stances, but it's kinda buggy.


Nah her abilities just interest me more then Abaddon's

Not talking about you, but I bet we will see some of the "Legion Waifu" stuff for a while.
Now I remember, In wc3 dota there was a oversight in the way how LC ultimate interacted with Abadon ultimate, I wonder if it's still in, that was so fun to abuse, giving Abadon more tools to fight against him.


One more question for you guys before I take off: What are the rules for how a tower attacks minions over you? I don't see any rhyme or reason to what is happening. Sometimes, I can attack the tower with a bunch of minions and it will attack them one by one and then hit me last, whereas other times it seem to target me right after the first minion dies, even though there are 5 or 6 minions between the tower and me.

In my experience, if you're just pushing a tower with allied creeps and no nearby enemies, whenever the tower kills a unit, stop attacking the tower until the tower selects a new target. Then when the tower starts shooting again, you can start attacking again. I think that's the easiest thing to remember for that scenario. Otherwise you can just look at the above rules.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
The more you know.

Seriously, this is perfect. Thanks again!

Also: if the tower attacks you attack an allied creep (even if they have full health) by hitting A and then clicking (or just clicking if you have that enabled) and the tower will stop attacking you.


Corporate Apologist
The 5 man echo slam reward sounds pretty arbitrary, wonder if it includes other things like Black Hole, Ravage, RP, ect.

Also, Defense Grid announcer sounds cool. Hopefully its closer to the default announcer and not just does a ton of jokes.


So, before moving to Dota2, I played a lot of matches with Abaddon - a fucking lot, he was my main for like 1 year-, it was really fun and I picked up some things:

My main build was support, it has to be 3rd/4th in the team, cant be used as 5th hero.

Items to get ASAP:

Prioritize Death Coil, get Shield as your second spell. Death coild has a huge range, useful to heal allies far away from you, damage enemies that are trying to escape. Often caughts enemies by surpries with its low cd. Use it to heal ally often, try to not be inside the fight but still stay around so you can cast shield too and stay healthy enough to keep casting DC (it cost some HP to do so). You can deny yourself with it, I did it pretty often after letting my teammates scape.

Why is it useful to not be in the middle of the battle: You pay 125 hp to heal 250hp, is better for you to pay the hp to heal someone, than to lose 250 hp yourself in battle

Shield is a amazing spell, blocks ups to 250 damage, explodes once it reach the threshold and damages around for 250 damage. Also it dispells all debuff on the ally unit so is really really usefull in battles, use it after a key ally got disabled/silenced/tracked/etc (doesnt work against Doom ultimate, except for 1 rare case in wc3 dota) Example: your clinks just got hit by Dust, shield him so the dust debuff dissapear. Your support just got hit by a long range Mirana arrow, 4-5 sec stun. wait till mirana jumps in to shield him out of the stun, and counter attack. Or use it early to escape.

If you need to use the shield before going into a battle do it at 4-5 secs before the clash. You want to have that shield up again to dispel disables and stuff in the middle of the battle.

He has some mana problems, but getting boots solves it. Boots on allies as well as you can turn your push into real sieges with no need to go back for heal.

Try to heal/shield/mek that one hero being focused, even if its a support, creating a situation when the enemy has to choose to change targets because they are afraid of the shield aoe damage(and lose whatever advantage they got) or keep focusing on him taking longer than it should so your allies can pick of their supports. You really work well in 3+ man push/fights.

Enemies will try to focus you if you save allies or delay their deaths too much, do not worry! Your ultimate will keep you alive, remember this trick: If you use DC when using your ulti, you will get HP back instead of paying it. If you cast DC when you have shield and ultimate active, you will get TWICE the HP back. Actually, if you get hit by whatever spell/attack when you have ult+shield up, you will get twice the HP back.

You can manually cast your ult to get some extra HP when the enemy does not expect it. For example, if you see a enemy pudge used hook and you cant dodge it, activate ult before the hit, you will get +360 hp (iirc) and the enemy pudge will most likely start the dismember before he realises you are recovering hp.

After that, items are situational and depends on how good your team is doing. I generally go for Pipe and make the team push for the win with almost unlimited health.

Edit: one more thing:
You can break your shield by using Death Coild, Pretty fun to do it when chasing. go after a low hp hero with shield and DC him to death, the DC will kill him, IF NOT, the AOE damage from the shield (activated by the sacrificed HP for DC) will kill him


Just tried Abaddon, such a fun hero! High movement speed, fast turnrate, and unkillable hot damn.

Dont know if you noticed this or not, but if you use his shield and then use his first spell he doesn't take any damage and the damage gets pumped into the shield so when it bursts it has that damage applied to it.


Dont know if you noticed this or not, but if you use his shield and then use his first spell he doesn't take any damage and the damage gets pumped into the shield so when it bursts it has that damage applied to it.

Haha! I was ading that to my previous post in my edit. Beat me.


What does this mean?

In dota teams, the position of a hero represents the amount of farm a hero should get.

The 1st position is for the hard carry, he needs all the gold he can get.

The 5th position is for the ward support. He probably wont get farm at all, other than some Boots and whatever he can get from fights.

Whan I'm saying is that you have to focus on farming a litle (3rd or 4th priority on the team), you still depend on some items, not as much as a carry, but you are not as usefull as a rubik with just boots. You cant focus on wards until after you got your basic items.

Edit: This has nothing to do on the order in wich you joined the game, is more a strategic thing.
he's an alright hero but I'm not seeing any utility or appeal to him. He appears to be a pretty selfish hero, but when used as a support his spells aren't that great compared to someone like omni knight, who isn't even picked that often.


he's an alright hero but I'm not seeing any utility or appeal to him. He appears to be a pretty selfish hero, but when used as a support his spells aren't that great compared to someone like omni knight, who isn't even picked that often.

Is a pretty fun hero for pubs, the role is more akin to dazzle than omni in the sense that omni has some protective spells in a mid/long cd while dazzle/abbadon can spam heal and save allies more often even with ultimate down.


he's an alright hero but I'm not seeing any utility or appeal to him. He appears to be a pretty selfish hero, but when used as a support his spells aren't that great compared to someone like omni knight, who isn't even picked that often.

He's much better than Omniknight in my opinion. Much more fun to play too.

Has a horse, faster casts, lower cooldowns, and overall more survivable. Fantastic support hero with only Arcane / Soul Ring / Mek, very reactionary and useful in teamfights spamming spells from behind. Now that treant is considered first pick ban material, Ol' Abby will be my healer support of choice.


Everyone should play Abaddon as carry. It's the only way.

Its boring,and is not even good as such. You need to get the sword maxed first along with MM to make it work, and itwill only work in 1vs1 if you have enough time or basher. His agi gain is so low that he will need items like Hyperstone to keep up with most semi carries growth. You can only win by snowballing out of enemy mistakes, or buying time for your real carry.
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