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Dota 2 |OT| To Hell and Back and Back to Hell

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As a complete dota noob I have to ask, is starting a match only fighting neutral creeps ever a good idea? I fucking hate it when someone spends the first ten minutes running around and just farming them when they could be helping out in a lane, is there something I am missing?

Jungling is usually good when you can pull off something with the safe lane, like chen or enchantree pushing/ganking. Some heroes like Lone Druid are easier for people to play in jungle as well and can farm at a decent pace. They shouldn't be just jungling though, especially when people overextend in the safe lane.
Jungling is usually good when you can pull off something with the safe lane, like chen or enchantree pushing/ganking. Some heroes like Lone Druid are easier for people to play in jungle as well and can farm at a decent pace. They shouldn't be just jungling though, especially when people overextend in the safe lane.
I would really like to know how to play LD in lane properly. It's frustrating not being able to micro the bear properly.


not characteristic of ants at all
I would really like to know how to play LD in lane properly. It's frustrating not being able to micro the bear properly.

Whenever the opponent is in lane use the bear to right click them. Last hit with hero. Laning against the bear is the most annoying shit.

My question to you guys is what can I do to stay in level, farm, gold parity with the rest of my team throughout the duration of the game and all its phases? Things get tougher for me when the number of safe places to farm decreases and going out beyond the towers or the confines of my base mean certain death. It would be nice to finish even matchup games with more than 1 or 2 items completed. Thanks!

Stacking and pulling (killing neutral camps, essentially) helps a lot. Getting kills (of course) and just being aware when there are open lanes. Also learn how to position yourself in fights so you survive easier (thus keep more gold and are able to buy more items)


You and the person your laning with shouldnt be competing for farm.
Last hitting.
Positioning is something I guess gets better with time though sometimes I get a lil lost as well.

I try not to take last hits and only deal with denying when that's what I'm tasked with.



...I've got 100+ matchmaking wins under my belt and a few dozen in-house matches with another community that I'm a part of. In total, I've probably played more than 300 matches and I'm definitely at a point where I am "into" Dota 2 and enjoy playing, even when I'm losing. Regardless of outcome, each match is a learning experience and I leave one match with something I can take into the next. With this increase in game sense, so to speak, I've started becoming more conscious of my habits and have more or less been successful with ironing out the bad ones. However, one thing that I've noticed that I still haven't fixed is experience and gold gains. This is something I notice when it's usually too late but I'll just open up the scoreboard and see that I'm underleveled relative to other players; teammates, enemies, same role, etc. When I play as support it's not really a big deal but as I branch out and start playing more games as non-support heroes I almost always have less farm and worse items than what I think I should have or compared to others. I'll end the game with half finished items or items barely started.

I try my best to stay in the experience range of kills but nothing discourages me more in the laning phase than seeing my lanemate with better farm than me when we've basically experienced the same things happening (obviously not, though). I'll attribute a significant portion of it to my ineptitude when it comes to last hitting. There are also times where I don't know where I should be and I'll just be wandering the map which is also a good contributor to this lack of farm.

My question to you guys is what can I do to stay in level, farm, gold parity with the rest of my team throughout the duration of the game and all its phases? Things get tougher for me when the number of safe places to farm decreases and going out beyond the towers or the confines of my base mean certain death. It would be nice to finish even matchup games with more than 1 or 2 items completed. Thanks!

Lanes should not be set up in such a way that two carries are a carry/semi-carry are splitting farm. Hard to control the team comp in pubs though. If you're last and already have 3 or 4 carries go support and don't worry about it.

The other think lacking in pubs is wards. more wards = more safe places to farm, and the converse is obviously true too.

have you done the tutorial yet? I did it even though I was already 250+ wins in, and used it as an excuse to practice animation cancelling (bot games are too boring, it was nice to have a linear progression to it, plus you get a sniper set). It was good practice and my last hitting improved greatly. The other thing that helped my last hitting was to actually pay attention to what my auto-attack damage is (usually like 50-90 when you start) and looking to see what that translates to on the creeps' health bars, so I was more confident about when to last hit...
My question to you guys is what can I do to stay in level, farm, gold parity with the rest of my team throughout the duration of the game and all its phases? Things get tougher for me when the number of safe places to farm decreases and going out beyond the towers or the confines of my base mean certain death. It would be nice to finish even matchup games with more than 1 or 2 items completed. Thanks!

Answers will vary a great deal depending on your role on the team and what hero you're playing. Universal truths are:

1.) Secure your jungle. If your jungle isn't even safe to farm in, you're probably behind in which case, it will be difficult for anyone on your team to farm safely. This means wards and sents at the entry points whenever is realistic.

2.) Farm lanes that are being pushed in when you're not preparing to team fight.

3.) Have a TP scroll so that you can retreat quickly if all of the enemy has been off the map for too long.

4.) If you're playing a hard support role, just at least be around the carries and gankers as they farm lanes.


My question to you guys is what can I do to stay in level, farm, gold parity with the rest of my team throughout the duration of the game and all its phases? Things get tougher for me when the number of safe places to farm decreases and going out beyond the towers or the confines of my base mean certain death. It would be nice to finish even matchup games with more than 1 or 2 items completed. Thanks!

Right there sounds like you could use more map control. With each tower you lose, especially if it's on the side of your jungle, you'll lose more and more map control, ganks will be less risky for them, and the other team will slowly starve your team of farm exp.


They're pretty much the answer to every problem. If it's too dangerous? Go with a team mate, or ward when your roaming as five. Get sentries to deward if they have wards, if they don't, get sentries so you can spot the other team if they smoke. Farm your jungle if you're a carry, always carry a TP so you can get farm from other lanes or farm as much as possible then TP to fights.

Stack camps, stack ancients, piggyback exp from your carry, jungle as 2 supports, etc. Even when you're not farming, there's stuff you can be doing to get exp or get exp set up later.

edit; beaten ;(

edit2; what's the best chest to open? I have enough cash for 1 key from selling a few points boosts/greevil eggs that I wouldn't ever use. Right now I'm leaning towards treasure of the cursed wood, because of 2 mounts (1 for Mirana who I'd love), courier, + general good stuff.


I would really like to know how to play LD in lane properly. It's frustrating not being able to micro the bear properly.

Playing LD is almost impossible without turning off auto attack. My trick is to right click on the creep that is getting focused, then hit 'stop' before the attack animation goes through (this gets the druid and bear in position to attack immediately). Then just right click the hotkey with bear and druid to last hit. The attacks will hit a bit out of synch, so move the druid close to the creep if you can. If not, it's no big deal.


Can anyone explain (or post a link) how this autoexec.cfg works, please?
I guess it's simply a file, but I can't seem to find it. Should I create it and then add some parameters to dota.exe or what?
Can anyone explain (or post a link) how this autoexec.cfg works, please?
I guess it's simply a file, but I can't seem to find it. Should I create it and then add some parameters to dota.exe or what?

C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\dota 2 beta\dota\cfg

if there isn't one, create a file autoexec.cfg and paste the commands in it. you don't have to enable any parameters

dota 2 must be restarted for the changes to take effect



...I've got 100+ matchmaking wins under my belt and a few dozen in-house matches with another community that I'm a part of. In total, I've probably played more than 300 matches and I'm definitely at a point where I am "into" Dota 2 and enjoy playing, even when I'm losing. Regardless of outcome, each match is a learning experience and I leave one match with something I can take into the next. With this increase in game sense, so to speak, I've started becoming more conscious of my habits and have more or less been successful with ironing out the bad ones. However, one thing that I've noticed that I still haven't fixed is experience and gold gains. This is something I notice when it's usually too late but I'll just open up the scoreboard and see that I'm underleveled relative to other players; teammates, enemies, same role, etc. When I play as support it's not really a big deal but as I branch out and start playing more games as non-support heroes I almost always have less farm and worse items than what I think I should have or compared to others. I'll end the game with half finished items or items barely started.

I try my best to stay in the experience range of kills but nothing discourages me more in the laning phase than seeing my lanemate with better farm than me when we've basically experienced the same things happening (obviously not, though). I'll attribute a significant portion of it to my ineptitude when it comes to last hitting. There are also times where I don't know where I should be and I'll just be wandering the map which is also a good contributor to this lack of farm.

My question to you guys is what can I do to stay in level, farm, gold parity with the rest of my team throughout the duration of the game and all its phases? Things get tougher for me when the number of safe places to farm decreases and going out beyond the towers or the confines of my base mean certain death. It would be nice to finish even matchup games with more than 1 or 2 items completed. Thanks!

The main thing I see whenever someone is getting grossly underleveled is that they think they are getting killed because they are going too far out, when in reality, they are getting killed because they are staying too long and focusing too much on last hitting rather than looking at enemy positioning on the mini map. This leads to way over conservative positioning, and getting underlevelled. You have to know when you can go out and when to get back.

Wards are of course great to have, especially lane wards, which are never used enough at low levels of play, people just drop a ward on one of the rune spots and say they warded. In the real world you are going to have to get by without sometimes. In an ordinary farming phase of the game, you should be able to see at least 2-3 enemy heroes on the map, and the location of those 2-3 should give you a reasonable idea of where the hidden ones are.

If you go to farm a empty lane and then all of a sudden all the enemies disappear from the minimap, that is generally a good sign to GTFO.


How about one that does carry TPs, but never responds to ganks?

At least those people have a CHANCE of using one.

Besides the lack of counter-ganking and late arrivals to team fights, the absolute worst is all the wasted farm. Lanes will push in and towers will be attacked and no one will TP to collect the farm. They'd rather do the "mid-lane shuffle" and growl at the other team from our side of the river.


Sure, let's go with that


It's a strategy called "jungling". Jungling is where one player uses the neutral as an additional source of gold and exp allowing for two solo lanes. The problem is most heroes cannot handle a non-mid solo-lane so the solo laner needs to pick a specific solo hero, called a suicide. Usually they're starved for gold but not necessarily exp, which is more important. And the jungler gets to farm with impunity, usually accelerating their build into some key item or, if it's like Axe and Chen, applying pressure on the duo lane without eating up their exp and gold.

Add to this that a hero like Doom, because of devour, is an utterly fantastic jungle hero. But it also requires communication between the team. If mid goes Mia and the outer lanes are missing at least one, chances are they are trying to shut your jungle down.

Also the jungle hero needs to pay attention to the lanes and stop farming and help defend when necessary, sadly sometimes people don't know that or fail miserably at it.


how do you jungle as axe?

Shield, his passive spin ability (forget the name), tangos and a health pot. Then vanguard that shit and go from there. I've seen lifesteal, hearts, one time he bought a Dagon back in the vanilla days, oddly we won, but it was hilariously bad and made good times

Personally I start with quell blade and gloves of strength and tangos, move to shield and vanguard and then go from there.


Don't think it's necessary to max out helix, it's only +35 damage per level. Maxing hunger will make you much more effective when you leave the jungle.
how do you jungle as axe?

I find a 0-2-3-1 build strong for jungling. more points in helix than anything, and pray for spins and easier camps.

@ level 11, it'll look something like 3-4-3-1. I don't find you really need the early 4th point in helix. max hunger first is ideal, and call is always good because by 11 you should have your blink dagger on deck.


not characteristic of ants at all
how do you jungle as axe?

Start with stout shield and some regen (I usually am able to jungle at the beginning with just a ring of regen). First item is tranquil boots and this can sustain your jungle. Axe can jungle the entire game with 1 level of helix, don't max it.

Axe is a huge help early game and can gank pretty well. Battle Hunger does a shitload of damage. You do need a mana regen item after tranquils though. You can build arcanes, get an urn, etc. I usually built Eul's, I love Eul's on Axe. Blink can be good if you need an initator, etc.

When I jungle with Axe I usually kill easy/medium camps while stacking the hard camp. Once you are high enough level and have a decent amount of levels in Call, you can clear the stack pretty easy (more attacks = tons of spins)
how do you jungle as axe?

Get stout shield and tangoes. Go to easy camp. Stack at :54 ranged :55 melee (I think...time is tighter since a recent patch). Get Helix, kill stacked camp while tangoing (getting helix first can make it harder to stack if you spin on the healing creep, cause they'll stutter walk). That's level 2. Try and find the Satyr 4 creep camp and kill that,otherwise get a medium camp, then kill the small camp again. That's level 3. Gank/harass safe lane or mid with lvl 2 battle hunger.


Don't think it's necessary to max out helix, it's only +35 damage per level. Maxing hunger will make you much more effective when you leave the jungle.

Yea. Getting 2 levels is sufficient (You can make do with 1) and getting 3 in hunger or 1 in cry is way better. Vanguard is redundant. Will make you super strong early, but other items can be used better (blink, blade, etc).


A passionate embrace, a beautiful memory lingers.
OD is really strong, guys

that poor invoker and his 50 creeps denied from him


It's a strategy called "jungling". Jungling is where one player uses the neutral as an additional source of gold and exp allowing for two solo lanes. The problem is most heroes cannot handle a non-mid solo-lane so the solo laner needs to pick a specific solo hero, called a suicide. Usually they're starved for gold but not necessarily exp, which is more important. And the jungler gets to farm with impunity, usually accelerating their build into some key item or, if it's like Axe and Chen, applying pressure on the duo lane without eating up their exp and gold.
yes, sometimes it's better for just 1 hero to be screwed rather than 2. there are some heroes that excel in the jungle and this can give you an advantage over the enemy team
Guess I shouldn't dismiss it then, I just haven't had a game where someone went for it and we didn't get our asses kicked.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Guess I shouldn't dismiss it then, I just haven't had a game where someone went for it and we didn't get our asses kicked.

It's a legit strategy but the problem is most lower level pubs can't handle the strain of a jungler who doesn't know what he's doing. So, while you shouldn't be dismissive of the strat, feel free to browbeat those useless AFK ricers until they help you.

Deleted member 74300

Unconfirmed Member
I swear Valve does not want me to win with the people they give me. Even if we are about to win they still find a way to screw up. Solo pushing a lane where the rax were already gone and then get ganged up by all of them with no buyback. Way to throw smart guy.


I had a game last night where a guy on the other team spent the last 20 minutes of the game complaining that I was CLEARLY using an "entangle hack" on Lone Druid. Here is a bit of a best of:


"MY FRIEND GOT BANNED FOR 7 YEARS" is probably my favorite. The sad part is, his team was up 7500 gold/XP on us and he had a better GPM than me when he started complaining. It made our victory even sweeter.

The meter of his phrasing actually makes it sound like a song


The Dota 2 blog is updated! Apparently we'll be getting the fantasy team items soon.


Also, they hinted at something coming soon via a hidden link at the blog post...


Glados announcer is going to ge awesome. Also I wonder what theyll do for fantasy items, it has to be some kind of crate since people could create multiple teams right? Maybe the fantasy points will determine the item rarity



DK Reshuffle. Sylar in; Rotk out! Burning rotate from Carry to Ganker role.
Position 1 - Sylar
Position 2 - Super
Position 3 - Burning



DK Reshuffle. Sylar in; Rotk out! Burning rotate from Carry to Ganker role.
Position 1 - Sylar
Position 2 - Super
Position 3 - Burning

If that's true I'd be pretty happy. It's not even confirmed that rOtk is out though, that message he posted on his qq was pretty vague.
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