...I've got 100+ matchmaking wins under my belt and a few dozen in-house matches with another community that I'm a part of. In total, I've probably played more than 300 matches and I'm definitely at a point where I am "into" Dota 2 and enjoy playing, even when I'm losing. Regardless of outcome, each match is a learning experience and I leave one match with something I can take into the next. With this increase in game sense, so to speak, I've started becoming more conscious of my habits and have more or less been successful with ironing out the bad ones. However, one thing that I've noticed that I still haven't fixed is experience and gold gains. This is something I notice when it's usually too late but I'll just open up the scoreboard and see that I'm underleveled relative to other players; teammates, enemies, same role, etc. When I play as support it's not really a big deal but as I branch out and start playing more games as non-support heroes I almost always have less farm and worse items than what I think I should have or compared to others. I'll end the game with half finished items or items barely started.
I try my best to stay in the experience range of kills but nothing discourages me more in the laning phase than seeing my lanemate with better farm than me when we've basically experienced the same things happening (obviously not, though). I'll attribute a significant portion of it to my ineptitude when it comes to last hitting. There are also times where I don't know where I should be and I'll just be wandering the map which is also a good contributor to this lack of farm.
My question to you guys is what can I do to stay in level, farm, gold parity with the rest of my team throughout the duration of the game and all its phases? Things get tougher for me when the number of safe places to farm decreases and going out beyond the towers or the confines of my base mean certain death. It would be nice to finish even matchup games with more than 1 or 2 items completed. Thanks!