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Dota 2 |OT| To Hell and Back and Back to Hell

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So yeah, If you're ever building a Bloodstone on Timbersaw (or anyone really), I suggest you finish the Soulbooster or Perseverance first, lest you accidentally build a Vanguard and have no way of disassembling it ._.

Also Puck/Storm/Timber/Clock/Invoker are the best heroes. Best mobility, best kits, best fun. I'm terrible at most of them but they are the most satisfying to play for me.

just don't have a stout shield


not characteristic of ants at all
Fuck warlock.

If he is suppose to be a carry can they make him require carry levels of farm?

to carry lategame he does need a sufficient amount of farm (aghs + refresher). usually if a warlock can get that he is either mid or his team is already at a huge advantage


My buddy and I laned as Ursa and Witch Doctor to hilarious times.

Ursa is usually banned right? I swear he is just broken, it's hilarious to stomp PUBs with him though


Unconfirmed Member
are you in very high tier?

No, I am not competitive enough. But I like being a tourist in the public match making games, its way more addictive and fun.

If one would go for MoM for Lina, the reason would be to turn Lina into DPS or a fast runner. Its a bit of a risk, doesn't play well in pub games either (unless the opponents are completely alien against MoM wielding heros).

With inherit attack speed buffs(which is pretty high once it stacks twice), its best to either go for direct damage (Crystalys being of similar cost) or best to go for an item of similar cost to help initiate/escape (Blink Dagger).

I'd rate MoM to be a luxury item for Lina.

(Forgot to mention that) Very high attack speed with only normal damage and without any additional proc is pretty useless after some time.


Reasons why Puck is one of my favorite heroes. I still can't wrap my head around how Milkman doesn't like to play Puck.

It warms my heart seeing all this Puck love. Puck is by far my favourite and most played hero.
Such a active hero to play where you constantly have to be on the move and think about your next play. Nothing is quiet as satisfying as doing the perfect initiation for your team while both holding the other team with coil and wrecking havoc with the silence, and then getting out of the middle of them just to rightclick them down.

I try to allways go for an Orchid after my blink dagger. Its a great item for Puck.


He's seeing a bit more play in recent times but he's not a common ban at all.

Nice. Some dude jumped my shit when I suggest banning SB unless someone wants to play him as Ban #1. SB is always banned first whenever I have been in a CM game with good reason of course


If you pop MOM before actually casting, I could see some use in it on Slayer. MS is really helpful for Lina in landing her stun.

I'd still rather go Maelstrom, Armlet, or Crystalis though.

I'm starting to reconsider this Kunkka hat.

(thanks facepunch)


will learn eventually
Today was not a good doto day.

Leavers everywhere, not even ragequitters, just guys starting a game and leaving immediatly.

Then games where these 3 man stack goes Zeus mid, and does a tiny luna safelane and blames me for the loss because I played Naga as a support and not a carry :(


shhh Graham I'm still compiling this Radiant map
Did a game tonight with a Sniper who didn't actually equip anything until the 30 minute mark. Like, he bought some stuff, but left it in his stash. I don't understand how that doesn't even register inside your head. And yeah we (politely) told him about it, but he didn't speak English, so what were we to do. We won despite this, as our Andy-Mage was fatter than a fucking walrus, but ahmahgawd. At least grab your damn items and put them in your slots.

Also - can I get some help here? I have a couple questions. First is camera stuff, I've been watching people on Twitch play and they'll immediately switch to someone else on the map, without using the minimap to click and see. What is this, exactly? I feel my map awareness is getting much better, but I'd like to do this too, it'd help out so much. At first I thought it was hitting a button set to an ally or something, but they'll camera swap to an enemy who appears within general map vision too, so now I don't know. This is probably embarrassingly obvious, but I can't figure it out. Spell this out plz.

Second is I did all my games as Queen tonight. She is my go-to mid hero of choice and I really enjoy playing her, but I feel I'm middling at my very best. The majority of the games I played against someone who would pick Nyx at the last hour and go mid too, and that's, of course, not a fun matchup for her. None of the NAs I went up against were any good and that was all that was stopping me from having my lane absolutely obliterated, but that's not gonna save me in the future. Ditto OD pickers and the like. Any tips for this stuff? Just on how to do what I can versus them. I'd dagger harass as often as I could against Nyx, figuring what else was I going to do. Also any general tips for QoP that you guys have, beyond the absolute basic stuff? Tactics, when to leave to gank (I felt I was OK with this, but y'know), item progression (my core was bottle / Treads / Orchid / Agh's - I feel this is OK, but maybe not? My farm was not great for a fast sheep stick, which hurt, yeah), etc. Any help at all. Queen is dope, but I still have a really long way to go with her. I want to get better as a mid / Queen player, it's certainly my weakest role right now. I ended up with more wins than losses as her, but things still felt 'off.' I wanna suck less, yo.
I think the worst game I had was with this KOTL, who was pretty decent, until we asked him to ward constantly. After getting horribly ganked in the jungle he then bought a few sentry wards and put them all over the map.

We actually didn't flame him, but we were getting frustrated so I bought observer wards, planted them, and asked him to do the same later. He then rage quitted.


Is Spirit Breaker overpowered? We were two players down and 5 towers down. We ended up winning with 90 kills after I stormed the enemy with 30plus kills. Even there sniper was no match for my cross map charge.
Is Spirit Breaker overpowered? We were two players down and 5 towers down. We ended up winning with 90 kills after I stormed the enemy with 30plus kills. Even there sniper was no match for my cross map charge.

No, he isn't. His abilities are quite unique though, so he could tear down an inexperienced or disorganised team easily.

Most problems teams in pubs have against some heroes is that they don't change their playstyle to suit the heroes they're fighting. Sometimes that is needed.


I'm having an absolute blast after switching from All Pick to Single Draft. So far, I've tried out Timbersaw, Puck, Razor and Storm Spirit all for the first time and they were all amazingly fun to play. On a 5-game win streak now. The best part of Single Draft is, there is no more shit like Spiritbreaker every single fucking game.


Just played my first couple real games since last October. I think I quit back then because of the effect the game was having on me. No other video game has made me so damn angry! Then I'd just feel bad about myself for having that kind of reaction. So I figured some distance was needed,

But catching some of the International 3 has rekindled my interest. I'm rusty as hell though, and I need to learn these new characters. I think Visage was the last one released before I stopped playing.

Also, WTF is a Smeevil?
to carry lategame he does need a sufficient amount of farm (aghs + refresher). usually if a warlock can get that he is either mid or his team is already at a huge advantage

Either run from the golem or have someone get a diffusal on your team. Like any support with a strong ult they only mess up your team if your team allows them to.

Running from golems isn't an option. If the warlock is intelligent enough he'll use golems as a counter initiate once he has bonds on everyone. Bonds is the other half of the equation, direct hp 20% (unmitigated) more damage on everyone is crazy good. Not only that but that 20% is fatal and can keep hurting targets so long as someone that is linked is in range. Diffusal is good I grant you but it as an orb effect really hinders a lot of item options that are needed to farm efficiently or fight the other real carry on the team.

Aghs + Refresher is the top end, they aren't needed to win. If you get to the point where they have refresher the game is over, not a whole lot of farmed carries can deal with 4 golems. He is effectively a carry at this point.

I know people say the game is balanced around top end play but that doesn't explain why they added a casting time to fury swipes, warlock is obviously a very strong pub hero. Changing fatal bonds to magic damage would probably be enough, making pipe a viable option against warlock.
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