Nah, it's been in the files for a that her finished model? I'm hoping valve do a makeover ala Elder Titan.
is that her finished model? I'm hoping valve do a makeover ala Elder Titan.
Edit: on second look, she seems okay. I thinki'm just put off by the bright colors.
Is Meepo in the 'I'm new, who should I play' list in the OP as a cruel joke? Haha. God, new players jumping onto Meepo are going to have a bad time.
On that note, I tried my first Chen pub game and sucked it up so bad that I basically lost us the game single handedly! Lots of fun to be had.
I don't know if this was posted but:
breakdown of the player userbase by region/game mode
It was patched really fast by Valve, but gives a general idea of how the pool is distributed
I don't know if this was posted but:
breakdown of the player userbase by region/game mode
It was patched really fast by Valve, but gives a general idea of how the pool is distributed
I think the best wins are when you're on the final push after winning a fight and literally all 5 enemies are blaming each other for throwing the game in all chat.
I had a match the otherday where a Juggernaut and Drow fed a bounty hunter till around 24/0 and all we could do was defend the base for 30 minutes.
I was determined we could farm enough and eventually fight back luckily my team mates thought the same. After 30 minutes of pure defending we all had enough farm to fight back and kill them all, then we made one huge push from our base into theirs and leveled the place at an insane speed.
The tears in all chat felt so good.
This only happens when the other team gets way too confident of victory and stop doing the things they need to do in order to ensure the win. I used to enjoy games like this until I realised how hard you have to throw in order to have a turnaround like this #BringGGtoMM
Bu bu... you can Purge Repel!
random - Does anyone remember the 5-man mid lineup from the GB tourny that GAF did?
Not sure if answered yet.
I'm pretty sure.
Ugh every time I queue in the morning it's always with people who don't speak English. I always report, the punishment should be higher than what it is already.
So I played Meepo earlier tonight. (for some reason Dotabuff isn't updated, otherwise I would link it)
We lost, and some mismicros on my part contributed to that, as well as other factors. Those other factors being that Abaddon was my friend that has little Dota experience and no Abaddon experience, Razor not leveling Static Link til 15 (I'm dead serious, he didn't have a single point in it), and other factors.
I did notice the things that were consistently killing me though:
1. I can never seem to get it together to just pull the one Meepo who's health is going down back so he doesn't get hurt anymore. There was one play where I successfully did this, and the Meepo had no health, but then SF was right invis with his Shadow Blade and just killed it in one hit.
2. Riki's fucking cloud was killing me. If he got all or most of my Meepos in it, I was usually a goner. What can you do against something like this? There is no "Just buy BKB" option for Meepo, and there's no "get MKB" option either, since both of those are only on your main Meepo, and you need it to be on all of them.
And yes, Tree has two gems for two eyes.
How do I make Pudge less scary to fight =<
How do I make Pudge less scary to fight =<
I don't know if this was posted but:
breakdown of the player userbase by region/game mode
It was patched really fast by Valve, but gives a general idea of how the pool is distributed
I don't know if this was posted but:
breakdown of the player userbase by region/game mode
It was patched really fast by Valve, but gives a general idea of how the pool is distributed
How do I make Pudge less scary to fight =<
Not sure if answered yet.
I'm pretty sure.
Replace jugg with Leshrac
Surprised there are so few people on the US servers, was this taken in the middle of the night for US (euro primetime?).
Yeah solo queue seems to be really unpopular, probably just an unncecessary mode that splits off 10% of the playerbase. Wasn't even necessary in the first place, but whiners gunna whine I guess. I bet 90% of the original whiners for a solo queue mode don't even play it.
Storm spirit vs pudge is always fun, really easy escapes
Love playing ogre magi against him.
Can you stun while being hooked? Otherwise I think if you shift queue Pudge's ult you'll be stopped mid stun animation.
Hook has no stun as far as I'm aware. Ministun at best. I remember using Weaver's sukuchi while being hooked to prevent him from locking me. You can basically do anything but move while being hooked.
Only 15k players in US, ded gaem.
Nobody plays in the US, 1 EU server has more than both combined!
Hook has no stun as far as I'm aware. Ministun at best. I remember using Weaver's sukuchi while being hooked to prevent him from locking me. You can basically do anything but move while being hooked.
I've noticed I'll randomly get a free TP Scroll in my stash without buying it. Happens like every 3rd game or so. Anybody get this?
Wards is the obvious answer, but what I like to do is counterpick Jugg. Since he will be alone most of the time, if he hooks me, I spam Bladefury and once it's over I omnislash him.
Either someone is giving the scroll to you, which is unlikely, or you are accidentally clicking the TP quick buy icon in the bottom right of the screen. The latter happens to me every so often. Just listen for the item purchase noise at odd times.
If someone is giving it to me it wont appear in my stash. Also, it's happening way too often to be a misclick of the quickbuy button. I'm going to watch a replay the next time it happens....
At 8 in the morning.
NiiiiiiceYou're probably misclicking on the quickbuy TP. The hitbox of it extends farther than the graphic, which can lead to a lot of accidental purchases if you aren't careful.
Guys I sold my lockless luckbox for $81, what should I buy now that I'm rich?
You're probably misclicking on the quickbuy TP. The hitbox of it extends farther than the graphic, which can lead to a lot of accidental purchases if you aren't careful.
Guys I sold my lockless luckbox for $81, what should I buy now that I'm rich?