Lone Druid is actually a pretty easy person to lane against solo as Lifestealer. Feast works on his bear so you get tremendous amounts of sustain in that lane.
it is not like ls is op m8
Lone Druid is actually a pretty easy person to lane against solo as Lifestealer. Feast works on his bear so you get tremendous amounts of sustain in that lane.
Just played Beastmaster for the first time. Am I supposed to get a huge amount of kills, or is BM picked more for his stuns? Because our team was really well fed, but I only had like 3 kills, but we won anyway.
I'm having a lot of trouble keeping up xp wise when supporting. I partied up with a bunch of really good players for two games, and got behind really fast, even compared to other supports on the team. I just have no idea how to keep up. Gold is also an issue when supporting. Maybe I should get more involved in ganks early on? In later teamfights I just melted before I even got a single spell off though.
You supposed to get levels and gold from assists. Pull creeps as best you can.
Playing support is like living on welfare - stretch that dollar for the most cost effective items.
Smoke > boots
salve --> carry
Idiots who steal early exp/gold from the carry just lose late game. But nobody cares in pubs because they report you if you are not as leveled as the carry - duh.
Yeah I get out of the way of the carry as much as I can. And when not in a party I usually have to transition into a semi-carry if I can because after 10 seconds I notice my carry is auto-attacking creeps...
What the heck
I got a rare chest?
I was sure I was supposed to get a Mythical one...
Anyway, opened it, got the Flail of Omexes.
Dota may not have gotten a new hero this week, but dawngate did!
gg no re valve
What does the Dawngate guy do?
Also, the week isn't over yet, maybe it will be anther Thusday test patch!
What does the Dawngate guy do?
Also, the week isn't over yet, maybe it will be anther Thusday test patch!
Waystone has revealed their newest and most flamboyant Shaper to date in Renzo, the Sculptor.
He is a melee based bruiser/support who specializes in CC and displacement. Renzo uses a new resource called Inspiration. Inspiration is built by his melee attacks and by his Q ability, Inspiring Strike. When Renzo has 5/5 stacks of Inspiration, his W and E abilities are empowered and their effects are enhanced.
Passive – Fists of Inspiration – When Renzo basic attacks an enemy he gains a large boost in armor for a short period.
Q – Inspiring Strike – Renzo hammers target enemy, dealing 280(+X) damage and gaining 1 Inspiration. Hitting an enemy Shaper will generate 2 Inspiration.
W – Renzo’s Embrace – Shields target allied Shaper for 240(+X) and increases their armor by 30 – Fully Inspired: The target is also healed for 210(+X)
E – Kinetic Sculpture – Renzo fires a rupture of stone at a target enemy, dealing 200(+X) damage and stunning them for 1(+X) seconds *The duration of the stun scales off of power. Fully Inspired: the target’s armor is reduced by 35(+X) for 3 seconds
R – Masterpiece – Renzo creates an area of mud in targeted area that slows enemies, after a brief delay a gigantic statue of Renzo bursts from the ground dealing damage and knocking Shapers directly underneath straight up and surrounding enemies away from the center.
Utility hero. Stuns, slows (boar), flying vision (hawk, also 2gud) and attack speed bonus for your carries.
I enjoy playing solo offlane with him as Dire. just sit in lane soaking XP. If they zone you out, go stack ancients and catch up later. I usually build necro first with him but in light of the few good matches Xiao8 had with him at TI3, I might just rush aghs first with him.
You might not get a lot of killing blows but that doesn't really matter. He has huge lockdown, provides map vision, and is great at pushing. Think of him as a utility solo.
Also I just looked at the dawngate reddit and the people there are surprisingly intelligent and eloquent.
Zeus got ripped
That's because only the CMs talk there. HEY-OH!
His skin looks like leather too.
any of you guys are participating in the CEVO Season 3 tourney?
Since registration is free and the timezone works for me I'm trying to assemble a team and get my ass handed![]()
Dispersion is a great spell, but getting it too early is kind of pointless, as its a % of your total hp pool that's being dispersed, and since spectre doesn't have the best stat gain, its kind of pointless just reflecting up to 22% of like 700 hp. Dispersion becomes a monstrous ability later in the game, when she picks up her heart and can just dish out so much damage while punishing any damage she receives. If you're thinking of picking up points because you're being harassed too much, then obviously your supports aren't doing their job properly in creating a safe vacuum for spectre to farm in.
Maxing desolate is probably the best way to go, as it allows you to get a ton of kills in your lane with the right setup, as well as immediately make you a global threat as soon as you hit 6.
I'm still a big fan of getting a lever of dispersion between 2 and 4. 10% extra HP is worth the skill point, since the alternatives are 50 more magic damage or a point in stats.
I like skilling dispersion on spec, even maxing it first at times. I'd even go as far to argue that dispersion is the best skill to max if you're thinking of playing an aggressive play style, the main thing that keeps spec out of fights is that he's often times too squishy and sending your carry to the front lines to get nuked is risky, dispersion diminishes that risk and gives you aoe damage output for it. Off of good farm you can get phase/drums/vit booster before say 14 min, which gets you a good 1200ish hp or 1400EHP and 264 potential aoe
Dispersion is a great spell, but getting it too early is kind of pointless, as its a % of your total hp pool that's being dispersed, and since spectre doesn't have the best stat gain, its kind of pointless just reflecting up to 22% of like 700 hp. Dispersion becomes a monstrous ability later in the game, when she picks up her heart and can just dish out so much damage while punishing any damage she receives. If you're thinking of picking up points because you're being harassed too much, then obviously your supports aren't doing their job properly in creating a safe vacuum for spectre to farm in.
Maxing desolate is probably the best way to go, as it allows you to get a ton of kills in your lane with the right setup, as well as immediately make you a global threat as soon as you hit 6.
I just played two games of Dawngate. People were surprisingly polite even though I sucked ass. Game feels like a refined version of LoL without much in the way of Dota 2 DNA. Was fun. I liked it. It's a more casual MOBA when you're not up to the serious concentration that Dota 2 requires. Plus everyone gets free wards (and no one uses them). I think it has a bright future, though it needs a lot more heroes.Also I just looked at the dawngate reddit and the people there are surprisingly intelligent and eloquent.
Wait, so what's the lineup now?
Aui, bone, sing, pieliediesightie, and EE?
How long till EE is dropped for Xvost?Wait, so what's the lineup now?
Aui, bone, sing, pieliediesightie, and EE?
any of you guys are participating in the CEVO Season 3 tourney?
Since registration is free and the timezone works for me I'm trying to assemble a team and get my ass handed![]()
My team might be, dunno yet.
My team might be, dunno yet.
good thing I already know most of your cheap strats!! tee hee
j/k good luck and hopefully you guys make it as far as possible
We're playing in whatever CEVO stuff right now, currently at semi-finals. First place is $500! THAT'S A LOTTA HATS
We're playing in whatever CEVO stuff right now, currently at semi-finals. First place is $500! THAT'S A LOTTA HATS
linky link?
Only like a Dagon 4 though.We're playing in whatever CEVO stuff right now, currently at semi-finals. First place is $500! THAT'S A LOTTA HATS
Only like a Dagon 4 though.
My Meepo is improving, but I keep getting games where the rest of the team loses the game around me and I have no room to farm or do anything useful.
This one was definitely an example of that:
I like skilling dispersion on spec, even maxing it first at times. I'd even go as far to argue that dispersion is the best skill to max if you're thinking of playing an aggressive play style, the main thing that keeps spec out of fights is that he's often times too squishy and sending your carry to the front lines to get nuked is risky, dispersion diminishes that risk and gives you aoe damage output for it. Off of good farm you can get phase/drums/vit booster before say 14 min, which gets you a good 1200ish hp or 1400EHP and 264 potential aoe dmg.
The trade off is either extra slow and a nuke, or higher potential dmg output. Having a low level dagger slow will cost you kills, i'd say at least once every other game or so, if not once per game. The benefits of maxing desolate early aren't really as clear, mainly because it's a conditional skill it's really hard to gauge just how effective this skill is early game where fights aren't as messy and people can group up more easily.
Does anyone remember who Na'Vi were playing at TI3 when they played that awesome game with Pudge and Mirana?
I still wonder what would have happened if TongFu banned Pudge rather than Mirana.tong fu?
The first game was mostly Mirana setting up Pudge
The third game was all fountain hooking.
Can someone watch this replay and tell me how we could have won this game, because I am honestly not sure?
Basically I felt like we lost it in the first ten minutes because they had a trilane top and cut the lane. Warlock TP'd top to help, but their trilane was better than ours so we did nothing. Spectre freefarmed and Pudge constantly came top. How we were supposed to win this? We couldn't get a single tower.
Oof, I assume it was an Omni-WD-Spectre lane? Yeah, I can totally imagine that even being a split second out of position was a death.
How the heck do I watch a replay of a game I didn't play? I coulda sworn there was a button on Dotabuff last week but I can't find it now. I also can't find a way to search a match ID in game. Also a bunch of my matches give me a "replay unavailable" message when I go to them.