Ended my 8 game losing streak, fucking hngggg take that shit HNGG HNGG FUCKING TAKE IT
Lack of Mask of Madness makes me sad
Ended my 8 game losing streak, fucking hngggg take that shit HNGG HNGG FUCKING TAKE IT
twitch.tv/moodyshuffle 109 is 1v1 some ixdl kid that got mad gogogo
I got 4 stars and had 847 points
3 stars 757 fantasy points.
4 stars 913 points
Carry Venom is so much fun to play. Seeing people fleeing from you at half speed while their hp slowly goes down is awesome.
Well if OoV Veno is a thing it was only a matter of time.I can't believe Skadi Venom is a thing. That fucking slow.
Lifestealer could had done better items with that farm.Just had an insanely tense match with Ursa, we were against a much better farmed and levelled Lifestealer who could almost teamwipe us on his own. Thankfully we played the long haul and managed to win. We would have lost had the enemy team had any co ordination, the amount of times they could have probably attempted a throne but didn't. It was an hour and ten minutes long though, ugh, it drains your soul. We managed to get mega creeps but then got wiped out, they couldn't do anything but defend, but they were doing a good job of it, so when I spawned, I TP'd onto a creep roaring into the heart of the enemy and invis'd to the throne to give it most of the damage it needed to die
The funniest part was teamfights: Either their team disintegrated in seconds, or ours did, or that's what it felt like.
Man, that QoP is hella depressing.
Man, that QoP is hella depressing.
Also, I'm almost absolutely sure that the lifesteal from Satanic doesn't work on Ursa. Feel free to prove me wrong though.
Also: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rewJeerVYdc
Imagine if heavens halberd lasted 1s less, had 45s cd and went through BKB
My head is telling me to sell this Prophet's Bounty, but my heart wants to open it.
Would defeat the purpose of Abyssal.
Would make them for intents and purpose invincible, slowed and unable to attack. Would really cripple the lowest levels of BKB (such that the lowest duration would give you one second's worth of autoattacking).ok ok now imagine if ethereal blade worked on enemy bkb (no dmg ofc)
Would make them for intents and purpose invincible, slowed and unable to attack. Would really cripple the lowest levels of BKB (such that the lowest duration would give you one second's worth of autoattacking).
Dunno, it seems like it'd be a really volatile change with a lot of unforeseen consequences. Self-use and ally use as it is is already pretty compelling in Ethereal Blade vs BKB situationss.
Potentially interesting, though I think we'd have to see a price hike (currently costs 1,700 gold less than a BKB).ok ok now imagine if blade mail damage went through BKB
EDIT: Could anyone think of a better 6 slots? I couldn't decide what to have, I had a butterfly at one point but destroyed it when I got my rapier back. I kept vlads for the life steal, should I have got rid? I didn't get a pipe till towards the end because, well I didn't think of it.. But yeah.
EDIT: Could anyone think of a better 6 slots? I couldn't decide what to have, I had a butterfly at one point but destroyed it when I got my rapier back. I kept vlads for the life steal, should I have got rid? I didn't get a pipe till towards the end because, well I didn't think of it.. But yeah.
Rare box, common chen bracer. Lolllllllllll
Rare box and rare item... I didn't even make a fantasy team.
So, Pandaren Brewmaster. Yay or nay? Why?