who gives a fuck.
nobody is gonna ask for a monster energy drink at a redbull event
What about an energy drink convention though
who gives a fuck.
nobody is gonna ask for a monster energy drink at a redbull event
Well, KP vs Duza is up on Star Ladder. Hoping good things from this Duza team.
How does armlet spectre work. You armlet before haunt so the images get extra hp?
How does armlet spectre work. You armlet before haunt so the images get extra hp?
The community in this game. SMH. I'm playing a single draft game, and before we start we all discuss our hero picks. Blue picks Morphling and proceeds to have a mediocre early game so he rotates mid. After dieing, he types in all chat, "none of my team speaks English", knowing full well that the entire team speaks English. Apparently the fact that we can/cannot speak English would have prevented him from dieing.
Anyways. Is Midas a necessity on Doom? I had a failed gank, and as a result I figured since I wouldn't have the Midas up before the 8-9 minute mark, that I would just use the gloves of haste on boots instead. I see a lot of guides recommend it. I'll almost always pick it up on NP because it is also a good pushing item, but I'm not exactly sure whether it is a necessity on Doom.
WTF there is a whole series of catching invoker deviantarts
I started playing yesterday and this game is really fun.
I think Drow Ranger is my favorite.
So is Least Played actually better to try out new heroes, or is it better to just do it in All-Pick? I've been playing Least Played the last couple days but there seems to be some real pros in there.
Edit: Also, what is the best creep to devour with Doom after you no longer need the spell to farm quickly. I ended up just sticking with Troll so that I could use the net to keep people from escaping.
Single draft is so much more enjoyable than all random it's not even funny. People are actually friendly and talkative! it's nuts
SD and RD=modes of hell
SD and RD=modes of hell
Wat? So you play AR and AP? AP is awful because all you see is Riki, SB, Drow, Sniper.
I really like Random Draft. It's like a more casual captain's mode. If you get teammates who communicate you can actually get a pretty good draft.
Had my first Ancient jungling match as Medusa. http://dotabuff.com/matches/295420326
Was just sort of winging it as far as items and skill build went early as I only vaguely remember the video guide I saw. Linken's is so nice against SB, I could actually split push and farm in peace. Also shallow grave can be infuriating. Nothing worse than seeing a hero just walk away in a team fight with no health.
AR is for winners and anyone who disagrees is a noob, feeder, terrible etc
Alchemist is so much fun when you buy a MoM. Even more fun is seeing ranged people not run away when I charged at them with half health and destroy them.
So yeah.. I cannot play Lone Druid.. at all :S
I was offlane against a tri, just couldn't harass without being killed thanks to banes lockdown and tide hunters slow :S
I think vs a tri lane you' just end up abandoning the lane and go jungle, or you sit at tower, while you use the bear to cut off the lane and bring creeps to you.
I think.
That Sven was a real winner!AR is for winners and anyone who disagrees is a noob, feeder, terrible etc
That Sven was a real winner!
Man, I seriously wish dota had jukes like this. Like even I'm not a LoL player and I have to admit this is why LoL is more popular and watchable, seriously that is some amazing display of skill.
Man, I seriously wish dota had jukes like this. Like even I'm not a LoL player and I have to admit this is why LoL is more popular and watchable, seriously that is some amazing display of skill.
Man, I seriously wish dota had jukes like this. Like even I'm not a LoL player and I have to admit this is why LoL is more popular and watchable, seriously that is some amazing display of skill.
Man, I seriously wish dota had jukes like this. Like even I'm not a LoL player and I have to admit this is why LoL is more popular and watchable, seriously that is some amazing display of skill.