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Dota 2 |OT| To Hell and Back and Back to Hell

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Sigh... in a game where fortunately everyone is communicating with voice chat. Another person and myself are support, I say I'll buy wards and ask if the other will buy chicken. "Sure thing" she says. Immediately someone comes back with "Since when do girls play DotA? I thought they just played LoL!" followed by the other two chiming in. Really? She didn't talk again all game; but was listening to me so we could at least coordinate things easier. Thanks MOBA community.

Not that I'm condoning such behaviour but the girl should have just taken it in her stride.


I wonder if we'll finally get a patch today.

So I just lost a game as dazzle, and I was wondering if I could get some advice. I was laning top as dire with an ursa and we ended up being against a weaver Luna lane. I didn't check till a couple minutes in but from what I could tell they both had higher damage than us so I thought just play it safe, keep ursa topped up with health cus I know he will get harassed and pull if I can. But as soon as we get there weaver starts auto attacking the shit out of ursa. And instead of backing off he goes full YOLO on me and charges in. Whilst I misplayed harder than he did in the following skirmish, I'm right in thinking that we should never have commited against a stun and shukuchi right? The end result was that we both died and weaver got two kills.

What were the other two lanes like? BH solo in the shortlane, Clinkz mid? Where was clockwork in all this? I think a better way to lane this is to put Ursa mid, Clinkz / Dazzle safe lane-better escape and can last hit under towers ok, BH solo offlane, and a safe lane pulling/jungling clockwerk that you go along with in a wrap-around smoke ganking in your safe lane and replaces BH in the offlane as soon as BH gets 6, which shouldn't take all that long given it's hard to zone out BH with the safe lane heroes radiant had.

Your midgame > their midgame if you team fight and lane decently. You can just trade kills in fights and pull ahead via track gold.

As it was laned, your Ursa needed to play conservative and just not die. Sharing shortlane XP, Luna and Weaver absolutely positively needed kills or they were going to feed track gold hardcore midgame. Your dual lane wasn't bad, but your Ursa went all ham even though he is really squishy vs. that dual lane and fed. Should have just tried to last hit under tower and you could just try to pull whenever you felt like you could. If you two can just not die you should be OK, Luna without levels and without dedicated lane farm is complete garbage and you can gank that lane all day after BH gets 6.

Lastly, in one fight I shallow graved ursa and almost saved him (and did allow him to get a kill as well) but clock complained that I should have done it for him so who is my priority here?

Clock does little in a team fight after he hooks/ cogs/battery assualt for initiation compared to Ursa's sustained DPS. I think you shallow grave'd the right hero.


Forever Platinum
So I just lost a game as dazzle, and I was wondering if I could get some advice. I was laning top as dire with an ursa and we ended up being against a weaver Luna lane. I didn't check till a couple minutes in but from what I could tell they both had higher damage than us so I thought just play it safe, keep ursa topped up with health cus I know he will get harassed and pull if I can. But as soon as we get there weaver starts auto attacking the shit out of ursa. And instead of backing off he goes full YOLO on me and charges in. Whilst I misplayed harder than he did in the following skirmish, I'm right in thinking that we should never have commited against a stun and shukuchi right? The end result was that we both died and weaver got two kills.
Match ID is 311968225

Don't consider Luna being a stun really, she's just a ministun.

Sounds like the ursa did the wrong thing. Generally ursa can man up on pretty much anything, which is why he wanted to go in probably, but not in this case that early. Both weaver and luna can escape from him easily early on with only a dazzle with him, weaver via invis and luna via highest base ms in dota. He'll just get kited and die, which is probably what happened. What you should have done was pull when it was safe for him and give him support IN the lane when you can, meaning you can't just leave him stranded against double ranged and think he can be fine if you're pulling. He needed to play defensively until level 3 or so for both of you. Then at level three with boots and a point of earthshock on ursa attack the luna. You would need to level your poison up asap to help him with this, at least two points by level 3, maybe 3 at 5 depending on how the lane is going. Luna is really squishy early, you've just got to catch her.

Another approach would to just play ultra defensive. Have the ursa not stray far from tower, you pull as much as you can, and wait for ganks/them making a mistake. This normally doesn't go to well though, and results in you guys getting way underlevelled.

Update tonight? Remove Summer crate and keys, add Ruby keys and Polycount keys and the items in them, a handful of new sets and
viper remake
? They also need to fix Chaos Knight being totally broken ASAP. Update today seems likely.

We'll see
KP is so much better when sing is on a solo mid semicarry role and someone else on the team handles initiation (like bone7's bat or dark seer, ee's storm spirit, etc.). I'm not saying he's bad with Puck or what not but he just seems so much more productive for the team when he's not responsible for starting fights.

edit: also, as much as I like aui2000 as a person/player he needs to find a better groove with the team. KP is literally top8 TI4 material (like Dignitas would have been in TI3 if they didn't have deadweight in Sneyking) if they can work out their issues w/ him.



Update tonight? Remove Summer crate and keys, add Ruby keys and Polycount keys and the items in them, a handful of new sets and
viper remake
? They also need to fix Chaos Knight being totally broken ASAP. Update today seems likely.

We'll see

Farting red stars isn't intended?


Second-rate Anihawk

Update tonight? Remove Summer crate and keys, add Ruby keys and Polycount keys and the items in them, a handful of new sets and
viper remake
? They also need to fix Chaos Knight being totally broken ASAP. Update today seems likely.

We'll see

Goddammit Archi...

wait a minute


Bull on a Donut
I wonder if we'll finally get a patch today.


What's a dota patch rofl???


Update tonight? Remove Summer crate and keys, add Ruby keys and Polycount keys and the items in them, a handful of new sets and
viper remake
? They also need to fix Chaos Knight being totally broken ASAP. Update today seems likely.

We'll see

ballad I swear to god, one more goddamn time...


Thanks for the replies guys, was busy so couldn't reply till now. I particularly appreciate the levelling advice from pro, as the guide I'd been following suggested shadow wave and grave first. I still need to get used to thinking through skill builds myself. Guides have helped me so far so I can concentrate on my mechanical skills but I realise this rigid style will be a choke point in the long term, so I'm trying to build a general knowledge of what I need in different situations. All I know for now is that jakiro is my best hero by far haha.


Is Viper the worst character model in the game or is that intended? I know he doesn't have cosmetic slots, might his appearance change when that happens?

After a couple hundred hours learning the game and playing with bots, I played my first real matches this weekend, and loved it. Played in some pugs from the GB channel, so I still haven't experienced solo queue, but I might have to give it a go since setting up even pugs is fairly time consuming and inconvenient. Need to make some Dota2 friends.
Is Viper the worst character model in the game or is that intended? I know he doesn't have cosmetic slots, might his appearance change when that happens?

He's getting a redesign. He just has old/shitty/beta textures. Riki and Earthshaker used to look ugly as sin.


Bull on a Donut
Is Viper the worst character model in the game or is that intended? I know he doesn't have cosmetic slots, might his appearance change when that happens?

Some heroes like Viper and SF were some of the first models added to the game 3 years ago and haven't been touched up since. I think it's been confirmed that both should be getting updated models, I would say SOON. But it seems like soon for Valve is anywhere between 1 and 10 years. Development overall has slowed so I wouldn't expect much in the near future unless Valve decides to wake the fuck up and release some sort of mega patch in the next month or so.


Corporate Apologist
He's getting a redesign. He just has old/shitty/beta textures. Riki and Earthshaker used to look ugly as sin.

I don't think Viper's redesign is going to be too major though. It will likely update his texture, and break him up into like 5 parts so people could make cosmetics.
Slardar got a new head a couple years ago. He's one step ahead of Zeus and Viper!

There has to at least be a schema update to remove the summer crate, unless the 15th at 23:00 was just a suggestion (and considering it passed hours ago, probably).

They're not going to let a crate that's expired last much longer, it'll just confuse people.


Slardar got a new head a couple years ago. He's one step ahead of Zeus and Viper!

There has to at least be a schema update to remove the summer crate, unless the 15th at 23:00 was just a suggestion (and considering it passed hours ago, probably).

They're not going to let a crate that's expired last much longer, it'll just confuse people.

All my crates are gone. And the Lava courier prices spiked.
All my crates are gone. And the Lava courier prices spiked.

They have to convert the keys to generic keys, which requires a schema update. They'll also have to remove the ad from the store, and if they're in the store anyway, might as well add 1 or 2

It's also not likely they leave the Polycount crate without a name or icon in the game. It's just confusing to people.
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