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Dota 2 |OT| To Hell and Back and Back to Hell

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I'm Level 6 and just got a drop of Lina's Fiery Soul of the Slayer in a pub match this morning. Was shocked, in a good way. :)

Nice - Arcana will soon be the highest level of rarity, and only the most dedicated will be eligible for an Arcana drop, according to what i read of CyborgMatt's blog.

It's a shame that Lina isn't as fun to play as Crystal Maiden.



This seems really good but I can see some issues arising in a normal game. First, the DS has zero lane presence leaving Sven unprotected and by himself. Can easily be offset with a solo hard laner of course, but if the enemy is running an aggressive tri, you're going to be in trouble (not to mention you're using one of the best offlaners in your jungle).

In order to hit this exact timing, you're really relying on access to the courier for those salves to come out. This will never happen beyond really well co-ordinating five stacks (or maybe the top of the tiers - point is, the majority of us probably won't have the chance to get timed salves with the courier running tp scrolls or magic wands to the side lanes or bottles to the mid).

With this method, Dark Seer is really vulnerable while jungling and it's going to be incredibly obvious he's there pretty early on. A few wards will stop the ancient stacks and possibly lead to early deaths thus delaying this tactic further.

Vlad's is a really poor pick-up. I like Dark Seer in the jungle because you can get a really early mek like Enigma and then start into some fast tower pushes to gain map control. Vlad's first does the opposite. It pulls your carry away from a lane and delays your teamfight/pushing potential even later (especially since you're giving this farm to your carry). Granted, there's nothing stopping you from farming this yourself.

Something really good to keep in mind though and I suspect it can work in a fair number of situations (especially with un-coordinated pubs). I could see IceFrog balancing this. Possibly give that cliff the same "can't vacuum on top" characteristic like the cliffs around the rune spots.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
This seems really good but I can see some issues arising in a normal game. First, the DS has zero lane presence leaving Sven unprotected and by himself. Can easily be offset with a solo hard laner of course, but if the enemy is running an aggressive tri, you're going to be in trouble (not to mention you're using one of the best offlaners in your jungle).
In a real game, the Sven would have a babysitter. If they're up against an aggressive tri, they'd abandon the lane and switch to top while the suicide laner went bot (if he or she could feasibly stay alive).

In order to hit this exact timing, you're really relying on access to the courier for those salves to come out. This will never happen beyond really well co-ordinating five stacks (or maybe the top of the tiers - point is, the majority of us probably won't have the chance to get timed salves with the courier running tp scrolls or magic wands to the side lanes or bottles to the mid).
He can buy multiple salves ahead of time. It might slow him down having to invest his gold in the salves, but the tradeoff can pay off in the long run, it's not a heavy investment.

With this method, Dark Seer is really vulnerable while jungling and it's going to be incredibly obvious he's there pretty early on. A few wards will stop the ancient stacks and possibly lead to early deaths thus delaying this tactic further.
Not that much riskier than a normal jungling Dark Seer. He has warded his entire side of the jungle, and catching a Dark Seer without getting the jump on him is very difficult.

Vlad's is a really poor pick-up. I like Dark Seer in the jungle because you can get a really early mek like Enigma and then start into some fast tower pushes to gain map control. Vlad's first does the opposite. It pulls your carry away from a lane and delays your teamfight/pushing potential even later (especially since you're giving this farm to your carry). Granted, there's nothing stopping you from farming this yourself.
Vlad's would only push your lane if you were in the lane. He's jungling, it's a non-issue. What he loses in survivability and early game presence he more than makes up for by giving the carry a huge burst of gold. Imagine if Furion could transfer his passive jungling income to the carry instead. This is effectively what the Dark Seer is doing.

Something really good to keep in mind though and I suspect it can work in a fair number of situations (especially with un-coordinated pubs). I could see IceFrog balancing this. Possibly give that cliff the same "can't vacuum on top" characteristic like the cliffs around the rune spots.
Dark Seer is already a top ban so I don't think you'll see this competitively any time soon.


the dark seer thing seems to be really fun to do, but I don't know, could see it to backfire like beeseight said, it requires some perfect coordination


EE is insufferable, do people actually enjoy his stream

So here's a question. You get to this on NP:


Now what? Do you sell the shadow blade and get a Mjolnir? I'm not going to upgrade my boots to BoT. I just don't know what to do after that, if I already have money for buy-back...

Rapier? Aghs? Abyssal? I guess it depends on what we're trying to do or what they're doing...


No, you sell your boots for a Mjollnir, after selling your Shadow Blade for an Eye of Skadi so that they can't run from you. Don't need no BoTs! You've got tree magic.

Chris R

Whenever the other team seems to have a great NP I seem to be on a low HP squishy hero that gets ganked in the base time and time again :(

solid mike

Yeah, some carries will yell at you for taking their EXP but fuck them. You're living on welfare already the least they can do is let some of that wealth trickle down.

Best is mooching XP off a fat ancient stack.

Supports will be inevitably level gapped in a high kill-rate game. Don't feel too bad about it.

One thing to do is to make absolutely sure you stay alive during engagements, be as far toward the "back" as possible. Another way is to hang around the carries when they farm or clear jungle creeps to soak up that exp. Occasionally, if there's a lane that's empty and no one's farming it you can waltz in and throw down a few AoE spells and then get out before you become a target. Also applies to jungle creeps like the Medium Satyr camp, the Wolf camp, and any Easy camp. That's pretty much all you can do.

Stay alive. Mooch off of farming.

I'll keep these tips in mind, thanks guys!


What do you guys think Tusk needs to become viable in the competitive scene? I feel like it would be in reducing the bounty in the Frozen Sigil maybe.


What do you guys think Tusk needs to become viable in the competitive scene? I feel like it would be in reducing the bounty in the Frozen Sigil maybe.

make frozen sigil castable at a target location.
make ice shards actually trap people for a little bit (think a shitty ranged version of cogs).
make his ult less reliant on him having farmed items.


Second-rate Anihawk
I think Cyborgmatt said Valve still has to do some technical work to allow DotaTV to broadcast LAN games, but it's in the works.
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