These teams are so damn cocky.Nature's Prophet TPs into the enemy fountain to secure the rampage. Bess heroo
guys, how do you play dota with this ?
I actually dig the pugna horns a lot.
I wish I could find someone to trade mine to. :|
Just played the craziest game ever... 1hr 10min. Final score 73/39. We win, but I can't figure out how it took so long. It could have been because the enemy team had timber (bloodstone + heart) and abaddon (2 hearts!), and we lost some pretty crucial team fights... but holy crap, what a game.
cuz u in the trenchJust played the craziest game ever... 1hr 10min. Final score 73/39. We win, but I can't figure out how it took so long. It could have been because the enemy team had timber (bloodstone + heart) and abaddon (2 hearts!), and we lost some pretty crucial team fights... but holy crap, what a game.
I'm not sure about that either. TBH, Kunkka has *too many* fucking swords. He's gotten at least 5 in the last 3 months i think. Lemmie least 4 in sets (3 before TI, and 1 that comes with a TI shirt), plus Whale Blade, Shadow Blade, and now 7 swords.
How about some of this Kunkka love gets spread around to some other heroes? :-(
Game ID. we can probably tell why pretty quickly.
Yeah that's why I've really gotten tired of the chests. Kunkka sword, doom sword, NP staff, necro staff, etc...; same goddamn weapons over and over again. I wish they'd go back to making strange chests for the individual heroes, but I guess those aren't as snappy as ZOMG same ol "new" garbage of the month, right?
yea ok, 325118013.
Just don't make fun of my mjolnir pick up on mirana..
Nothing wrong with Mjolnir on Mirana. She likes attack speed items and with her lowish damage (unless phase boots), it really helps her farm.
No, local play doesn't have DotaTV yet (which they need for broadcasters)Are the playing ACE with LAN settings?
Hell yea, that's exactly why I get it. Vindicated by stranger on the internet. Who's never gonna amount to anything now mom?
Sounds great till they do OD against your ds, alch naga and visage against that trilane, and pretty much any hero against that dazzle.Some friends of mine have started playing Captains Mode a bit. This will probably go horribly wrong but I was thinking about maybe trying one of those crazy pushing line-ups that gaf likes to run, like in the giant bomb tournament.
How do you guys go about making a draft like that? I'm not sure how you prioritize your picks and bans. For picks you have quite a lot choices, I guess they can't really ban them all, but you might not get the best synergy. You have:
-heroes for tower damage like Leshrac, DK, Death Prophet, Pugna
-heroes for health sustain like Jugg, Dazzle, Abaddon, Tree
-mana sustain KoTL, OD and CM
-heroes that can kill the creep wave like Axe, DarkSeer, Gyro, Enigma etc
I guess you also need decent teamfight so you can actually win fights under the tower. I was thinking of something like a Jugg, Veno, Undying tri-lane, Dark Seer offlane and Dazzle mid. So the combo would be to vacuum people onto the tombstone and then gale them, and then spin and so on. This doesn't have of the mana sustain stuff though, I'm not sure how essential that is. Also does anyone know if Shadow Wave will bounce on Zombies? That could be a cool combo.
I guess you would get Dark Seer first since he's a likely ban and you also don;t want them to have him. And then for bans maybe start with Gyro and KoTL, although that kind of tips your hand.
Just had my first real Invoker match.. I wasn't planning on playing him, but it was all random and that's what I got
I practiced him a bit and thought why not...
It wasn't horrible, I actually won the mid lane and scored some kills, but the hard part is not to panic during team fights and remember your abilities. if we were pushing or I thought we were going to have a team fight, I'd have something like tornado or meteor to use, but I did went "holy shit what am I doing here" during a couple of team fights and didn't contribute at all during these fights
If absolutely nothing else comes to mind, hit QQQ and just Cold Snap someone. Cold Snap is such a great spell.
yes and yesAre taunts in this game now? Can they be submitted through the workshop?
Some friends of mine have started playing Captains Mode a bit. This will probably go horribly wrong but I was thinking about maybe trying one of those crazy pushing line-ups that gaf likes to run, like in the giant bomb tournament.
How do you guys go about making a draft like that? I'm not sure how you prioritize your picks and bans. For picks you have quite a lot choices, I guess they can't really ban them all, but you might not get the best synergy. You have:
-heroes for tower damage like Leshrac, DK, Death Prophet, Pugna
-heroes for health sustain like Jugg, Dazzle, Abaddon, Tree
-mana sustain KoTL, OD and CM
-heroes that can kill the creep wave like Axe, DarkSeer, Gyro, Enigma etc
I guess you also need decent teamfight so you can actually win fights under the tower. I was thinking of something like a Jugg, Veno, Undying tri-lane, Dark Seer offlane and Dazzle mid. So the combo would be to vacuum people onto the tombstone and then gale them, and then spin and so on. This doesn't have of the mana sustain stuff though, I'm not sure how essential that is. Also does anyone know if Shadow Wave will bounce on Zombies? That could be a cool combo.
I guess you would get Dark Seer first since he's a likely ban and you also don;t want them to have him. And then for bans maybe start with Gyro and KoTL, although that kind of tips your hand.
It counts games, not sure if there are upgrades or particles thoughyes and yes
Anyone know if that nexus courier going to be upgradable?
Frantic are creating a whole new meta with armlet wisp.
Yeah, really great spell early on as well. Ghost Walk also saved me a few times..
What are some good items on Invoker? I just went according to the top rated guide on both leveling and items.
Got Phase, Drums, Aghs, Eul's and Force Staff. I had some money for another item but ended up spending it on a buy back
I'm still eagerly awaiting the day I can farm up a heart on Wisp. Unfortunately I think in most cases the game would be over by that point.
It's pretty easy to do with a ck or a tiny as you just go around and get so much from killing everything.
I mean... you get a lot of health but you're left with a 'huh, guess that's it'...
The regen carries over to whoever you're tethered to though, right?
The regen carries over to whoever you're tethered to though, right?
Do the armlet toggle heal transfer? I've never actually tried it, i guess it doesn't or it would be stupidly good.
I...what? Is this like a wtf mode or something? How does Rubick have both Lasso and Charge?
Nah, since the "heal" from the armlet is actually just an increase in your strength.
Link? How many games? All of them craycray?Haha, anyone watch the Power Rangers and Na'vi matches from the TechLabs Cup? Some insane team fights. On joinDota.
Going to be a challenge to make a good profile.guys, how do you play dota with this ?
Link? How many games? All of them craycray?