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Dota 2 |OT| To Hell and Back and Back to Hell

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The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
Ugh just because you picked late game heroes like PL and Medusa doesn't mean that if we're winning lots of fights early we shouldn't try and push for a fast game


So I just had possibly the longest game so far of my dota career. I was timbersaw,cus I love him to bits, and both teams ended up picking way too many carries (dat trench). I did pretty well throughout the game, got a bunch of kills and didn't die much, but we struggled to convert that success into towers. I went arcane into bloodstone like usual, then picked up BoTs as I love staying mobile and being able to get anywhere on the map. After that I got heart for the tankiness and radiance for damage as I knew I would be in and around fights a lot. But after a while my effectiveness in fights diminished as is natural on timbersaw. All their heroes were pretty tanky and they were starting to outfarm our guys to the point where they looked like they could beat us, continuously winning fights. In the end I managed to splitpush them into submission as we had taken the mid rax already but it was too close for comfort.
So this leads me to my questions.
1. What items should you get late game on timbersaw as I was rolling in money. I got a blademail as I was tanking lots of damage then a pipe, but sold the pipe later as I didn't feel it was doing much, then I just got another heart. Any particular choices that stick out, and was my build ok?
2. Was I stealing the available farm too much? I noticed that I was killing loads of lane creeps as I was always pushing when we weren't fighting, although we did fuck around mid a lot doing nothing. Should I have let the more carry like heroes take it?
3. If anyone is willing to watch the behemoth of a match, which I know is a lot to ask (I think it's a good one to watch though!) could I get some tips on my play both for timbersaw and in general?

Match ID: 326241264


I know it's probably been asked a lot of times already, but where do GAF organize games (ih, scrims, group MM etc)?
And also is there a list of GAF dota names so i can add others just in case?

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
No seriously if its forty minutes in and we have a T3 exposed and we kill four of them right in front of the T3 and we have creeps right there don't go back and farm the jungle. Take the rax
I turned on my laptop and Dota 2 stated updating because I haven't used my laptop in a while. During the update I accidentally unplugged it and it shut off (my battery broke so I took it out). When I turned it back on, Dota 2 was uninstalled. Wtf?

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
Fuck I am so sick of the "five man relentless push at ten minutes" strat. It happens in every other fucking game these days and unless you have a prophet or tinker the only way to counter it is to do the same thing

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
And then Ogre yells at you for not farming and its like "no duh because all five of them went up top to kill the three of you and take two towers and I thought maybe we should not let them do that"


Ugh just because you picked late game heroes like PL and Medusa doesn't mean that if we're winning lots of fights early we shouldn't try and push for a fast game

It could be worse, they could do that and KDA farm (i.e. avoiding team fights because they could result in a death). A PL did that to my team today.


And then Ogre yells at you for not farming and its like "no duh because all five of them went up top to kill the three of you and take two towers and I thought maybe we should not let them do that"

I dunno whether this is actually good advice, but maybe just try to push the other lanes and force trades? If you can't beat them in five man just don't spend too much time in jungle and push whichever two lanes they are not in to farm.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
I dunno whether this is actually good advice, but maybe just try to push the other lanes and force trades? If you can't beat them in five man just don't spend too much time in jungle and push whichever two lanes they are not in to farm.

They're going to be faster though, this is always how this plays out. They just group up, kill anyone who enters lane and take both towers then rotate and do it again. You can't outpace them unless you also group up and make a similar push or make a stand. If you try to solo push in a different lane you maybe get one tower down to 1/3rd health before they rotate down and lawnmower through that lane as well.

And I can't even fucking predict it to counterpick with someone like Prophet. You can do it with basically any lineup, you only find out if they're doing it when at ten minutes they all go to one lane and never leave
Fuck I am so sick of the "five man relentless push at ten minutes" strat. It happens in every other fucking game these days and unless you have a prophet or tinker the only way to counter it is to do the same thing
I like it when I do this and the other team doesn't show up to stop it at all and we get T3 towers and both raxes.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
I like it when I do this and the other team doesn't show up to stop it at all and we get T3 towers and both raxes.

That's why its so frustrating. If even one guy on your team is uncooperative then everyone is going to get steamrolled. Its totally counterable if every single player is on board with "this is a thing we need to stop"


That's why its so frustrating. If even one guy on your team is uncooperative then everyone is going to get steamrolled. Its totally counterable if every single player is on board with "this is a thing we need to stop"

That sounds like the work of a 3+ man stack. If you are soloqueing you should set the game to only match you with other solo players.


Leavers can eat me, but there's a special circle of hell reserved for Captain's Mode leavers.

It's the same circle of hell as people who, when you're captain, harass you to pick the hero they want to play rather than a hero that's good for the team. I wish they would just go play all pick.
It's always going to be a good game when you say "Lane support top" and pick Skywrath and nobody picks any other mids or goes mid so you have to leave your lane partner to go mid even if you have no idea how to mid and wanted to support... and then get called a noob because obviously Skywrath isn't a support and always goes mid and picking Skywrath, despite announcing you were going to lane, means you call mid.

Yep... also nice to be called a feeder by someone with 3 times as many deaths as I had before 15 minutes. Always a good game that way.


Guys, what is better for Alchemist; treads or phase? I've seen it both ways, but I'd like to know which one is generally more efficient.


Fuck I am so sick of the "five man relentless push at ten minutes" strat. It happens in every other fucking game these days and unless you have a prophet or tinker the only way to counter it is to do the same thing

I'll never forget the game I went Death Prophet mid in an All Random game. The other team had no proper carry, so they were trying to make Jakiro into their carry. At about 8 minutes, they 5-manned down mid. I got my Bloodstone and BoTs very quickly and just started dropping towers by myself. Dreams-Visions was playing Weaver that game and really doing some work. They kept pressuring mid while I took all of their towers by myself. When I knocked down their T3 top, they finally responded as I was beating on their tax. They got a stun on me, but I walked away just fine, due to having a racecar build. The plan was to just have the rest of or team defend mid while I kept doing what I was doing. I took top and bot rax singlehandedly. The only thing the other team could get was the mid rax, and this took them a very long time. Even then, Dreams was farmed enough to fend them off with the rest of the team. I was able to finish the game solo. All the enemy towers that dropped were by me.


So the best things to do are:

A. Just kill them.
B. If you have a pusher, 4-man them while your pusher pushes.
C. If you can push faster as 5, do that. It will end up with you trading their raxes for your towers.


It's the same circle of hell as people who, when you're captain, harass you to pick the hero they want to play rather than a hero that's good for the team. I wish they would just go play all pick.
At the same time, Captains that pick stuff you are not comfortable with (to a reasonable extent) and expect you to play like a pro are just as bad. If someone wants me to play Chen, they won't get a Puppey Chen for sure.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
A. Just kill them.
B. If you have a pusher, 4-man them while your pusher pushes.
C. If you can push faster as 5, do that. It will end up with you trading their raxes for your towers.
Yeah the problem is all of these things require a really well co-ordinated team and lately I haven't been able to get five-stacks together consistently

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
That does help, and in my example we had a 5-stack of GAFfers.

What's weird to me is that I'm pretty sure I'm not going up against five stacks and yet it seems much easier for enemy teams to co-ordinate this then any team I'm on. Not even in games that I handily win; even with randoms the games I'm in where we win easily are almost always more of the classic "some ganking some farming some pushing" midrange strategy, whereas it feels like every other enemy team these days goes for what I'm now calling the "lawnmower" strat


dat Shagbark hud



Wife got a Kraken's Bane from the new chest. Anyone want to trade the Slarder trident for it?

Edit: Should mention that it's the Tidehunter mace thing.


Any European players about here that are up for playing?. Don't think I can handle solo queuing any more after the last game I had.

Jug dives two people on full HP under a tower at lvl 2, dies, proceeds to blame lane partner and then literally says "Here comes the feed train". Spends the rest of the game hiding peoples items, getting the courier killed and feeding. I don't understand what the fuck people get out of doing that.


Any European players about here that are up for playing?. Don't think I can handle solo queuing any more after the last game I had.

Jug dives two people on full HP under a tower at lvl 2, dies, proceeds to blame lane partner and then literally says "Here comes the feed train". Spends the rest of the game hiding peoples items, getting the courier killed and feeding. I don't understand what the fuck people get out of doing that.

What skill level are you? I'm still pretty new so If you are good then I may be out of my depth but I'm certainly willing to try a few games when available.


Any European players about here that are up for playing?. Don't think I can handle solo queuing any more after the last game I had.

Jug dives two people on full HP under a tower at lvl 2, dies, proceeds to blame lane partner and then literally says "Here comes the feed train". Spends the rest of the game hiding peoples items, getting the courier killed and feeding. I don't understand what the fuck people get out of doing that.

Dota name?


So I just had possibly the longest game so far of my dota career. I was timbersaw,cus I love him to bits, and both teams ended up picking way too many carries (dat trench). I did pretty well throughout the game, got a bunch of kills and didn't die much, but we struggled to convert that success into towers. I went arcane into bloodstone like usual, then picked up BoTs as I love staying mobile and being able to get anywhere on the map. After that I got heart for the tankiness and radiance for damage as I knew I would be in and around fights a lot. But after a while my effectiveness in fights diminished as is natural on timbersaw. All their heroes were pretty tanky and they were starting to outfarm our guys to the point where they looked like they could beat us, continuously winning fights. In the end I managed to splitpush them into submission as we had taken the mid rax already but it was too close for comfort.
So this leads me to my questions.
1. What items should you get late game on timbersaw as I was rolling in money. I got a blademail as I was tanking lots of damage then a pipe, but sold the pipe later as I didn't feel it was doing much, then I just got another heart. Any particular choices that stick out, and was my build ok?
2. Was I stealing the available farm too much? I noticed that I was killing loads of lane creeps as I was always pushing when we weren't fighting, although we did fuck around mid a lot doing nothing. Should I have let the more carry like heroes take it?
3. If anyone is willing to watch the behemoth of a match, which I know is a lot to ask (I think it's a good one to watch though!) could I get some tips on my play both for timbersaw and in general?

Match ID: 326241264

Reposting as the first question at least would be really helpful. Sorry if this seems bothersome.
Guys, what is better for Alchemist; treads or phase? I've seen it both ways, but I'd like to know which one is generally more efficient.

I don't think there's a right answer, it just depends on what you want. I personally prefer treads because I like having that extra HP and attack speed to make me feel more survivable outside of his ult. Also you can tread switch to make the most of just getting regen from your ult. And I think I see treads more commonly in pro games.

On the other hand maybe you feel that chemical rage and the attack speed items you pick up will be enough and you just want the damage from phase. And I think the speed boost from phasing stacks well with increased movement when you use your ultimate.

Any European players about here that are up for playing?. Don't think I can handle solo queuing any more after the last game I had.
Yeah, my Steam ID is the same as my GAF name.

Reposting as the first question at least would be really helpful. Sorry if this seems bothersome.
I really like going shiva's after bloodstone. They extra int works well with % mana regen from the bloodstone. And timber has very low armour before reactive armour kicks in. The attack speed decrease and the slow from the active are really great for your team too. I think a hood by itself would have been ok, a lot of the time it isn't worth the extra 1500 to turn it into a pipe. And I would have gone for a scythe of vyse too as your team was lacking in hard disables.
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