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Dota 2 |OT| To Hell and Back and Back to Hell

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Still waiting for a Luna x Diana crossover


Corporate Apologist
So, for League of Legends, Coke is going to hold a League of Challenger Tier Player to win a Sponsorship from Coke and to play in the LCS.

When do we get our Mountain Dew Sponsored League?


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
When do we get our Morton's Sponsored League?


What I mean is that she's a succubus is she not?

she's the king of elze's dom that was summoned by a demonologist at his request because apparently the king of elze can't find a dom outside the immaterial realms of existence

she was so good at being his dom that he stopped doing kingly things and became a victim of regicide

remember kids, safe, sane, and consensual


relies on auto-aim
The kunkka rum one is nicer, I hope that one gets restocked too.
Yeah that's the one I'd prefer, but some extra valvebux would sweeten the deal.

pfft. she can be at any and every fight/defense after level 6 unless she's drastically underfarmed.

Really, she can fight very well in every team fight after 12 minutes if she has some basic items (phasers, yasha) which I consider a minimum expectation unless the lane was being dive-bombed with ganks constantly. Compare with someone like an AM who's still afraid of his own shadow even with a BF at that point in the game or a PA who also has that same shyness.

Well, unless you're maxing snake or something. I've not done that build yet, so I don't know how it hinders one's ability to help in team fights from the 10-20 minute range in-game.
Medusa is pretty boring sorry.

I'm starting to feel like I'm cursed to never get more than 35 wins over an even win/loss ratio (solo queue). I'll be on +34, win the game easily, and then the players on my team in the next game will be uncooperative, uncommunicative, and just generally playing the game like trench players rather than the reasonable and logical human beings I've become accustomed to in the the higher levels of matchmaking.

First game of the day (34 wins):

- Good lane composition. Duo safe (alch/lesh) with Furion jungling, Pudge mid, and myself as mirana in the suicide lane. Enemy team has some ridiculous 4 int lineup + Medusa doing level 1 ancients which they play WAY too aggressively and get punished. Leshrac immediately buys sentries and blocks ancients when I point out what 'Dusa is up to about 2 minutes in. They get rolled in about 30 minutes.

Second game of the day (35 wins):

- Enemy team gets OD, Ench, and Jakiro so I pick Pugna as a counter and ask for a solo lane. My whole team randoms, giving us TA/Meepo/CK/CM. Meepo goes mid and CK/CM go safelane. So the TA comes with me. Not at all an ideal setup but part of playing solo queue is working around these little speedbumps.

Here's where I get frustrated: Hardlane TA bought boots/stick/1 tango with his random gold, a build that gives him very little chance of surviving or lasthitting anything against Jakiro/Slark with enchantress roaming out of the jungle. He still wasn't paying attention to the ward I'd placed in the jungle when Ench ran straight past it and killed him. He then rushed Skadi, by which I mean he had Skadi/Phase/wand at 40 minutes. Meanwhile CK was complaining about lag and bought Battlefury as his first major item for reasons that are unclear to me given that he didn't get it that quickly and their hardest carry was a Slark. CM spent the entire game splitfarming and getting picked off by Slark, while trying to buy a blink and a shadowblade.

I was trying to encourage the team to simply group up and push the enemy team over, which we could have done since OD or Ench didn't have a BKB so they had no way to avoid eating damage from my nether ward, and we had the far better CC/teamfighting spells, but my team was fixated on either farming up another useless item or diving the enemy past towers and dieing to the TP support that came in. At no point outside of the laning phase was there any hint of teamwork beyond several people gravitating to the little skirmishes that kept happening on their side of the river and then getting picked off by the entire enemy team.

I've been matched up with teams like this many a time, but not since I was in normal/high level MMR. What's weird to me is that it feels like this pattern of good team/bad team is getting repeated regularly, and I always seem to get one or two abysmal players on my team when I hit the 35 win mark.




Got matched against a 5-stack tonight, lost horribly.

Got matched against that same 5-stack in the next match, won.

We were a 4-stack. That felt awesome.


This Medusa is boring bandwagon? I am totally on it.
Sorry but afklolfarming for 45 mins while the rest of your team dies in teamfights just does not fly. At least AM can use his superior mobility to get out of the jungle and mana void once in a while. Medusa just pops out with a Linkens and pretends she's doing shit but really isn't at all.


relies on auto-aim
You're pretty boring!
No mobility, ez nuke, 2 toggles, press buttan ult.
Farm, get items, then r-click.


I'm starting to feel like I'm cursed to never get more than 35 wins over an even win/loss ratio (solo queue). I'll be on +34, win the game easily, and then the players on my team in the next game will be uncooperative, uncommunicative, and just generally playing the game like trench players rather than the reasonable and logical human beings I've become accustomed to in the the higher levels of matchmaking.
I felt this way trying to maintain a 10 win spread.
I just gave in to randoming and SD/RD/AR to learn the game better.

Also a bit of leadership can go a long way in pub games. Like I'm pretty new, but even just talking and getting at least 1 other person organized can help a lot. Still, terrible item starts that let you get lane bullied for 10 minutes usually suck.

Pick a carry next time
We were a 4-stack. That felt awesome.
Feels good when:
4-man stack
Need a split pusher
NP is in pool
Your random picks NP and plays well
This Medusa is boring bandwagon? I am totally on it.
Sorry but afklolfarming for 45 mins while the rest of your team dies in teamfights just does not fly. At least AM can use his superior mobility to get out of the jungle and mana void once in a while. Medusa just pops out with a Linkens and pretends she's doing shit but really isn't at all.
You should TP to team fights, but it doesn't change it really.


This Medusa is boring bandwagon? I am totally on it.
Sorry but afklolfarming for 45 mins while the rest of your team dies in teamfights just does not fly. At least AM can use his superior mobility to get out of the jungle and mana void once in a while. Medusa just pops out with a Linkens and pretends she's doing shit but really isn't at all.

And her attack speed
Me throwing stones at a lake is faster than her attack speed after 30 minutes
Who get snakes on Dusa nowadays anyway.

I think you get mystic snake if you're being contested more and want to try and harass opponents out of lane (or just counter harass.) If things are going swimmingly, you can skip it for the stats build.

I don't have much experience playing Medusa myself though, and I've never had a chance to try ancients with her. Need to get around to that sometime, but it always seems a bit risky.


Dota2Lounge is not seeing my backpack and it is/was scaring the shit out of me. Changed password successfully though and it seems to be on the site's end.


the new dk and team liquid are looking really good

have there been any other post-shuffle teams that are performing well? haven't seen any lgd-int games but i imagine they could do well with black


Dota2Lounge is not seeing my backpack and it is/was scaring the shit out of me. Changed password successfully though and it seems to be on the site's end.

Wait, changed your steam password? Doing so prevents steam trading for like 15 days iirc.
the new dk and team liquid are looking really good

have there been any other post-shuffle teams that are performing well? haven't seen any lgd-int games but i imagine they could do well with black

iG have been doing well post-shuffle. DK have been doing better.


Wait, really? I could have sworn I posted trades since the password change. Oh well.

In my experience, ppl who I've tried to trade with who've changed their passwords recently couldn't trade for awhile. I'm assuming it's there to protect stolen accounts for a period of time as the most popular thing phishers would do with stolen tf2 and dota 2 accounts would be to instantly sell/trade valuable items away.
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