I'm starting to feel like I'm cursed to never get more than 35 wins over an even win/loss ratio (solo queue). I'll be on +34, win the game easily, and then the players on my team in the next game will be uncooperative, uncommunicative, and just generally playing the game like trench players rather than the reasonable and logical human beings I've become accustomed to in the the higher levels of matchmaking.
First game of the day (34 wins):
- Good lane composition. Duo safe (alch/lesh) with Furion jungling, Pudge mid, and myself as mirana in the suicide lane. Enemy team has some ridiculous 4 int lineup + Medusa doing level 1 ancients which they play WAY too aggressively and get punished. Leshrac immediately buys sentries and blocks ancients when I point out what 'Dusa is up to about 2 minutes in. They get rolled in about 30 minutes.
Second game of the day (35 wins):
- Enemy team gets OD, Ench, and Jakiro so I pick Pugna as a counter and ask for a solo lane. My whole team randoms, giving us TA/Meepo/CK/CM. Meepo goes mid and CK/CM go safelane. So the TA comes with me. Not at all an ideal setup but part of playing solo queue is working around these little speedbumps.
Here's where I get frustrated: Hardlane TA bought boots/stick/1 tango with his random gold, a build that gives him very little chance of surviving or lasthitting anything against Jakiro/Slark with enchantress roaming out of the jungle. He still wasn't paying attention to the ward I'd placed in the jungle when Ench ran straight past it and killed him. He then rushed Skadi, by which I mean he had Skadi/Phase/wand at 40 minutes. Meanwhile CK was complaining about lag and bought Battlefury as his first major item for reasons that are unclear to me given that he didn't get it that quickly and their hardest carry was a Slark. CM spent the entire game splitfarming and getting picked off by Slark, while trying to buy a blink and a shadowblade.
I was trying to encourage the team to simply group up and push the enemy team over, which we could have done since OD or Ench didn't have a BKB so they had no way to avoid eating damage from my nether ward, and we had the far better CC/teamfighting spells, but my team was fixated on either farming up another useless item or diving the enemy past towers and dieing to the TP support that came in. At no point outside of the laning phase was there any hint of teamwork beyond several people gravitating to the little skirmishes that kept happening on their side of the river and then getting picked off by the entire enemy team.
I've been matched up with teams like this many a time, but not since I was in normal/high level MMR. What's weird to me is that it feels like this pattern of good team/bad team is getting repeated regularly, and I always seem to get one or two abysmal players on my team when I hit the 35 win mark.