The reason why Dota players get to shit on LoL and not the other way around is because Dota is the better game.
sorry, you mustve lost a lot of friends and familyYou really shouldn't talk about this if you weren't around during the D-A era.
its probably because youre a highly skilled player #road to ti4why am i good with troll but shit with everyone else?
81% winrate over 33 games now.
troll must be broken.
I think its time we just have one megathread OT for both gamesDota 2 |OT2| In Which We Discuss LoL
its probably because youre a highly skilled player #road to ti4
oh yesI think its time we just have one megathread OT for both games
sorry, you mustve lost a lot of friends and family
boken is an ambassador you should treat him with respectI see you're not really interested and just want to keep trolling. Nevermind me then.
hey no ill never forget the day 109 trained me
but the little bird has to fly off on his own and become greater than the master
srsly tho, so busy with tournament and gf. then next week, pokemon then hex some day. then if i ever get a hearthstone key
look at these first world problems.
I see you're not really interested and just want to keep trolling. Nevermind me then.
im serious in the sense that is how some of the old D-A'ers act, as if pendragon and riot had committed heinous war crimes on their families
even countries let the past go
Yeah a few days ago a team picked Troll first in Random Draft so I instagrabbed Spirit Breaker when it was our turn.Every once in a while it's good for the soul to have a game like this:
We had Huskar, Troll Warlord and the Space Cow - and despite the fact my anti-virus kept deleting the game every 10 minutes - we easily won. As soon as Space Cow mooed, death was sure to follow. I know they are overpowered - but a space cow / huskar combo is a thing of almost perfect evil.
Anyone ever had to deal with this error "#cef_error_header-138" ?
Basicaly I can't view the store or play games online.
Anyone ever had to deal with this error "#cef_error_header-138" ?
Basicaly I can't view the store or play games online.
What would you guys do with this Lockless Luckbox I have? Sell it for current price (~130) or open it, gamble on possibly doubling that money or possibly cutting it to a third.
Can't say that I have. Try verifying the files.
Google says that it may be a firewall issue, check window's firewall.
Tried verifying in steam as well as lowering and disabling firewalls and anti-virus software. Thanks for the reply though.
It's so weird, basically been playing for close to a year with zero issues and this just pops up all of a sudden. Been working crazy hours all week and was looking forward to getting my doto fix this weekend.
This happened to me a few months back.
I had to totally reinstall Steam and it worked again.
I wouldn't suggest that except as a last resort option though.
Always strange how some Dota players feel the need to shit on LOL whereas almost no LOL players shit on Dota.
It's the World of Warcraft syndrome.
Both games suck.
I don't understand what happened there, but it looks awesome.
let's do this
I don't understand what happened there, but it looks awesome.
I don't know why, but that looks sooo cute.
Na'vi practicing playing from behind or something, lol.
new OT already? thread moves too fast ;;
new OT already? thread moves too fast ;;