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Dota 2 |OT| To Hell and Back and Back to Hell

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I hadn't played Mirana in quite a long time til today, when I ran her in solo offlane against a Leshrac and Slark. Worked out well, and I killed Slark early game!

I used to always go Mirana mid, but I feel like offlane is better, since you are generally expected to gank or do something from mid, and if you miss your arrow, your game is through. I also think if you are offlane taking the ultimate at 6 is a necessity. I used to skip it if the situation called for it and get it later when I ran her mid.

Coordinating that ult with your team makes a world of difference, all in all, it's pretty much worth getting at 6 in all situations ever since the mana cost was reduced to 75. Very easy super smoke gank right in your pocket.




Kind of wish I had more items to get back into the betting game. Did a whole bunch for the qualifiers and ended up losing every bet.

Would have bet on Fnatic too. Probably would have skipped Kaipei so I suppose it breaks even in the long run.


I remember when smoke was not a thing. Oh and the time were the only boots you could get were Threads, regular or Teleport.

Or the time when the phase boots actuallly gave nice defense instead of damage. Perfect for supports!

Or when arcane boots didnt exist and we had Arcane Ring instead. Energy booster + ring of protection!

Or when Hood was made with Helm of Iron Will. The HoIW was TOO good in lane. Too good. I still get it first when getting a HoD

Edit: Just remembered:

When Blink Dagger didnt broke down on Damage, Kellen Dagger of Escape indeed
Same for HoT, and when Hot gave a fixed hp regen you could stack.

Oh you so pretty :lol
Ouch at those items. What happened?

You know what I love? Breaking the shield on purpose to get kills. Bonus point if you kill a hero with the nuke and another with the explosion
Old doto is best doto
I played old doto way back when you can:

- make ally invincible by teleporting (BoT) into them.
- Ezalor had many summons (phoenix and other creatures)
- there was a hero named Tirioukikaze or something with wildkin model (quickly removed)
- Razor has passive lightning ulti and chain lightnings
- you can buy aegis from the shop (games lasted for hours because of this with teams spamming them)
- MKB's recipe is different (can't remember now)
- there was an option for spawning supercreeps
- fun gamemodes like deathmatch and mirror match
- Naix has only 1 active skill
- no one ever wards.


I remember when riki had OP deathward. He was all I played for a week or two. Good times.

Then they reworked him and it was never the same.


I played old doto way back when you can:

- make ally invincible by teleporting (BoT) into them.
- Ezalor had many summons (phoenix and other creatures)
- there was a hero named Tirioukikaze or something with wildkin model (quickly removed)
- Razor has passive lightning ulti and chain lightnings
- you can buy aegis from the shop (games lasted for hours because of this with teams spamming them)
- MKB's recipe is different (can't remember now)
- there was an option for spawning supercreeps
- fun gamemodes like deathmatch and mirror match
- Naix has only 1 active skill
- no one ever wards.

You sir come from a time way before my own time.
I do remember about the Aegis!
But I remember Ezalor having Ignus Fatus (a wisp like Io) as his ultimate. Ignus Fatus, a summoned unit, could summon a lot of mages.
The towers became invincible before the rework on TP iirc.

I remember when riki had OP deathward. He was all I played for a week or two. Good times.

Then they reworked him and it was never the same.

Ha! That's stuff of legends that I always heard about but never got to see.

So do you remember all the reworks poor Treant had?
I remember having a owl that could stand on trees to scout.
Then he could plant trees that had no pathing (so you could walk through them)
Do not remember the rework on his other spells, other than the totally unbalanced ultimate that had huge CD and hold you for 3/4/5 for big damage per second


Remember IceFrog teasing new heroes adding a hidden quest to the game. You had to kill all the icefrogs (literally frogs inside a iceberg thing) hidden on the map and do stuff to sumon a gigantic overpowered version of a upcoming hero.


Corporate Apologist
I wish they could somehow implement a way to play 6.5X dota vs 6.78 dota.
It would be fun. And frustating.
Also what map layour would be use? 6.5X or 6.78? The small changes over time man.

I was really hoping Valve was going to do it when they first added Tournament version, since it was a full patch version apart, but they eventually dropped that kind of thing and just made Tournament not have all the CM heroes. Likely there will be some mods to do it once the SDK is released, lets just hope they are easy to use with other people and won't break to easily.
I remember when riki had OP deathward. He was all I played for a week or two. Good times.

Then they reworked him and it was never the same.

LOL at this. Riki's name changes each game from famous ninjas although Hayabusa is the only other name I can recall. Riki with perma invi (not his ulti I think) can plant his ulti, Death Ward (now WD's ulti) and can vanish away because it is not channelling. What a troll.
So how many heroes are we missing in Dota 2 from DotA? There's Techies and Terrorblade.... anyone else?

  • Legion Commander
  • Phoenix
  • Earth Spirit
  • Abyssal Underlord (Pitlord in original dota)
  • Ember Spirit
  • Soulkeeper (Terrorblade)
  • Arc Warden
  • Techies
  • Oracle
  • Winter Wyvern
  • Superman
  • Batman
  • Mr. Eggplant
Last night me and my friends had an enemy lifestealer jump inside of one of the neutral creeps our Chen was controlling. The Chen was quick enough to send the neutral creep home to the fountain. I dont know why the lifestealer thought it would make a difference, but apparently he was going to wait in that creep until Chen replaced it with another. Took him a couple of minutes to figure out we were more than happy to leave him in our fountain the entire game so he finally jumped out to his death.


will learn eventually
Forgot how long it takes to teach just the Dota basics. Mito was as much surprised as I am. Took about 1 1/2h till I felt, that I have explained everything regarding the core concepts.

But I played a real match after that with another new Dota Gaf player, Mr. Swar and we managed to win!


So I'm still pretty to gaf and I just decided to pick up dota2 this week since it officially released. Things have been going good until I decided to queue a medium bot game with my buddy who is also is new. I just had my worst game yet as brood mother. And man it was a long one.

Right now I'm a little put off, but I'll give it another try soon.

Losing to medium bots.. they barely even attack you, how did that happen? :eek:

Brood is very shitty these days though, lower win rate than Meepo these days. They really need to buff her.

Anyway just keep playing and try more heroes. It'll take a while
but it gets better.
Who's ready for disappointment tonight? :)

I'm already getting disappointment this morning with Blaze. I don't know if I could handle anything else today. Won't be able to enjoy anything that goes on the main client tomorrow anyway since I'll be traveling.

Though surprise Legion Commander could be nice. I bet duel has a fuckload of bugs/odd interactions when she's out though.


anyone else's dota 'uninstalled' itself
i logged into steam and dota doesnt appear on my steam installed list of games
i look into my steam common directory, the 'dota 2 beta' is still there (5.8gbs)
was playing yesterday night fine


I played old doto way back when you can:

- there was a hero named Tirioukikaze or something with wildkin model (quickly removed)

I didn't play much Dota back in the day but one of the few things I remember is some hero called Gambler or Gambit or something along those lines. He kind of used gold to cast his spells. Was a bit of fun though I have no idea if he was unbalanced or not. I'm assuming he was since he was removed but I never hear about him compared to things like old Riki.
anyone else's dota 'uninstalled' itself
i logged into steam and dota doesnt appear on my steam installed list of games
i look into my steam common directory, the 'dota 2 beta' is still there (5.8gbs)
was playing yesterday night fine

That happened to my Secret World installation the other day. Wierd.


only Fernando's ripe melons are good enough for me
I am fairly new to the game (only about 125 hours played) and I'm having trouble with team composition. I know that this is difficult because some people are going to play whoever the hell they want to play. But, I like to win so I often find myself waiting until the end of the draft in order to counter the other team's hero picks. This question isn't solely based on countering the other team's heroes though. I guess, there are a few main bullet points to my question:

1) what is an ideal composition for a team (i.e.: how many support, how many carry, etc.)?
2) is there anywhere that has a listing of heroes and which heroes are good counters to them?
3) can I get some clarification on the terms carry, support, etc?
4) is there a convenient way to remember which heroes are carry, support, etc? For example, I couldn't tell you which class Sniper falls into.

I started playing this game only about 2 months ago and I literally jumped right in. The learning curve was steep and I feel that my mechanics have gotten much better in the past 2-3 weeks, but I think a big part of this game is understanding the gameplay and the factors I mentioned above. I played a fair amount of SC2, and although I was terrible, I understood why I was terrible (I was just too lazy to constantly make SCV's, upgrade units from the various buildings, haha).

Any help here would be greatly appreciated!


i don't know if they're just not taking it seriously or what but alliance really has not been playing up to their usual standards lately


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
I am fairly new to the game (only about 125 hours played) and I'm having trouble with team composition. I know that this is difficult because some people are going to play whoever the hell they want to play. But, I like to win so I often find myself waiting until the end of the draft in order to counter the other team's hero picks. This question isn't solely based on countering the other team's heroes though. I guess, there are a few main bullet points to my question:

1) what is an ideal composition for a team (i.e.: how many support, how many carry, etc.)?
2) is there anywhere that has a listing of heroes and which heroes are good counters to them?
3) can I get some clarification on the terms carry, support, etc?
4) is there a convenient way to remember which heroes are carry, support, etc? For example, I couldn't tell you which class Sniper falls into.

I started playing this game only about 2 months ago and I literally jumped right in. The learning curve was steep and I feel that my mechanics have gotten much better in the past 2-3 weeks, but I think a big part of this game is understanding the gameplay and the factors I mentioned above. I played a fair amount of SC2, and although I was terrible, I understood why I was terrible (I was just too lazy to constantly make SCV's, upgrade units from the various buildings, haha).

Any help here would be greatly appreciated!

You'll typically see pros play a team that consists of the standard 5 positions:

1. Carry - Strong right click, largely item dependent, needs gold
2. Mid - Earlier levels, also usually item dependent, needs gold
3. Offlaner - Usually more survivability, less item dependent, moderate gold
4. Soft Support - More team item purchasing (Mech/Vlad/Pipe/etc), less item dependent, moderate/low gold
5. Hard Support - Most independent on items, buys lots of wards, smoke, dust...expendable items to control map​

In pubs this varies dramatically, as you'll often see anywhere from 2-4 carries picked because everyone loves to be the hero. This strategy isn't completely useless, but it would be heavily dependent on either winning the laning phase by outplaying the other team and snowballing on multiple heroes, or pushing the game late where they should be unstoppable.

The higher in tiers you go in Dota, the more like the standard layout above you'll see. Not saying that straying from the formula is bad, but it's generally accepted that this is the standard lineup.

As far as hero roles specifically, in game you'll actually notice that there are icons on each hero designating their specific attributes like initiator or durable or carry or support...etc. While these aren't 100% accurate by the current meta, they should give you a decent idea of what to expect from the hero.

As far as hero weaknesses, I don't believe I've seen a specific breakout of those anywhere besides the DotaFire guides that attempt to spell out best allies and worst enemies. The old DotaCinema guides tried to do this as well.

This game is so diverse that spelling out hero weaknesses except in a few obvious cases would be rough to do accurately.


I am fairly new to the game (only about 125 hours played) and I'm having trouble with team composition. I know that this is difficult because some people are going to play whoever the hell they want to play. But, I like to win so I often find myself waiting until the end of the draft in order to counter the other team's hero picks. This question isn't solely based on countering the other team's heroes though. I guess, there are a few main bullet points to my question:

1) what is an ideal composition for a team (i.e.: how many support, how many carry, etc.)?
2) is there anywhere that has a listing of heroes and which heroes are good counters to them?
3) can I get some clarification on the terms carry, support, etc?
4) is there a convenient way to remember which heroes are carry, support, etc? For example, I couldn't tell you which class Sniper falls into.

I started playing this game only about 2 months ago and I literally jumped right in. The learning curve was steep and I feel that my mechanics have gotten much better in the past 2-3 weeks, but I think a big part of this game is understanding the gameplay and the factors I mentioned above. I played a fair amount of SC2, and although I was terrible, I understood why I was terrible (I was just too lazy to constantly make SCV's, upgrade units from the various buildings, haha).

Any help here would be greatly appreciated!

I see what you're saying, but early on (low level, if you will) winning doesn't rely so much on team composition as it does you carrying your team to victory. Your best chance to win is to get good with a few good carries (or gankers) and just make the other team's life miserable.

That said:

1) No ideal composition per say. As you can have people jungle, tri lane (three heroes to one lane), two top - one mid - two top (2-1-2), there is no ideal composition. If you have two supports, splitting up support items is nice. You'll want to generally avoid 2 heroes in the jungle, or having two heroes that need a lot of farm to be effective in the same lane

2) Not specifically that I'm aware of. You can ask in here and people can tell you which hero has the capacity to counter another. For example: Axe can counter Abaddon and Broodmother, Bounty Hunter can counter a jungling Ursa early, etc.

3) Lots of terms are interchangeable, try here: http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=366357 If that doesn't answer your questions, come back with specifics :)

4) You'll eventually know, but DotA 2 actually has some icons that help out (if you go to learn and select a hero I believe you'll see things like "escape", "ganker", "carry" etc). In theory, any hero can play any position. Some are obviously better than others, but it mostly takes practice and just time playing to know who is doing what during a game (or rather, before the game starts and heroes are picked).

edit: beaten by the qub... reminds me of my childhood. bastard :mad:


only Fernando's ripe melons are good enough for me
thanks for the quick and helpful responses guys. Much appreciated. I will take a look at the TL page and do a bit more research. I just have gotten frustrated recently because I find myself in games where my team has no range, or no stun, etc.


thanks for the quick and helpful responses guys. Much appreciated. I will take a look at the TL page and do a bit more research. I just have gotten frustrated recently because I find myself in games where my team has no range, or no stun, etc.

welcome to the trench
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