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Dota 2 |OT| To Hell and Back and Back to Hell

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Yess won a good game as Windrunner. Still trying to apply those stuns and powershot is actually hard, dunno why shes taken as a beginner character by the game :)

Windrunner has a lot of mechanics attached to her which help new players learn how to play.

Shackleshot is a targeted spell which is affected by what's around the target, and can affect more than just the target. It helps teach the player to pay attention to enemy positioning as well as your own positioning.

Powershot is a channeled, ground targeted spell that destroys trees and is a skill shot. It gets the player to start predicting how enemies will move. Destroying trees is also an effective tool for chasing or stopping jukes.

Windrun is an instant spell with multiple effects. It grants 100% evasion, which players will eventually learn only applies to auto attacks when they notice spells aren't being dodged. It also gives them speed while slowing down enemies, making it a great survivability skill for new players. Simply press the button and run away.

Focus fire can target buildings, which is one of the new spells which can affect buildings at all. It teaches players that skills aren't only for use against players/creeps.

So while WR is difficult to master, and even somewhat difficult to play at first, she is useful to very new players who are still learning the basic mechanics.


No he's not, Meepo is

That's not how you spell Treant.

Tusk is also the worst hero in the game

Really? His combos are fantastic, Q, then W with an ally, then R, instant kill, and maybe a second kill right after. Super easy and it has an 'action' feeling I really love. His 'radar' is also super useful if you want to push early and are open to a gank...


Really, a dachshund chasing a sausage is where you draw the line?

But that chicken with a jetpack, the walking tree stump with a chest on his back, that flying panda (who is also a captain), shagbark with his swag sunglasses, the pirate octopus with the big lips and of course, the greevil are all fine?

Bavarian Dachshund fits perfectly and looks great.

c'mon son



Should I be using TP scrolls for going back to base and getting to team fights? And when should I be going back to base when couriers exist?


Really, a dachshund chasing a sausage is where you draw the line?

But that chicken with a jetpack, the walking tree stump with a chest on his back, that flying panda (who is also a captain), shagbark with his swag sunglasses, the pirate octopus with the big lips and of course, the greevil are all fine?

Bavarian Dachshund fits perfectly and looks great.

c'mon son


The chicken was the original TDA courier. I preferred Furion delivery of Doto 1.

But yeah post-Beta is for dat casual $$$$
dd gm vlv. Plz disbnd

Why even bring up the am set when talking about couriers? Couriers have always been crazy

Nothing is more fun than AM stomping. Gives people nitemarezzz
Should I be using TP scrolls for going back to base and getting to team fights? And when should I be going back to base when couriers exist?
Yes plz
If you never go back as a hard carry, yur out of trench. Congrats.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
And when should I be going back to base when couriers exist?
When you need to heal and ferrying a health or mana pot is not worth the time/gold. Such as when you're low on health and mana, so that you'd need 150-200g worth of regen to get back in shape. Supports should be a lot less reluctant to go back to base, because they need to save the gold for wards and such.

Carries should strive to stay in lane for as long as feasible. If you're too low to farm and the lane is bullying you hard, feel free to go back to base to heal up and find a new lane.
Should I be using TP scrolls for going back to base and getting to team fights?
TPs should be used to get back into a lane if you're a carry. The only exception to this is if they're on the lookout for ganks so you might want to keep it off cooldown for running away. Or you've used the gold on finishing a key item like Midas, Armlet, Bfury, Sblade, etc.

If you're a support, you should walk and save the TP for responding to ganks/tower dives in most cases.

Always carry a TP. If you can afford it, buy 2 so you can use one to get back to the lane and hold the other one in reserve in case you need it.
Should I be using TP scrolls for going back to base and getting to team fights? And when should I be going back to base when couriers exist?

You should almost always use couriers when transporting items from base or from secret shop to you. Going back to base for the sole purpose of getting the item is a waste of time, potential gold and experience.

You should also have TP almost all the time. They are very valuable for escape, responding to team fights, and just generally saving the time to walk. Don't always use TP from base to tower after replenishing your HP/MP, especially if you have slow farm.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
I thought you can just courier items?

That particular case assumes you went back to base in the first place and finished the item while there.


For carries:
If you're in base, use a TP to get back into lane.
If you're in the field, TP to base only if you're running from a gank.
Use couriers to ferry items and regen to you for as long as it is safe to stay in lane.

For supports:
Save TPs for potential tower-defending/ganking/counterganking/carry-protection.
Conserve gold for wards and courier by walking to and from base instead of ferrying regen.

There are many exceptions to these guidelines but I won't mention all of them for the sake of simplicity.
Really, a dachshund chasing a sausage is where you draw the line?

But that chicken with a jetpack, the walking tree stump with a chest on his back, that flying panda (who is also a captain), shagbark with his swag sunglasses, the pirate octopus with the big lips and of course, the greevil are all fine?

Bavarian Dachshund fits perfectly and looks great.

c'mon son


*sigh* I shouldn't have sold that courier.


I've been having good luck with Medusa since the patch. Old Medusa felt like she had zero teamfight presence until lategame, but the new Stone Gaze has been great to help stop pushes so you retain enough map control to find farm.

My last game with her:


(Shadow Shaman was the true MVP that game.)


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Zeus force staff is good. Keeps him alive, bit of extra mana, easy build path, good for chasing.

Force staff is still one of the best items in the game.


Just started playing this, my first MOBA. I haven't got to any of the real online games, working my way through the tutorial. Kept getting an ass kicking in the first lane tutorial until I switched to the dragon knight (?) and equipped a regen ring.

I'm amazed at the presentation of the game. The menu's and interface, its all so slick and nice looking. I spent ages just looking at videos and scrolling through articles and whathaveyou, watching friends replays. There's a lot to consume, and I have a lot to learn.


Second-rate Anihawk
I'm actually confused why the dota thread isn't in community. Not that I'm complaining, community is basically a death sentence. I'm happy it's still here.

I think 2 weeks after release threads get sent to die.

So we have 6 days left.


Warlock is the real deal. He isn't niche in any regard. He's a massive problem for the opposing team no matter how you play him (unless you play him poorly!). I'd like to think that makes him superior in nearly every situation, though I know saying the word "every" and it ever being true is a fool's dream. So I'll just say most situations.

Shadow Demon is a common pick that instantly destroys Warlock's long cooldown ultimate with the click of a button from far range. Alternatively, diffusal blade carriers also wreck the only reason Warlock is picked in the first place. Also alternatively are heroes that can pick him from afar and wipe him out before he even gets to do anything, like Storm or Clock or Qop or Pudge. Warlock usually isn't afforded the luxury of a BKB or Kraken Shell so he's susceptible to being killed or forced to blow his ultimate. I don't remember the last time I lost to Warlock.

Sometimes you might value Enigma over Warlock. Enigma can free up a lane and farm the jungle. Enigma also power farms faster than many laners. Enigma can also push very early, can gank, and has a 5-second BKB-piercing AOE ultimate, whereas Warlock's ultimate pierces BKB for like, 0.5 seconds before getting blown up.

Sometimes you might value Tide over Warlock. Tide can roam and gank with just a bottle. Tide is a decent offlane. Tide is an awesome mid solo against other melees, and he doesn't really die to roaming ganks like Warlock does. Tide is guaranteed his ultimate almost every fight. Tide outputs more raw damage than Enigma or Warlock. Tide can also be played as a support with lane presence, unlike Lock. Tide killed Kunkka and his crew while Warlock is a little bitch.

Different heroes, different roles.

Would Meepo work as part of a defensive trilane? It would solve his problem of getting harassed out of lanes, his net can be used as a follow-up stun to a more reliable stun or slow, poof is a pretty decent nuke early on, and the supports could stack jungle camps for when he's 6. Net even prevents heroes from going invis, which would be nice against someone like a solo BH. Is it just a case of other carries being better at it?

That's his ideal position IMO. Why it's so ideal is not because he can get EZ kills (he can with a proper set up), it's because his supports can stack the jungle for him so he skyrockets out of control as soon as Meep hits level 7. Only do this if your opponent is doing a defensive trilane too, because Meepo is pretty weak in a tri v tri situation. If the opponent is doing a defensive trilane, you'll easily win the farm and xp war and can crush them midgame. In ideal scenarios I can get a ten-minute aghanim's scepter.

No he's not, Meepo is
That's not how you spell Treant.

are you guys actively trolling me

Also guys my monitor looks really weird ever since I got a 3DS, are my eyeballs going to explode?


Ohh thank you ^^ Looks nice. It would be better if it also added like a super guide and artworks from the gamr like an official guide or something like that thats updated every week.
It won't help you learn the game at all. It's really only worth it if you're interested in The International and the battle point booster and other goodies it comes with.
I bought it a while ago simply because the super long battle point booster was worth it in my eyes.


lol and this is why there is no Surrender option

Losing game within 8 minutes badly, our mid D/c 3 times. Our jug was mad about the lanes and bitched and pouted for the first 10 minutes.

the other team was pausing FOR us and our jug was unpausing because he wanted the kunka to get an abandon so he could leave

we ended up winning and carrying the jug after he called us idiots for 15 minutes haha

the other team was probably so pissed, they literally paused FOR us like 4 times
Ever since the release, I've had almost every other game ruined by some noob player playing in the wrong tier. I can't really remember games being this ruined by players at all prior to release, yet now it is happening with consistency. I'm in "high" queue, so apparently if you say you are an experienced player this is where you end up. Pretty lame really, you'd think they would take some steps to separate veteran players from new entries. Also when the player clicks "experienced", it should say underneath it something like "just because you are experienced at other games similar to DOTA does not mean you are experienced at DOTA". Pretty sure that the big problem is LoL players thinking they can just waltz into DotA and do great.


Ever since the release, I've had almost every other game ruined by some noob player playing in the wrong tier. I can't really remember games being this ruined by players at all prior to release, yet now it is happening with consistency. I'm in "high" queue, so apparently if you say you are an experienced player this is where you end up. Pretty lame really, you'd think they would take some steps to separate veteran players from new entries. Also when the player clicks "experienced", it should say underneath it something like "just because you are experienced at other games similar to DOTA does not mean you are experienced at DOTA". Pretty sure that the big problem is LoL players thinking they can just waltz into DotA and do great.

Actually it's your mentality that's the harmful one.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
First Boken, now you.

What is going on?



First Boken, now you.

What is going on?


Pretty sure both me and Boken played DOTA long before many of the people in this thread did.

Well please, explain how? The way I would think matchmaking would work is that it would match players of the same experience / play level against each other. That's all I'm asking for.

Being disappointed with the matchmaking is fine I suppose. Just don't get upset at players for being new and wanting to try something new.
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